Here we go: days 50-90 are by war the worst IMHO

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by thetruth19), Mar 31, 2024.

  1. thetruth19)

    thetruth19) Fapstronaut

    Man... I've had the worst few days Ive in months. Next level anxiety and depression. The most stupid obsessive thoughts are really troubling me. Derealisation and depersonalization in full flow. At least I know why it's happening this time. The first few times this happened to me I didn't know the cause.

    I had 2 days of libido bubbling up and then that disappeared and my anxiety is at 10 out of 10 all day. I've found it's always between days 40 and 90 that I go through this stage. It's so hard to take.

    I'm 60 days in hard mode. And 160 days no porn.
    jay3241 likes this.
  2. jay3241

    jay3241 Fapstronaut

    yeah .. been there gone through that. Extreme anxiety, crying spells, brain fog, insomnia, panic attacks etc. I would say, keep going the hard mode. No discharge of semen by any means. Recovery will be quicker. Just quitting porn is not going to help (as per my personal experience). I have had multiple attempts in quitting since last 6 years, with very long streaks. But this addiction is very deadly - even after streaks of nearly an year on monk-mode, they take up in the whirlpool - Just one peep of nudity/just one video of softcore etc and u are back with even worse withdrawals as now u watch much more and fap much more due to long period of abstinence
    kenwood likes this.
  3. thetruth19)

    thetruth19) Fapstronaut

    It sucks. But thanks for the reply. Glad to hear it's not just me! I don't agree with everything you said but each to our own. I think for me, quick glances are inevitable with films, social media, and real life etc. it's the sustained looking with the dopamine tap on full that jacks me up. So I'm just going to avoid dating until I wake up and want to have sex and my brain feels pretty stable. Man... so sick of this. Last time I went through this, I felt great about 30 days after. Just have to go through it!