My Introduction

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Myrrden, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. Myrrden

    Myrrden New Fapstronaut

    I don't know if I would classify myself as a PMO addict, I'm just hoping for some positive change in my life. I usually PMO every day, sometimes twice but I don't start jonesing for a week or so. When I'm in a sexual relationship it trickles to an almost stop the only time me doing being when the girl is away for a weekend or something. It's been 5 days so far, and today is the first time I even really thought about it. Yoga pants on campus. They're the worst.
    I've recently got out of a relationship that has left me destroyed, and instead of going through the binging I usually do after a bad breakup I thought I would try something different. I'm a pretty confident guy in day-to-interactions, no problem public speaking etc.. I'm not very confident about my physical appearance though, I think I'm a pretty ugly dude, and I've been battling depression for a decade.
    I'm not expecting miracles or crazy life change in anyway, I'm more just trying to align my habits and actions with my beliefs.
    So that's my story!
  2. Blue

    Blue Fapstronaut

    Welcome, Fenwick. You're in the right place. I, too, have battled depression for most of my adult life, and I realize now that my chronic use of porn exacerbated it. Nothing is more damaging I think than when our thoughts and actions do not align with our values and beliefs. It causes self-conflict, which always leads to depression for me. Anyway, good luck on your nofap journey, and feel free to reach out anytime.