Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by (Basil), Oct 26, 2022.

  1. (Basil)

    (Basil) Fapstronaut

    When a man ejaculates, he becomes weak, spineless, needy and wimpy.

    Ejaculation has been shown by multiple studies to decrease dopamine, reduce motivation, reduce energy and increase prolactin which in turn makes us feel sad, lonely and depressed.

    At this stage, women have all the power over him because he starts to believe that the external world will save him from the misery, so he does all he can to try to get a woman.

    He becomes a like a child, always relying on others for happiness and validation. And it never works. Instead, his neediness and desperation push people away.

    When a man retains for a long period of time, he starts feeling amazing. His dopamine rises and his prolactin decreases. His energy rises, and he becomes happy, fulfilled, content and non needy.

    A man that stops ejaculating begins to realize that happiness does not come from the external world, but from himself. He starts to love himself and love his new lifestyle. “Why would I get into a relationship when I can retain my seed and feel powerful like I do now?” He asks.

    The single life to the man who retains becomes a blessing, not a curse. He starts to laugh at the men who are constantly being drained of their masculine energy because he knows how much misery and suffering it causes. At this point, relationships and women have no appeal to the man who’s retaining. He has found the secret to true fulfillment (his seed).

    A man who retains his seed experiences true power. He doesn’t need anyone anymore. He’s content and happy with HIMSELF. He begins to realize that only he can make himself happy. Guess what? His seed is the catalyst to that power. And we all have access to it if we retain for a long time.

    Its time for you to access your own masculine power. Go and retain like your life depends on it damn it!
    JS44471, GoingHAM, Mr. R and 5 others like this.
  2. Yes I Can Man

    Yes I Can Man Fapstronaut

    So what should we do in a relationship? Sex without ejaculation?
  3. You did it with this one. This is pure motivation right here. Thank you for posting this.
    Kierann, Warrior4Freedom and (Basil) like this.
  4. I've been thinking to myself...when I retain, I feel so good. I feel, at times, like a completely different being. It makes me wonder why I ever revisit compulsive sexuality as a coping mechanism to make myself feel better. It goes to show how sneaky and subversive my ego is, and how it is always out to derive pleasure from the external world the moment I don't 'feel good'. I think for me, the key is to realize, like you said, that only I can grant myself the happiness and power I so desire. The minute I see orgasm and ejaculation as means of 'relief' or as a tool to 'feel better' - I need to revisit posts like this and remember how much better it is for me to retain. And it's my opinion, though perhaps unscientific, that when one of us retains, we lift all other men up simultaneously.

    And that's another thing. I think, as men, we all desire to feel powerful. There is a difference between true 'power' and 'force' - and the world has these two confused, I know I get them confused at times. True power is being whole and complete within oneself, and being able to stand on your own two, ten toes down. Force is being needy, 'forcing' women and the external world to give me what I think I need to be happy and complete. It seems to me that men have associated 'masculine power' with sexual prowess or scoring women. Masculine power is being self-sufficient, a monad unto oneself, knowing yourself and where you stand at all times. Knowing I don't need a woman to be a man. I choose the right woman, if I am being a man true to himself, if I choose to have a woman in my life at all. But I don't need her. Because the only time I find myself needing a woman is when I have the urge to procreate. And if I have the urge to procreate, I start a family - or I leave it. I'm not going to sit here and say that I could never truly love a woman, because I could. But if I do love a woman, it's because I CHOOSE to, not because I need to love her. I don't need to love her. I need to love myself. Retention helps me live life in that awareness and realization.
  5. (Basil)

    (Basil) Fapstronaut

    No problem my friend. We all need to access our masculine energy and power. Enough acting like little boys. We are MEN.
  6. (Basil)

    (Basil) Fapstronaut

    Yes I Can Man likes this.
  7. (Basil)

    (Basil) Fapstronaut

    such as awesome post man! Seriously I love your distinction between power and force. I also love how you mentioned that the majority of men think power comes from bending hundreds of women over but this is the furthest thing from the truth. Screwing a bunch of women makes you pathetic. A man that doesn’t have control over his desires is not a man at all. He lacks discipline, focus and strength. He’s weak and spineless. The celibate man is the strong man.
  8. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    how long does it take for it to be easy to get women and have them attracted to you? cause i constantly masturbate, probably 2-3 times a day, maybe more it depends. im trying my very hardest by going 90 days atleast by praying 5 times a day as i am muslim.

    but things i noticed in 5 days, even though i got back into exercising so this may have something to do with it, i notice feel actual muscle around my body, when i was masturbating all i felt was just fat and nothing more. could this be explained by all the vitamins and minerals semen contains? anyone that i would probably tell look at me crazy.
    Derek_5 likes this.
  9. Paolotrying

    Paolotrying Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the encouraging and guidance!
    (Basil) likes this.
  10. Yes I Can Man

    Yes I Can Man Fapstronaut

  11. (Basil)

    (Basil) Fapstronaut

    Impossible. It takes me at least a month to start feeling just a little better. When I reach 60-90 days that’s when I feel GREAT. Why would I feel like garbage for over a month when I can feel like a King? Is a 2 second orgasm really worth 30-60 days of suffering?
  12. Yes I Can Man

    Yes I Can Man Fapstronaut

  13. goodnice 2.0

    goodnice 2.0 Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    to answer your questions:

    no it’s best to not ejaculate unless it’s for procreation. how feasible this is for 99% of people? not very

    but it can definitely be done and can actually alleviate sexual tension and avoid all the negative side effects of orgasm

    either be celibate


    sex without orgasm. this is probably harder at least initially and will likely result in some mishaps

    Both present their own challenges. i personally believe both ways are good
  14. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    What is “true power “? What is the foundation stone that the builders rejected? Why did King Arthur have to draw the sword from the stone in order to become King?