Need help and support

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Matt1986, May 18, 2015.

  1. Matt1986

    Matt1986 Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone! Like many of you I started masturbating and looking at porn at a young age. I am a stage in my life where I wart to better my life and the people around me! I can't seem to get over the addiction. I have tried many times and always find a reason to do it. I need all the support and advice I can get. thanks!
  2. Nomorelosttime

    Nomorelosttime Fapstronaut

    Hi @Matt1986 , welcome to nofap. I hope you find this a supportive and safe place. Below is a bunch of information from another user that I found really helpful. Its a bit overwhelming because its a long list, but I hope a few of them are helpful to you. Definitely keep coming back. Peace to you!

    • Get educated - There are a number of videos including a famous Ted talk called "Your Brain on Porn" which is highly recommended to a newbie. Again, these are mostly related to how porn effects the brain which you may not be so inclined towards if P is not really a problem for you. If your interested, check them out. There is a wealth of information on this forum. Explore and you will find a lot to relate to.
    • Start a NoFap journal - It is recommended to jot down a log of your journey and share whatever you want. There is great power in knowing there are others who respect and appreciate your efforts and your struggles will help somebody in a similar predicament. I found it therapeutic to come back to my own previous entries when things got tough.
    • Know why your doing this - I think this is very important. A realization is different from motivation. The first streak after I joined the forum was easy but staying consistent became a problem until I had deep spiritual realizations which resulted in better abstinence. I think NoFap requires a change in world-view rather than using raw will-power to enforce a change in habits. It's kind of like the 'inner game' of NoFap.
    • Understand your triggers - Is there something in particular that is causing you to start fantasizing? Does interacting with a particular person have an impact on you? Are there certain emotions or emotional experiences that lead to you want to use P. Whatever it is, observe what they are and avoid those situations if possible. Try to catch the whispers before they overcome you.
    • Do something - You are triggered. Now what? Don't just sit there waiting for your mind to be engulfed with the fantasy which leads to the point of no return. Do something about it. Some suggest taking cold showers. Listen to music. Pray. Go outside. Exercise. Meditate. Clean your room. Whatever works for you. Check out the emergency relapse prevention tool that a generous member of the community has made.
    • No edging - The only times you touch your penis is for peeing and maybe personal hygiene if your into that. Even morning wood is dangerous if you are not careful.
    • Beware of the chaser effect - It's just like when you quit smoking for a long time and have one just for old times sake. Next thing you know, you've finished an entire packet in one hour. It's the same with fapping. We are all humans and we will fall down sometime and if you do, get back up, brush yourself and know your extra vulnerable. For me even wet-dreams have led to relapse because the dopamine fix urge was reintroduced in my system.
    • Focus - Shift focus to productive thoughts and activities. If you don't see it, you won't go there. There are no triggers visible when your focusing on the light.
    • Porn blockers - You should install the K9 porn blocker if you think you won't be able to abstain initially. It will give you the valuable time to realize what your doing and stop before it's too late. Some routers have ways to block websites or URL terms.
    • Get rid of the stash - Well, you are a collector. Those special clips that you think cannot be replaced, sorry to say, they have to go. Even the educational ones. The things you own end up owning you.
    • Replace habits - Find productive ways to fill up time you will save by not fapping. I suggest doing something that you've always wanted to do and gives you satisfaction and fulfillment.
    • Relationships - Spend more time with your loved ones and make new friends. Build a support system. If you don't know how to, then spend some time learning the skills you need and get out there.
    • Help others - It really helps your commitment to NoFap if you help others. There is probably no technique as powerful as the law of consistency for brainwashing yourself.
    • Set realistic goals - A habitual behavior that influences the complete endocrine system will not be easy to change. I found it useful to set the first target for 5 days then extend 5 days each time I'm successful. This way, I am always just so close to achieving the goal. Bite-sized targets.
    • Get a counter - To get your counter, click on any other counter and you can setup yours including a predated one. You can modify your signature as you wish.
    List of some useful NoFap resources:
    octonacho likes this.
  3. octonacho

    octonacho Fapstronaut

    Welcome! This is a battle worth fighting and you can receive a lot of support here. Take it one day at a time, learn what your triggers are and avoid them, fill your mind and time with positive thoughts and activities. Use the time you would usually dedicate to PMO to develop a good habit or hobby. Exercise has been a huge help to me and really curbs urges. Find an accountability partner and start keeping a journal. Many people have found added success with prayer and meditation. You will find a lot of good advice and support. Best of luck and remember you are not alone in this battle.

    Excellent list Nomorelosttime!
  4. Nomorelosttime

    Nomorelosttime Fapstronaut

    Thanks @octonacho , its actually from @firdi , I just changed a few words; I hope it is helpful for a lot of people, I know it has been for me.
  5. Matt1986

    Matt1986 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the support! I know I can do this!
  6. bartledoo

    bartledoo Fapstronaut

    I'll help you dig into this.

    So at 28-29, have you gone a month without jacking off, since you started? chances are you've forgotten what it feels like to have a proper sex drive.

    Let that be your motivation. You gotta re-experience a proper sex drive.

    To me, it brings back memories of grade 8 before I started jacking off(I was a late bloomer). I remember I'd get turned on just when an attractive women smiled at me. The fapping ruined that.

    Every time you jack off, your brain gets depleted of resources that it needs.
    Matt1986 likes this.