The Gospel and its power.

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. Esteban

    Esteban Fapstronaut

    In this post, I'll share my very short view of the Gospel and I do so because I think it can help some of view realize the beauty of God. When you truly see His beauty, totally know Him and fully love him, getting read of PMO will be child play.

    God bless you !

    The Gospel.

    Jesus is God the Son who came on earth to live in the flesh. He created all things, the Universe was created by Him, for Him.
    Why did he come ? To re-conciliate His people with God.
    Because of Eve and Adam's decision to eat the apple mankind became separated with God.

    But God was gracious and already prepared his plan of salvation to re-conciliate mankind with Him.
    It was the plan of God since the beginning.
    Since Genesis, it was the plan of God.

    In Genesis 3 we can see more clearly this plan already set into action :
    Genesis 3:15
    And I will put enmity between you [The serpent = Satan] and the woman [The Church], and between your offspring and hers; he [Jesus] will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."

    The Woman is the Church of God.

    Here you have it. God said Jesus will crush Satan on the Cross. (he [Jesus] will crush your head. Where was the cross ? On mount Golgotha which means Skull.)
    And Jesus was pierced by the Romans..

    Then you have all the stories of the Old Covenant of God with the posterity of Abraham. Jacob, Isaac, Noah, Moses, David.. They ALL point to Christ. All the stories are fore-shadowing Christ.
    Why ?
    Well, because

    1. they prophesied of Christ

    2. they are similar to the person of Christ for it was ordained by God to be so for us to see the similarities and be astonished.

    And indeed, your faith grows so strong when you realized that all those prophecy were fulfilled in Christ.
    God is faithful and doesn't give up on His people.

    So to come back to Jesus. For everything is about Jesus Christ. Jesus came to create a new covenant between God and man.

    Because of Adam's fault, we are apart from God. And we can see that because we live in a sinful world. And we are sinners ourselves. The one who say they have no sin condemn themselves for there is no one without sin. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
    Worst than that. No once is able to come to God because we are dead in sin.
    Thus we need God's grace to renew our mind and our heart so that we can freely choose Him.

    But then what about our sins ?
    Jesus died for the sins of His people. He took sin upon himself. he became sin. God the son !!! He became sin for His sheep ! The Holy God took the sins of His people. How sad and shameful should we feel when we know that truth :(

    This is powerful and it should make every christian bow down and realize that we are wretched and terrible people. Unholy.
    by giving his life for the sins of his people, Christ's righteousness was imputed unto us and the Father now sees us as Holy. He doesn't see our sins anymore.
    If God has chosen someone to be saved, then he will be saved for no one can resist God's call and God's grace. And the names of the people who will be saved was written in the book of life of the lamb, before the foundation of the world.
    When someone is saved, his salvation is secured.
    One cannot fall out of grace. If someone say he is a Christian then doesn't believe anymore, he was never saved to begin with.

    Christ redemptive work on the cross was definitive and efficient.

    Also, when one are saved, the Holy Spirit comes in this person and gives him life. He protects him in a spiritual way so that this person knows what is sinful. The Holy Spirit also works in the Saints (saints = christian who are saved) for their sanctification (= becoming better in the high of God, for instance letting go of PMO)

    One cannot save himself, no amount of good works can save someone.
    it's only by the grace of God and the gift of faith God gives us.

    To become Christian, one needs to come to true repentance and realize all the truth I just spoke about. Faith and repentance go together and cannot be separated.

    So many people think they can just call themselves Christian and they will be saved. Nothing is further from the truth.
    The Truth is that after God gives you His grace, you are made a new creature. Then you come to true repentance, accept that you are a sinner in need of Jesus Christ. Then you are made right with God by the blood of Christ.
    Then the Holy Spirit works in you and you should produce fruits. You realize you have to obey your master, who is Christ the Risen Savior and our Lord.
    You obey by following his command and be a good servant for God.
    if you are truly saved all this should come naturally.

    Indeed, if for instance you live a life of debauchery like being a drunk or being addicted to sexual immorality. Then after God called you, you will instantaneously come to repentance and forsake your past lifestyle to be conformed with Christ. Of course sometimes it takes time to become perfect and we will never be perfect in this life.

    BUT a clear change should be noticed if you are truly saved.

    Conversion to Christ is not as much an intellectual choice on your part but a choice by God to save you. And if you think God saved you then it should be seen that you are saved. We should see the fruits and we should see the love of Christ in you.

    This is the beauty of Christianity.

    You cannot do anything. God does it all for you.

    Even the fact that you obey God doesn't come from you but from God. You will do it naturally if you are indeed saved for Christ would be in you.

    I did not give any verse but I could give you all you want.

    If you have any questions on the Gospel I can answer you, with Scriptures, just PM me.

    One example to show you how people in the Old Testament are shadows of Christ.
    The story of Moses and the Pharaoh. God said to Moses, kill some lambs and with their blood, paint the doors of the Jews so that when God passes over Egypt he will kill all firstborns except the ones from the Jews.
    And He did.
    Do you see ho this relates to Christ on the cross. The only Son of God who became a Lamb for our sins and by His blood we were saved from the wrath of God to come on the reprobate (people who will never believe)
    The story has even more connections when you study the text deeply.

    And it is like that in ALL of Scriptures.
    All of it.
    It's pretty insane when you start to see it and understand it.

    Praise to God !