Yust started a self improvement group :)

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by NF SINCE BIRTH, Dec 13, 2014.


    NF SINCE BIRTH Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Hi! I started a new group today. It is a little different than the other groups I found out there. It is called NEXT LEVEL: THE GAME. My vision is that it should suit fapstronauts on all levels, and help people to self improvement by making self improvement challenges. It is an open group so everyone can post suggestions on how to make this a great group :)

    Here is what I wrote in the description:

    Want to make nofap a game? In this game you have to stay clean for as long as possible and complete self improvement tasks along the way. Do you have what it takes to reach the final level?

    Please check it out :)

  2. Whatever

    Whatever Fapstronaut

    This is a great idea
  3. FastingPrayerSleep

    FastingPrayerSleep Fapstronaut

    Interesting. But I don't want to repel good willed people with my intensity. I just hate thinking of my life as a game lol.

    Really though I do :/.