WTF :)

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by JBG, Aug 11, 2017.

  1. JBG

    JBG Fapstronaut

    Hello mates

    First of all sorry for my bad english. If someone dont understand a word you can ask me.

    I heard about nofap, at the beginning of this year. But Im struggling with this addiction since last Christmas. It was the point when I noticed that it makes me feel depressed and anxious after i do it. even if i do it without porn.

    Im a very sexual person, my libidos is always on pump, so i started fapping at the age of 13 i think. It was a fcking great feeling, can't forget this day. I was faping at a sex scene from a mainstream movie (Mr Black with Brad Pit)

    In time I improved, got sone dvds, got a computer, later I became internet.

    I always was an introverted child cause of some familiar reasons.

    With 15 i began to drink alcohol, lot of alcohol and most of the time vodka and hard stuff :( with 18 i began to smoke weed and till one month ago i was consuming all kind of drugs. opiates, amphetamines, psychedelics, benzodiazepines, alcohol.

    Im now addicted to all kind of sht since approx ten years, fapping a little longer.

    I tried since that Christmas to stop faping many times, always chrashed after 14days. The longest road was 16 or 17.

    Now im again at day 13 and i will do it till the end. There wont be a way back this time. I left my hometown, left all my friends, family and everyone who knows me. Im trying to become a new and fresh person, the person who i always was but never had the chance to be shown.

    Glad to be here
  2. JBG

    JBG Fapstronaut

    i wrote that im off since one month. I havent done any drugs since than and i never will do. I think this sounds good ;)