Wouldn't it be nice to get tuned on by real girls than porn stars?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by vegan90, Apr 26, 2016.

  1. vegan90

    vegan90 New Fapstronaut

    I remember back in my teens when I would get boners by interacting with real girls who were my friends. They varied from unattractive to attractive but I still got a boner when I would talk or had feeling for them because they were nice and warm. There was charm, trust and a sense of "familiarity" involved. It was real life. I call these "ethical boners" or "valid boners".

    Pornography now gives us a distorted sense of what a women should be, that they should have a giant piece of ass and flotation devices as tits. They are more fake than Chinese counterfeit products and don't mean anything to us yet we actually let them have the power to control our day? I'm a libertarian - if you want to have sex for money go right ahead but it's the industry that's the problem, it absolutely vitiates the feeling of real sex and our sense of bodily pride. Sure these porn stars look great, but just imagine those days when you had a crush on that 7/10 who said you were the funniest guy ever and you meant something to her. You were turned on for a damn good reason and it felt right! Good days.

    I think we have this addiction to porn because of sexual repression and lack of true intimacy, even in the western society. Schools have not taught us the destructive and warping effects of porn. It should really be banned, like in Singapore.

    We like to justify porn is not bad because sex is natural to humans. It is wired in us. True, but porn is simply not REAL or even SEX. It's a masquerade - it makes us vicariously live out those fantasies.

    I managed to quit porn for 9 months (not masturbation) but now I am back to watching it. I go into self-loathing sometimes. I wish I had a loving girlfriend that I could have sex with often so I could get rid of this stupid habit. Then I think, maybe that's not required - what are the benefits of being celibate. Sexual transmutation to become more productive? I simply don't know where to start. I'm not an addict but am dependent. Ok I guess I am a little bit of an addict. I need to stop porn NOW. And then, I will curtail masturbation as well. One at a time!
    Jerry the Fapstronaut likes this.
  2. DocZhivago

    DocZhivago Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    So, make the commitment to stop porn for 30 days, which should be a pretty doable thing. Then move into the masturbation part if you think it's not leading you in the direction you want to go.
    vegan90 likes this.