7 Day Challenge Starts Today!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by kaizen_66, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. kaizen_66

    kaizen_66 Fapstronaut

    I'm tired of every woman I've dated saying to me within the first year, "How come you only want to have sex with me every two weeks? Why are you not affectionate?"

    It's simple - I'm getting my physical needs met fapping and watching porn.

    I have a very hard time orgasm-ing inside a woman if I'm fapping. I can "perform" at anytime, but not finish. The only hope for me finishing is to stop masturbating for a week. Then I'm good and can finish easily. Also I want to be physical with my woman because that becomes my only outlet.

    When I was married I went nine months and, SHOCKER, had a normal sex life!

    So glad this community exists and I know it's one day at a time (like AA).

    Tonight I'm going to want to masturbate. Guaranteed. I'm going to choose not to for the sake of my relationship. If I need support I'll post here instead of fapping.

    Thanks for all the support in advance!
  2. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut

  3. kaizen_66

    kaizen_66 Fapstronaut

  4. kaizen_66

    kaizen_66 Fapstronaut

    Day one complete! No major urges, just hung in there. Will report back tomorrow!
  5. kaizen_66

    kaizen_66 Fapstronaut

    Day two complete! Definitely had some physical urges, but fought through them. On to day three!
  6. Once&4ALL

    Once&4ALL Fapstronaut

    Hang in there Kaizen. The first few days are the toughest, and you are fighting the good fight!
  7. kaizen_66

    kaizen_66 Fapstronaut

    Day 3 complete! I went to two parties and had great times. Definitely increased energy. I felt horny (even though I have a gf - but she's out of town) when I got back, but I went to sleep.

    Tonight will be tough, because I will most likely have sex (gf is flying back in). Which is great because I'll mostly likely be able to finish during sex because of the PMO break. The challenge will be tomorrow - the day after real sex I always want to PMO more than anything.

    Thanks again for the support!
  8. kaizen_66

    kaizen_66 Fapstronaut

    Day four complete. Turns out my gf was having her period. so no sex, which is perfectly fine! I did, for the first time in a long time, have an uncontrollable passion to take her then and there! (I'm a little grossed out by sex on periods - she's not) I definitely ravished her and she is very excited to have sex in a few days.

    I was nice to use all my passion for her and not PMOing.
  9. kaizen_66

    kaizen_66 Fapstronaut

    Day five complete! Nothing much to report, just did some exercise and wasn't too tempted. Still going!
  10. kaizen_66

    kaizen_66 Fapstronaut

    Day six complete! I've noticed urges come late at night when I'm bored and laying in bed, but I'm fighting the good fight!
  11. kaizen_66

    kaizen_66 Fapstronaut

    Day six complete! I've noticed urges come late at night when I'm bored and laying in bed, but I'm fighting the good fight!
  12. kaizen_66

    kaizen_66 Fapstronaut

    Day seven complete! Man, late at night is when the urges really hit. Gotta get to bed earlier. The later I stay up, the more trouble I can get into.
  13. eikson

    eikson New Fapstronaut

    Good job man! Whole week already, keep it up!
  14. kaizen_66

    kaizen_66 Fapstronaut

    Day seven complete! My body was tingling and on fire last night with desire. Really had to breathe through it. But I made it!
  15. know_a_bit

    know_a_bit Fapstronaut

    Way to go Kaizen:
    I can totally relate to practicing nofap with an eye on a better relationship with partners and obviously it has kept you going as it has me. So that is super. One challenge I've had and actually still face is the occasional and temporary thought 'what if I never have another partner again'? I know that doesn't sound realistic but sometimes even just for a short time I fall into that perspective. It is during these times that I am most vulnerable to behavior that leads to a reset when my motives are "partner-reward" focused. I've had people say this to me in the past and I thought they were just passive aggressive and jealous because I had a gf and they didn't. Nevertheless, currently I am attempting to do the nofap completely because of the results I will/do get beyond anything to do with sex. Somehow being able to harness this power inside of us has helped dozens of us become so much more in ambition, mental and physical prowess, employment etc. I am beginning to accept that even if that despairing thought were true (no more real sex ever!), delaying the gratification even if it were indefinitely would be worth it for the benefits of nofap. This makes me sound quite low in sex drive but I assure you this is not my case. I just feel like until my motives go beyond simply doing abstinence so I can have a better gf, better sex life, etc. I am vulnerable to my environment. What do you think (feel free to tell me to 'go to hell' ;)
  16. kaizen_66

    kaizen_66 Fapstronaut

    Day 12 complete! I've had s*x twice since I started with my gf. I haven't been able to finish yet (due to years of deathgrip), but she understands. I stay hard the whole time (never had ED) and get her off. She knows my body will return to normal sensitivity soon.

    By the way, the chaser effect after sex is insane for me. Hardest time yet was hours after sex. Wow.
  17. kaizen_66

    kaizen_66 Fapstronaut

    Day 13 complete! Nothing much to report. Just trying to cope with urges as they come up. Thanks for the support!
  18. kaizen_66

    kaizen_66 Fapstronaut

    Day 14 done! Tonight I'm feeling some crazy urges. Part of the deal, I guess. Just have to feel my way through them and not indulge. Still going strong!
  19. kaizen_66

    kaizen_66 Fapstronaut

    Day 15 done! Again, big urges last night. Learning that I can tolerate them no matter how uncomfortable.
  20. kaizen_66

    kaizen_66 Fapstronaut

    Day 16 complete! No urges today. Will see gf this weekend so I'll be able to have sex in a normal way which is my goal anyway.