Hello Everyone!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Ruben_, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. Ruben_

    Ruben_ Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone, my name is Ruben, I am 14 years-old, and I really want to stop this addiction of mine. I started about 2 years ago in the sixth grade, when I was sleeping over at a friends, and was pressured into fapping by my friends, whom I talked to rarely after that. I didn't fap after that for a good year or so, but started again last summer when I moved, which I think may have been my sub-consciousness trying to relieve me of my stress and anger of losing all my friends. After that it just started to get worse to the point where I was fapping and watching porn on a daily basis. Now I can't look, or even talk to any girl, without getting nasty images and thoughts in my head, nor can I feel secure knowing that someone might find me fapping.. I had recently heard about this page and decided to check it out, and that's when I told myself, this has to stop. My goal for now is to go a month without fapping, and see how my life works out after that, but my end goal is to stop for good. Any advice and tips are appreciated, and I hope I can stop this once and for all.
  2. Psych

    Psych Fapstronaut

    Hey man. I understand where you're coming from; up until the 7th grade I moved almost annually and so I never had any really close friends. This can seem troubling when you look around to see everyone in their groups of close friends they've known all their life. My advice about that is to just accept it and move on. Yes, it is harder for you to make friends in that situation. Which is why you need to take the initiative to talk to others and make newer friends, and make good close friends as well. Those are the important ones.

    Anyway, I also have a tip for you on the nofap goal. A month is great for abstaining (it's hard to do) but for most, symptoms don't go away in just 30 days. In fact, research (source: Ted Talks on Pornography addiction) suggests that it could take anywhere from 4months-6months to start seeing relieved symptoms in young adults who started porn early. For me, I'm 19 years old, so after maybe 6-7 years (maybe?) of porn, I think it might even take longer to completely regain my health and sanity. :p Of course you haven't been watching porn as long but you did start even earlier than I did; the earlier you start the more your brain sucks it in (that goes for everything) especially cause your brain is still developing rapidly. tl;dr stop porn forever, nofap forever too. I think porn is main culprit for the images and thoughts in your head. But masturbating alone also has its symptoms too (or at least claimed symptoms); IF you do masturbate though, and here's hoping that you don't any time soon: don't do it watching porn. That'll reset your progress all over again.

    Message me if you have any questions or want any advice/anything. Good luck man!