Samuel-Auguste Tissot Quotes

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Jan 6, 2023.

  1. [Masturbation causes] "young persons [to] assume the air and the diseases of the aged; they become pale, stupid, effeminate, idle, weak and even void of understanding. Their bodies bend forward, their legs are weak, they have a disgust for everything, become fit for nothing and many are affected with paralysis."

    "The too great loss of semen produces weakness, debility, immobility, convulsions, emaciation, dryness, pains in the membranes of the brain; it impairs the senses (particularly that of sight), gives rise to dorsal consumption, indolence and to the several diseases connected with them."

    Samuel-Auguste Tissot, 1728-1797, Swiss physician
    A W A K E and Shaun_123 like this.
  2. Does anyone know about any similar doctors throughout history?