Are there any supplements that may aid recovery?

Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by chuMin, Jun 8, 2019.

  1. chuMin

    chuMin Fapstronaut

    There is of course, no supplement to counter porn addiction, but I want to know if there are any supplements that may compliment the recovery process to make it easier or faster. From what I've learned about how porn addiction works(and correct me if I'm wrong), its basically a problem with the brain's natural reward system being altered through repetition of excessive sexual stimuli while using porn. And to fix this, it is a matter of trying to restrain oneself long enough to allow the brain to rewire itself back to its neutral state where using porn is no longer accompanied by addictive behavior.

    This period of recovery is very long and it is difficult since we are constantly having urges that could potentially set us back again. So I'm thinking that there might be some supplements out there that could at least help our brains recover faster, or perhaps lessen the intensity of our cravings in the same way good sleep does. Any ideas?
  2. Take multivitamins since like 99% of people nowdays you won't get them from your normal meals and I've started taking Ashwagandha for other reasons turned out it really helps with addiction.

    "Some of the most common addiction withdrawal symptoms include elevated anxiety levels, depression, disturbed sleep patterns and feelings of increased agitation. The herb can alleviate the intensity of these symptoms and make it easier for someone to overcome an addiction."

    You have to remember it's not "a magic pill". It won't cure you from PMO but it will help for sure.
    chuMin likes this.
  3. JPDrive

    JPDrive Fapstronaut

    I am not a doctor, but I would speak to a doctor about Bupropion/Wellbutrin. It has labeling for helping break people of their Nicotine habit. If it can help with that addiction, it might work for others.

    I have had a nasty habit (in addition to my prior PMO habits) of being lazy and unproductive in the mornings. Bupropion seems to help with that... when I take it, I get this itch to get up, get moving, and actually start tackling problems off my to-do list rather than procrastinate.

    Since reading deeper into the forums here and the mixed stories about bupropion here and the impact it has in inhibiting dopamine uptake, I suspect it may be helpful for my reboot.

    I would like to hear from others if they feel that bupropion has had a positive impact on their reboot.
    chuMin likes this.
  4. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    Imo just go for normal suplement or vitamin....since food nowaday have less nutrition or maybe dangerous (like fast food things) we might need extra vitamin....u can consul it to the doctor first..they the expert of this matter....
  5. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    No. Those are SSRIs (antidepressants).

    This is really not the way to go. They will definitely work temporarily because SSRI interfere with sexual function, but you don't want to drug yourself - with quite potent psychiatric meds nonetheless - to keep your hand off your dick. This needs to be done with training, not with meds.

    @op - you need zinc first and foremost cause that gets depleted. Usually a vitamin supplement will work just fine.

    The best aid for recovery is SLEEP and exercise (and cold showers)
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2019
    chuMin and Kiz Whalifa like this.
  6. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    There are some supplements that's supposed to help with dopamine, tyrosine for one. But I don't recommend just taking things, how you take them matters hugely so some research, trial and error based on that understanding is needed - which also involves consistent follow-through and patience.
    chuMin likes this.