Let's play a game :D

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Herald, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Herald

    Herald Fapstronaut

    Hello there!

    As you may know by now, doing "nothing" is a bad strategy for trying to quit PMO. You need to replace your time spent PMO'ing with something new.
    Thinking along those lines. Why not do some gamifying of this shit?!

    So i made some missions.
    It works like this:

    When you take on a mission. Post it in the thread.
    When you finish a mission. Post it in the thread.
    --> then you will be allowed to put the achievement in your profile(signature).
    (if you have already completed a challenge, you can put start an fin in the same post. Because I still want your victory on record.)

    The name of the mission is also the achievement name.


    6 Badges

    • 3DayFree
    • 7DayFree
    • 14DayFree
    • 30DayFree
    • 60DayFree
    • 90DayFree


    Raison d'être

    Write a list of things PMO have affected negatively, in your life. And a list of positive things you think/want to get out of quitting PMO.

    Raison d'être+

    Do Raison d'être. And draw a picture of how you envision your future self without PMO.
    You are not required to post it.(Ex. A picture of you diving; You at a party socializing. You and your girl/boyfriend happy together.)

    Power Overwhelming

    Training. Exercising. Leave your computer and use your energy. The objective is to train 2 days a week for 6 weeks.
    Doesn't matter how long, when, or how hard you train. What is important is consistency.
    (many people don't seem to understand that: walking for 5 min > having aspirations to run for 1h)

    I am so much more

    Take up a hobby. A new one, or revive an old one. Preferably something that can't be mastered, something that you can only get better at.
    Music, painting, chess(go), calligraphy.


    Get yourself an accountability partner.


    Do commitment. And tell someone irl about your PMO problems.

    Gate Keeper

    Install anti-porn software, anti-porn extensions(web-browser).

    Zen Master

    Meditating each day for 30 days. Between 1-10 minutes. Don not meditate for more than 10 minutes at a time if you are new to it.
    If you want to do more meditation take a small brake and then start again.
    (My preferred method of meditation is: sitting up, eyes open looking forward, you visualize an object in the air in front of you.
    The objective is to hold the object in your mind, so when your mind wanders pick it up again.)

    Iron Will

    Do Hard Mode for 30 Days. No Porn, no Masturbation, no Orgasm. No sexual release.

    Master Chemist

    Give 8 hugs a day to release oxytozin. What? Why?...Cause ----->http://www.ted.com/talks/paul_zak_trust_morality_and_oxytocin.html
    But it stops at hugging >:|

    Natures Prophet

    Go out for a walk each day for 30 days.

    Well I hope you like it :D
    At least this was entertaining to make.