Made it to 1 year after 25+ years of trying!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Oct162022, Oct 16, 2023.

  1. Oct162022

    Oct162022 Fapstronaut

    Just wanted to drop in to commemorate the occasion of making it One entire year without viewing pornography for the first time in my life since i was about 13 which was when we got AOL. Thanks Internet ;).

    Cliff notes if you don’t want to read my whole post: Telling my wife everything sucked, got a therapist, told a friend, life is way better now and my marriage is doing much better now.

    This is my story and my feelings so take from it what might work for you as I'm here to say that this is 100% possible under the right circumstances. If you disagree and you were able to make it a year + a different way that’s great. Im not just here to pat my back but hopefully my experience can help someone else along the way.

    A year ago i was caught in the act. No need to lay out the details but i had times in the past where my wife had evidence i was involved with PMO but every time i was able to talk my way out of it and never came clean. This time felt different, i was tired and decided after getting caught to completely come clean before the day was over. That was one of the hardest days ever. I wish i had the courage to tell her before she self discovered but honestly i was a coward. I started to feel like the only chance i had to beat this disgusting addiction was getting caught. I used to think because it was my problem i was responsible for fixing it and therefore wouldn’t tell my wife and just keep struggling alone. I believe that it is all but impossible as a married man to not only recover but enjoy a happy marriage without your wife knowing the situation.
    I destroyed my wife. There’s no way around it. I destroyed the trust she had in me, i destroyed her confidence and self esteem and i took away her happiness. I believe that after going through the last decades of trying and the last year with my wife’s support that there is no way to win this fight without the help of others around you. And im talking about the people you live with not unknowns online or a random friend who doesnt really see you on an everyday basis. I promised my wife from the get go that i would win her trust back. I promised her that she would see how much work i was willing to do to fix myself and repair out marriage.

    One year in and i have not had a single slip up. We are doing immensely better now than a year ago. Im personally feeling fantastic. I know that she although doing so much better now is still healing and id say is confident in me and our marriage but the damage i did to her self esteem is still recovering.

    At first i counted days and weeks and months but id say around months 7-11 i started losing track of days and started to feel like i had turned a corner mentally in this battle. Ive never gone a Year before so 1 year is big but honestly in my situation my goal is “zero relapse recovery”. I heard a quote once that stuck with me- “Relapse is not Recovery”. I have been having setbacks my whole life and it feels like the PMO community at times gives a little leeway for slip ups. I wanted to hold myself to a higher standard because quite frankly after what i went through with my wife i never want to relive that again and i know for a fact it would be worse the next go around.

    If i had to say one thing that really changed how i viewed pornography is actually a biblical quote that says to “hate what god hates and love what god loves”. For me i have always loved the moments i wasn't caught up with PMO but i never quite learned to despise pornography in a deeper sense. I listened to almost every episode of a podcast called CONSIDER BEFORE CONSUMING. That pod really helped me to hate everything about pornography. If you listen to that pod you will really start to change how you view the material that addicts consume. I highly recommend that podcast. I don’t believe white knuckling the PMO process can have long term success unless you truly learn to hate pornography.

    I also started going to therapy for the first time. What a big help it is to have someone you can tell everything to and then debrief every week or two just to keep the process ongoing and active. I had a friend who admitted PMO to his wife and a few friends but he never went to therapy, i asked him how often do those that know of his struggles check up on him and he said honestly never. With therapy you are building in an outlet and release system that is really healthy for your well being during this process. Even the most well meaning individuals are not going to check up on you every week for a year straight and you probably aren’t going to want to burden your wife with every passing thought, temptation and urge.

    Lastly i had a very close friend that i confided in and we chat regularly about overcoming the struggles of PMO.

    All said and told i believe that pure shame and disgust with myself and fear of hurting my wife robbed me of several years where i was constantly struggling to make personal progress in almost all areas of my life. Its my personal belief that to overcome this addiction one must be willing to confide in others and rely on others to make the difficult changes.

    The benefits are numerous. Ive improved in so many areas of my life just from not having the distraction and energy sapping side effects of PMO. Im almost completely debt free down to just a few more months of car payments. Im more present with my children because im not plotting out how to hide an addiction. And i have a clean conscience. I understand that i am not done with this battle and have to remain vigilant on a daily basis. Thanks to this community for giving me another outlet.
    ELN, Chubby, jw2021 and 9 others like this.
  2. available_username

    available_username Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your post.

    I've been struggling with that question for a while now (as I still have not booked significant progress): Should I confess everything to my wife (and as you mentioned: shatter her heart in this progress) or try to heal myself on my own.
    Well, I know your answer.. But that instills so much fear into me..
  3. Oct162022

    Oct162022 Fapstronaut

    My wife wishes so much that i would’ve came clean on my own. The image of catching me is very hard for her to overcome. Many therapist agree that betrayal trauma is greatly decreased by admission and not being caught. I don’t know you at all but i feel for you. If i could do it over again i would’ve told her. Its a very difficult thing to go through but it is worth so much more for you to remove that wall of shame that holds you back in so many ways. Even though you haven’t told her and she might not know its already slowly destroying her and you at the same time. Your potential isn’t even knowable while stuck inside of this struggle. My wife has admitted to me that she was happy before finding out but now can see a huge difference in me being present and attentive and just overall so much more productive and effective. I wish you the best.
  4. available_username

    available_username Fapstronaut

    Thanks mate, it is not easy for me. I will need to make a very clear promise to myself, that I will come clear to her if I cant manage to solve this issue on my own the coming months.
  5. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    i have often seen that in this forum a porn addict "destroys" his partner... i have a hard time understanding the extent of that word here. i agree that being addicted ruins the quality of my life but i don't understand the betrayal aspect, or maybe i am in denial. i am single and was never involved in an intimate relationship.
  6. Starling

    Starling Fapstronaut

    Definitely tell her. She might be devastated but I bet she would rather know if she had a chance to decide for herself. I surely would. And I would prefer him telling me on his own, not finding his crap in his computer the way I did. She will find out sooner or later anyway. But if it is her who finds out, her trust in you will suffer much much more. Heaven forbid if you slip even once. She will never trust you anymore. I dont trust my husband and never will.
    Thor God of Thunder likes this.
  7. Starling

    Starling Fapstronaut

    Congrats on your year clean, but also congrats on finally telling your wife and above all, understanding that you have to remain vigilant no matter how many days or years you have been sober and understanding that a relapse would be much worse for your wife. I wish you the best.
    (Maybe I wish that more for myself...I am desperately searching for any real success stories to give me hope about my own marriage. They are hard to find, there is always a slip or, more often, coming back all the way to porn.)
    Keep going, for yourself, your wife, your family (and maybe a little for us, desperate wives and partners of porn addicts, that there is still hope we are struggling to see anymore). Thank you.
    Thor God of Thunder likes this.
  8. LongHaulTrekker

    LongHaulTrekker Fapstronaut

    Thanks 10-16 for sharing your story. We need to be reminded of success stories and the benefits of living porn free.
    I am collecting ammunition for confronting urges and refuting the lies my brain tells me. I am getting a lot from the consider before consuming podcast. Thanks for sharing that. That fact that porn rewires our brains is like the worst sci-fi horror movie. It is a horror movie starring you as chief victim invaded by the alien demon. I am 54 days PMO free today and the best part is no regrets, no hiding, no secrets. This is me. There is an internal expectation that I will fail because I always have, but with continual affirmation, remembering the consequences and strengthening my desire for a porn free life I am breaking out of this prison.
  9. BreakingBarriers

    BreakingBarriers Fapstronaut

    I guess if you can imagine having a partner and she starts to somewhat become distant from you, and no matter how hard you try, you can't please her in bed. Then you notice she doesn't come to bed with you anymore and she comes to bed a few hrs after you, or she spends ages in the bathroom. Then one day you see something on her phone or PC or you catch her masturbating. You think of her fantasizing about all those dicks that could be going into her and how she doesn't get off on you anymore. So you try to get healthier and fitter and you're the fittest you've ever been but you still don't do anything for her, or when you are with her she never looks you in the eyes and you know she's fantasizing about someone else to get off.
    Do you think that maybe that could be detrimental to your self esteem and confidence?
  10. Starling

    Starling Fapstronaut

    I agree, but I would add that it is not just about sex, it is just one of many areas that suffer from addiction. Imagine you find a partner and really think that this is the one, you commit to the partner, you may get married and have children together, but as time goes by, the partner you knew, changes distant, doesnt want to talk with you, spend time with you, do activities with you, gets easily irritated, might be angry at you for no reason, is unpredictable, depressed, anxious. You try to be understanding, patient, ask what is happening, you get no answer, or just excuses. You dont know how to talk to your partner anymore, because your efforts are not appreciated. Your partner might shout at you for no reason, just because is somehow irritated (and you never know the reason, just notice that your partner is irritated kind of 24/7). You hope it is just temporary, but as time goes by, you realize your partner doesnt want to change it, you try to talk about it and your partner might say (to get rid of you) that he realises he doesnt spend much time with you, and promises it will change. Even has sex with you to prove it. The change in your partners behaviour might last up to three days and after that inevitably everything is like it was before. After some time you realize your partner wont change. You might even realize you dont love him anymore. But, you are somehow in a trap already, you spent so much time with your partner, your best years, maybe you never imagined a divorce, maybe you are christian and dont believe in divorce, but find yourself in a marriage with someone you hate. Imagine your partner says all the way how much he loves you. But nothing he does proves it, no considerarion for your feelings and needs, you see you are absolutely not important for your partner. Maybe you start lying, and say i love you, although you dont feel it anymore, you just want sex at least now and then, to feel loved.
    And, in this situation, you find out, your partner watches porn regularly, masturbates at porn. You are disgusted, surprised, feel betrayed. All those years you thought you married an asexual, and now it seems he loves sex, just not with you. You feel ugly, not good enough, old... Yes, it is devastating, it destroys you. It is hard to explain, I just mentioned few examples of why does it feel so bad for the partner of porn addict. But there are other things, like lying, gaslightning, ... Some are cheating in real world, some are ogling other women on the street, imagine a walk with a partner that is constantly sexualising everybody in sight.
    You find yourself in a trap, the partner hides all of this and tries to persuade you he loves you and you are his love and blablabla. And you believe it, it is the love of your life, isnt it? He wouldnt hurt you, would he? Well...when you find the porn, you know he would hurt you oh so much. And lie about it for years. And he still lies, even when there is evidence. And now, you dont know your partner anymore, you realize you didnt know him all those years, didnt know his deepest fears (that you will find out), you didnt know about his biggest and only hobby (pmo), you just feel like living with a stranger. But, you have invested so much into this relationship and you have nowhere to go. Dont wanna start again with someone else just to be fooled like this again. If he could lie like this, anyone could. You will never trust anyone again the way you did before. You dont want this to happen again....
    Just a few why-s... I know other partners could make the list even much longer.
    Porn addicts shouldnt enter relationships. They should fix themselves first. And if they cant, they should remain single forever. My opinion. Vast majority of partners of porn addicts would agree with me.
    BreakingBarriers and silex_jedi like this.
  11. BreakingBarriers

    BreakingBarriers Fapstronaut

    Hey, your explanation is great.
    Also 'Porn addicts shouldnt enter relationships.' though I believe you are right, sometimes people don't even know. You get into a relationship and the PMO stuff falls by the wayside for a while and you think this is great, I'm cured. Then slowly it rears it's ugly head and now you ruin not only your own life but that of the person you love too.
    silex_jedi and Starling like this.
  12. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    i don't know even if i'm "getting closer" to someone i alway feel like we're distant. it's really difficult for me to relate to that example.

    i agree. even alone there's plenty of other things to "complain" (for lack of a better word) about.

    that (with the rest of the message) makes more sense to me. there are a lot of implications. again it's hard for me to relate but, the pain of others... i know i have been (and i still probably am) guilty of that.

    thank you both for painting a broad but specific enough picture.

    @Oct162022 you lead the way. be careful. thank you for sharing your story.
    BreakingBarriers likes this.
  13. Oct162022

    Oct162022 Fapstronaut

    Im appreciative of all of your comments. One thing that for me is so hard to convey to my wife is that my exposure happened at 7 years old and up until i married her i was not in very many serious relationships. I assumed incorrectly that i would stop after i got married. Now, and i understand to the best of my ability, my wife feels as though everything i have done throughout our marriage is simply because i am not satisfied with her. My question to her and other wives here, is why was i doing it as a child? As a 10 year old, as a teen? Was it because i wasn't satisfied. At its core if you remove the actual act and substance, your brain is hijacked. My personal belief is that pornography is child abuse. My parents were worried about who we spent the night with but had no idea what was happening on the family PC in the living room down the hallway at 1am. Our young immature impressionable brains were being rewired without anyone understanding the long term affects. I have 2 children with my wife that i love with every fiber of my soul and i will regret forever the times i rushed them to bed or put on a movie for them just because i was triggered and couldn’t stop. I hated myself for that. But with a wife specifically its difficult or damn near impossible to separate the act from the brains chemical dependency on dopamine. There are plenty of men who are unhappy with their wife and just over eat or drink or smoke but that will never hold the same stigma as porn. That is why men hide it forever. I stress eat a lot right in front of my wife, if i had a heart attack and died and left my wife without a husband and kids without a father i don’t think anyone is going to blame my eating habits for my familys sorrow. Porn specifically in my opinion holds the highest level of shame of any type of addiction. I believe its because of that reason most men can’t or won’t come clean. Especially since there are still in this day and age people saying that there is nothing wrong with porn. I will say that despite all that i have dealt with i feel that i do have a happy family and a wonderful wife. Im grateful for this as i know many men personally who are in very tough family situations or woman who’s husbands are just straight dogs. I work with these guys. Porn is a symptom not the root issue.
    silex_jedi likes this.
  14. BreakingBarriers

    BreakingBarriers Fapstronaut

    Mate, it's like I could've written the post above. The early age of PMO. The idea that with my wife I would stop. The shame of it all stopping me from being able to tell her about it. My first post on here was the first time I was able to voice it, and I had to do it annonymously, I still can't tell anyone in my real life.
    Oct162022 likes this.
  15. Starling

    Starling Fapstronaut

    I am really sorry for everybody who started with porn at very early age. I have 7 year old child myself and I am terrified just at the thought they could stumble upon porn. My little innocent babies.
    I am sorry it happened to you. I believe your parents had no idea what is happening. Who would want that to happen to their children? They probably had no idea porn was so easily accessible, for such a young person, and didnt imagine their little child would even want to watch such a thing.
    I know when someone starts at such an early age, it is not about satisfaction, or about passion or lust, it is maybe more a curiosity or disgust. And before you know it, you are addicted.
    I know the addiction part is very real and I know the urges are really strong. I saw few videos I found in my husbands pc, and I had quite strong urges to watch porn myself. It took me about a year to get rid of them. And I can only imagine someone who saw in 20+ years 10 000 more videos than me, has 10 000 stronger urges than I had. And if it took me a year after few videos, I dont believe that anyone who spent 20 years in active porn addiction, will ever be free of urges, or ever forget what he saw, or ever stop being affected by it at least a little. Thats a 1/3 to 1/4 of a lifetime... That is a lot...
    But with all of this being said, I understand why your wife feels like this. I feel like that too. If my husband was satisfied with me, he wouldnt need to watch porn anymore. I wasnt enough to stop him. He, just like you, assumed that marriage would cure him. If he had enough love and sex, he wouldnt need porn anymore. And that is just what I still think. I wasnt enough. If I was, he would stop the porn. I wasnt sexy enough for him, I didnt give him enough of the kind of sex he wanted, I wasnt good enough for him in any meaning of the word. He never said that. He probably didnt think that. But that is exactly what happened. I just couldnt excite him as much as the thousands of always new, always younger, always perfect, always ready women. But I dont blame myself for that. I know it wasnt my fault. (But it took me a long time to accept that. There were times I tried to compete with them, be sexy, offer sex everyday, do whatever he wanted...When I realised I cant win, I stopped. Either he wants me the way I am or not and so be it).
    It was him, who raised his expectations so much because of porn, that literally noone could be enough. Because of his addiction.
    Agreed. But not just child abuse. Pornography is not good for anyone. I was almost 40 and married when I first saw it and I was in shock for months.
    Do I understand it right that a wife should act like it is just an addiction like alkoholism, and forget about the sex her husband is watching and the lust he feels for plenty of other women? Like it doesnt matter? Like it is just a coincidence that he has just this kind of addiction? (Sorry, english is not my first language and I really dont know if I understand what you are saying...but if you are saying that wives should separate the addiction from the act itself and see it just like any other addiction...why should they? Addiction or not, it is still cheating. It is still hurting.)
    According to Roman Catholic Church someone who is in active addiction is not capable of getting married. If someone was addicted while entering marriage, it can be annulled. And I agree with that, an addicted person is not able to be fully committed to another person, because the addiction will always come first. And it doesnt matter what the addiction is. All of them are harmful for others. Porn addiction is just much harder to see for others. It doesnt show itself like alcohol or drugs. Noone sees you do it. So the partner of porn addict has no clue until too late. And of course, it cuts in the heart of a partner like no other addiction.
  16. DoctorSpidey

    DoctorSpidey Fapstronaut

    I think part of the process of healing is fully accepting the damage done by your behavior, and to stop pushing it down the road. The damage is already done, confessing itself is not where the damage is done (not to say you shouldn't consider the way that you confess and how you handle the conversation). But not confessing is just pushing things down the road... You may not make significant progress until you truly have all the consequences in front of you. I have been in that boat, just wait until I have things on a good track to share... The thing is, I need the reality of being honest to get on a good track.

    And it will be up to your wife how she reacts, and she has every right to react how she chooses. But no matter the outcome, compare that outcome with the outcome of halting your growth or actively doing the opposite of growing out of fear of being honest with your partner. 5, 10, 15 years from now... who you will be based on your decisions now?
  17. Oct162022

    Oct162022 Fapstronaut

    Trying to ignore reality never ends well.
    BreakingBarriers likes this.
  18. Oct162022

    Oct162022 Fapstronaut

    No im not saying how a wife should view it at all. I would almost state that its impossible for a wife to view it as just another version of any other type if addiction. To a wife its betrayal and i have no excuse or response that can refute that. I did those actions regardless of what caused it and i can’t justify any of it. But at its reality when i started down this path as an individual the idea that i would be affecting a wife and kids 20 years later is impossible to understand. I liken it to cancer treatment. In order to treat cancer, radiation and chemotherapy is not just killing the cancer cell. It nearly kills the patient just to kill the cancer and then the patient must recover. There’s no way for a porn addict to beat this disgusting addiction without it tearing apart his wife. The hope is that the relationship can rebound and heal on the other side. The hard part for me is that the innocent mate must begin their own journey to heal and the husband is on his own journey to heal. If i overcome my addiction that is not synonymous with my wife healing. If i was addicted to smoking and stopped, my wife would be proud of me. But when i tell my wife its been a year since i viewed porn it puts her in a dark place. But if you ask a scientist, its all addiction, its all exactly the same inside the brain.
    BreakingBarriers and Starling like this.
  19. Starling

    Starling Fapstronaut

    I can agree with all of this. It is sad, but true.
    To be a little optimistic, if you stick with your journey and dont relapse, or at least not lie about relapses ever, it gets better with time. A year is just too little for a wife. I remember my husbands first year. He was celebrating, he was so proud of himself, I couldnt stand him talking about that. I couldnt share his joy. It was just too soon, it opened the wounds. For me it wasnt wow, a year (it was a little), it was much more, it is a year now, since it ruined my life...
    I dont remember the 2 year mark though. No such emotions on my side. I felt much better a year later.
  20. Oct162022

    Oct162022 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your input. Its nice to hear the other side. The fact that you are on these forums in the first place says a lot.