New Member Looking For AP

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. iHud

    iHud Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone! I am new to the NoFap community as of today. I am 20 years old and have been struggling with pornography since I was 15. I was overjoyed to see that there was a Christian group on this website. Even though I would love overcoming this battle of addiction with people of all backgrounds I am glad that I can do it with fellow siblings in Christ. I am looking for an accountability partner who would be willing to keep tabs on me. I really want to reach a 90 day goal (and then forevermore) but I'm gonna focus on just this first week for now.
    Flyhigh and Boyersr like this.
  2. The Wrestler

    The Wrestler Fapstronaut

    What are you hoping for/expecting from an AP? Why do you want to quit porn?
    iHud likes this.
  3. iHud

    iHud Fapstronaut

    I want to quit porn for multiple reasons. It distances me from family, friends and God. It has a negative impact on my behavior, for example I become more irritable and have little patience and overall I am not as joyful and energetic. Ultimately porn is a leach of the soul to me.

    As for what I expect from an AP. Someone who is going to be real with me, and isn't going to try to hide their mistakes, reality is we will continue to make mistakes. Someone that will encourage me to grow into a deeper relationship and understanding of God as well. I've found that in the past when I have been committed to reading my Bible God has had victory in my life. But then when I become disinterested in reading the word I fall back into old habits.
    Flyhigh and Leonardo_001 like this.
  4. Painlich

    Painlich Fapstronaut

    Do you still search for an AP?
    Since I am new to this site I am looking for someone.