Starting My Life again

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. Resist@1

    Resist@1 Fapstronaut

    Hi guys
    Am starting everything with Jesus Christ
    in my life again, let's all try to change our
    Life with the nofap rules
    * Cold shower
    * Meditation
    * Exercises
    * Journal
    And as a Christian these are also some rules for you
    * Praying
    * Fasting
    * Reading the Bible everyday

    If you are ready to change your life like how am changing mine always comment in this thread and we are going to build a strong community
    I was researching on nofap and I use to fap a lot but now we will be doing it together if you are interested
    We will be first doing it in this thread for while
    And then do it on WhatsApp
  2. Tao Jones

    Tao Jones Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Sounds great! I am cheering you on!
  3. Resist@1

    Resist@1 Fapstronaut

    Thanks may God richly bless you
    ferret XD likes this.
  4. Resist@1

    Resist@1 Fapstronaut

    * Cold shower ✓
    * Meditation ✓
    * Exercises ✓
    * Journal ✓
    * Praying ✓
    * Read a scripture ✓
    Hi guys
    I just finished all these nofap to-do list,
    I will be posting the nofap to-do list here for you guys to be my accountability partners because now I have you guys as my friends, teachers etc.
    And the reason is that I want to replace PMO with these habits and even start to learn so that I can meet my goals

    If you also want to do the same then we can do it together

    Always remember that RIP MR PMO
    and It means Rest in Punishment MR PMO
  5. Resist@1

    Resist@1 Fapstronaut

    Today's Nofap to-do list
    * Cold shower ✓
    * Meditation ✓
    * Exercises ✓
    * Journal ✓
    * Praying ✓
    * Read a scripture ✓
  6. Resist@1

    Resist@1 Fapstronaut

    Today's Nofap to-do list
    * Cold shower ✓
    * Meditation ✓
    * Exercises ✓
    * Journal ✓
    * Praying ✓
    * Read a scripture ✓
    Myfortress and ferret XD like this.
  7. Resist@1

    Resist@1 Fapstronaut

    Today's Nofap to-do list
    * Cold shower ✓
    * Meditation ✓
    * Praying ✓
    Myfortress, ferret XD and Kemar935 like this.
  8. Kemar935

    Kemar935 Fapstronaut

    keep going!
    Myfortress and ferret XD like this.
  9. Resist@1

    Resist@1 Fapstronaut

    Myfortress and ferret XD like this.
  10. Resist@1

    Resist@1 Fapstronaut

    Guys I just want to tell you that
    Because today I just did this nofap rule
    *Cold shower
    Kemar935 and ferret XD like this.
  11. Resist@1

    Resist@1 Fapstronaut

    I just want to make sure that am always saying the truth to you guys
    Kemar935, Tao Jones and ferret XD like this.
  12. Kemar935

    Kemar935 Fapstronaut

    Saying the truth is one of the most important steps in our recovery imo, even if it's one of the hardest things to do sometimes. Keep going!
    Tao Jones likes this.
  13. Resist@1

    Resist@1 Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys
    I really appreciate what you are doing
  14. Resist@1

    Resist@1 Fapstronaut

    Today's Nofap to-do list
    * Cold shower ✓
    * Meditation ✓
    * Praying ✓
    * Fasting
    * Read a scripture ✓
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2021
  15. Resist@1

    Resist@1 Fapstronaut

    Today's Nofap to-do list
    * Cold shower ✓
    * Meditation ✓
    * Journal ✓
    * Praying ✓
    * Fasting
    * Read a scripture ✓
    Gina3111 likes this.
  16. Resist@1

    Resist@1 Fapstronaut

    Today's Nofap to-do list
    * Cold shower ✓
    * Meditation ✓
    * Journal ✓
    * Praying ✓
    * Fasting
    * Read a scripture ✓
    * Pushups ✓
    Gina3111 likes this.
  17. Resist@1

    Resist@1 Fapstronaut

    Today's Nofap to-do list
    * Cold shower ✓
    * Meditation ✓
    * Journal ✓
    * Praying ✓
    * Fasting
    * Read a scripture ✓
    * Exercises ✓
    Gina3111 likes this.
  18. Resist@1

    Resist@1 Fapstronaut

    Hi guys I'm here to tell you that Stay hard
    Tao Jones likes this.
  19. Resist@1

    Resist@1 Fapstronaut

    Today's Nofap to-do list
    * Cold shower ✓
    * Meditation ✓
    * Praying ✓
    * Fasting
    * Read a scripture ✓
    Gina3111 likes this.
  20. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I've started this journey so many times only to fall. Slowly, far too slowly, I realized that consistency is the key. Daily prayer from my heart. Consistent determination not to stare at any alluring images or persons. Never keep my device in a convenient location nor use it when I am alone and feeling vulnerable.

    “It is by endurance that you will secure

    Possession of your souls."

    LUKE 21:18 (Knox)

    You have begun on the right path! Be determined to stay the course whether you are feeling tempted or not and you will succeed. May God bless you and your effort to love Him more dearly by obeying His word.
    Keli and Resist@1 like this.