
Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by kxc2638S, Dec 9, 2018.

  1. kxc2638S

    kxc2638S Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    I feel like crap. My highest streak was 43 days and I was meditating every day. I was KILLING it. But, one evening just ruined it as I edged when I saw a pic on fb. Since then, I have lost the passion to start again. But, now I feel like I can do it. I feel like I can conquer this addiction day by day. Day 1 starts tomorrow and I will make a post every day to write out how I am feeling every day and how to handle instant urges. If I could get some motivation from you guys, I would love it!
  2. kxc2638S

    kxc2638S Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    Today is Day 1. Feeling a bit sleepy and tired because of yesterday, but I kept myself occupied! I played tennis today and meditated twice. I should tackle this one day at a time and just grind it out. NoFap. Let's do this.
    Clemente123 and Grandpa61 like this.
  3. kxc2638S

    kxc2638S Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    Today is Day 2. I feel stronger than yesterday, but I want to feel stronger and more energetic. Feeling a bit sleepy and tired, but I kept myself occupied! I meditated twice again! One day at a time. Be conscious in everything you do. NoFap. Let's do this.
    Grandpa61 likes this.
  4. Grandpa61

    Grandpa61 Fapstronaut

    Yes, it's easier one day at a time! Short term goals! Long term results!
    Deleted Account and kxc2638S like this.
  5. kxc2638S

    kxc2638S Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    Today is Day 3. Feeling stronger in the legs and more calm. I was able to meditate twice today! Day by day. NoFap. Let's do this.
  6. kxc2638S

    kxc2638S Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    Today is Day 4. Feeling good, feeling good. I meditated twice today! Day by day. NoFap. Let's do this.
    Grandpa61 likes this.
  7. kxc2638S

    kxc2638S Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    Today is Day 5. Feeling a bit tired actually even though I had good sleep. But, I was able to meditate twice again today! Day by day, let's grind it out. NoFap. Let's do this.
    Grandpa61 likes this.
  8. kxc2638S

    kxc2638S Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    Today is Day 6. I was playing tennis against my hardest opponent today, and I lost miserably. I was so angry with how I was playing today that I took it out on my racket. But, now I know what I did wrong, and I will be aware if that hits me again. I meditated twice today! Let's tackle this day by day. NoFap. Let's do this.
    Andy Dufresne, Grandpa61 and kschung9 like this.
  9. Grandpa61

    Grandpa61 Fapstronaut

    I’m proud of you @kxc2638S you seem to be on the right road to recovery. Day by day my friend!
    kxc2638S likes this.
  10. Andy Dufresne

    Andy Dufresne Fapstronaut

    Keep it up buddy. I find the hardest thing is getting back on the horse after a good streak - maybe we're too tough on ourselves when we fall. Glad to see you're back on it
    kxc2638S and Grandpa61 like this.
  11. kxc2638S

    kxc2638S Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    Today is Day 7. I kept myself busy and was able to relax today. I meditated twice today! Day by day, grind it out. NoFap. Let's do this.
    Grandpa61 and Andy Dufresne like this.
  12. kxc2638S

    kxc2638S Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    Today is Day 8. I kept myself busy today and was able to meditate twice today! I have an event tomorrow, which will keep me busy. Grind every day to your fullest ability! Day by day. NoFap. Let's do this.
    Grandpa61 likes this.
  13. kxc2638S

    kxc2638S Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    Today is Day 9. Feeling good, but tired since I had so many events to go to. Try your very best every day! Day by day. NoFap. Let's do this.
    Grandpa61 likes this.
  14. kxc2638S

    kxc2638S Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    Today is Day 10. Feeling good, really kept myself busy today. I was alone at home, which is a disadvantage, but I just have to grind it out. Day by day. NoFap. Let's do this.
    Grandpa61 and The587 like this.
  15. kxc2638S

    kxc2638S Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    I fapped today. I feel like crap. All it took was just one search on fb to find pics of girls, and it ruined my hard work. However, this will not stop me. I will hit the reset button and start over tomorrow. Today is Day 0, where I assess what I did wrong and how do I prevent doing the same action. Fapping is not a good or bad thing. It is just a question of whether you can use your energy in a more productive way. And, I know I can. Tomorrow is Day 1. Looking to crush it again. Be strong guys. Day 0. NoFap. Let's do it.
    Clemente123 and Grandpa61 like this.
  16. Andy Dufresne

    Andy Dufresne Fapstronaut

    Well done on the honesty buddy. While you can't 'carry over' the 10 days for the streak, you can 'bank' them as 10 days of being clean from the poison that is porn. 10 days without fapping is still a bloody good streak by most men's standards!
    Grandpa61 and kxc2638S like this.
  17. kxc2638S

    kxc2638S Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    Thanks for motivating me through these tough times. My poison isn't actually porn. My poison is actually pictures of a girl showing her legs, whether in a short dress or a leg slit. And, I realized that I am objectifying women. Women have feelings too and they have goals in life. I am basically considering them as sex objects, which is very discriminatory, and I know I am better than that. They can wear whatever they want whether to impress someone or just feeling comfortable, and that is not in our control. What is in our control is our ability to fix what we think. And the way I am going to think is that hey they wear whatever they want to wear, and it's just legs, men have legs too, and that's it. The way I am gonna handle this is set a goal for every 5 days, so I don't get ahead of myself. Day 1 out of 5. NoFap. Let's do this.
    Clemente123 and Grandpa61 like this.
  18. Andy Dufresne

    Andy Dufresne Fapstronaut

    Hi Kxc2638S - thanks for the context. If you're compulsively looking at these pics, it's effecting you in a very similar way to porn (admittedly I think porn is even worse and opens up perverted ideas which you would never have previously found appealing).

    Sounds like taking one day at a time is sensible if you don't feel a massive reboot is required. Just avoid 'binging' as a reward at the end.

    It's great you're nipping 'objectifying women thought processes in the bud now - it'll make life much better down the line. Though never go as far as feeling bad for finding women (or their legs) attractive - it's when those thoughts start to block out seeing them as people that 'ok' ends and the problem begins (IMO)

    Keep up the great work buddy, we're all in this together!
    Grandpa61 and kxc2638S like this.
  19. kxc2638S

    kxc2638S Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    Today is Day 2. Feeling stronger in the legs, gonna be busy these couple of days, so hopefully it will distract me. Day 2. NoFap. Let's do this.
    Andy Dufresne and Grandpa61 like this.
  20. kxc2638S

    kxc2638S Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    Today is Day 3. Gonna get some stuff done today, hopefully it will distract me. Some words I have been going off is that I don't know if I am going to wake up tomorrow or not, and I am grateful that I am alive today. I take this life as a gift every single day, and that is the thought process I will repeat and repeat until it becomes permanent. Day 3. NoFap. Let's do this.
    Grandpa61 likes this.