
Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by ryan23, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. ryan23

    ryan23 Fapstronaut

    Hey ya'll,

    Fortunately I don't peak my head into windows or anything that risky. But my past behavior has made me realize I have these voyeuristic tendencies. There's a woman across the street who leaves her window open, and I can't quite see anything too well, but I'm always looking out trying to see her. I've had to realize, voyeurism is the heart of a lot of porn addiction and it's brought me into this deeper more 'realistic' urge to seek out in real life. I've been on NoFap for 24 days, and just today tried to see her as good as I could from inside the house here. Even tried the binoculars (which didn't work like I hoped). I want freedom from this, because it's been something that has caused me tremendous guilt and shame in the past.

    Anyways, any thoughts welcome. Grateful to be here.
  2. This is a porn substitute for you. Watching intentionally at girls, even clothed is like a porn for you. I think you should reconsider rule of counting soberity days.
  3. ryan23

    ryan23 Fapstronaut

    What do you mean? I feel like I have maintained sobriety though. Even driving by in my car sometimes by houses I try and look in (used to moreso). But I'm getting better at not doing that. Does that mean I'm no longer sober? I have come a long ways in these last 24 days from avoiding stuff I have looked at online, and other places where I'm tempted to act out. I don't think saying because I looked across the street (without acting out), means I start over. You think?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. I did not wanted to offend you, mate. The numbers does not mater, what is matter is that you need to abstain from that behaviour and treat it exactly like addiction. No one will take you effects of your journey, but no one, except you can push it to the end. I suggest also to limit social media and other similar stuff - our brains sometimes treat lurking like a consolation prize.
  5. ryan23

    ryan23 Fapstronaut

    Nah, you didn't offend me. I'm open to what other people say, as we all have various perspectives and opinions. I've also deleted the majority of my social media. And have no access of the apps my phone
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2018
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. ryan23

    ryan23 Fapstronaut

    I appreciate your thoughts.
  7. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    I would agree with this. It's seeking behavior, no matter if it's Instagram thots, stalking facebook, focusing on women in real life, or fantasizing about it.

    It's like 5/10 porn, it's the same mechanism.
    ThePerspicacious likes this.
  8. ryan23

    ryan23 Fapstronaut

    That's not very measurable though, and I have people also saying the opposite. Then any brief incident at the gym or even looking at a woman briefly can be considered needing a reboot. Am I right?
  9. No. There is difference between brief look and greedy seeking of dopamine. I think you understand it. And not everybody needs a reboot - but porn addicts do.
    Xiandan likes this.
  10. ryan23

    ryan23 Fapstronaut

    It still isn't clear though. Everyone looks at least briefly. If I am looking and am not acting out, and realizing I shouldn't be looking, I don't see why that would need a reboot. And this is like at the gym or something, not online.
  11. What you need a reboot from is this destructive habit of voyeurism. Women feel seriously harassed if they notice you. You may cause anxiety attacks on their part. It is really not a trivial matter and bordering on the criminal. Maybe keeping that in mind will stop your voyeurism. Women here have discussed these matters, I encourage you to look at these threads and also read articles about sexual harassment. I recently watched one on Australian SBS. It made me realise the mistakes that I have made and that I should never look at a woman in a public place.

    Ogling women is not a good porn substitute, it is even worse. Just stay away from doing that just like you do with porn.

    I see that you have identified the problem and are willing to work on it. I wish more men would be like you.
  12. ryan23

    ryan23 Fapstronaut

    I really appreciate this response, it's really what I needed to hear. I'm well aware that it's not okay, and feel like I am getting better with it all. But how would you suggested a man on NoFap to go about sobriety with this issue? Also what's the name of that show? I would love to check it out.

  13. Sorry if I sounded patronising and aggressive. My point was to shock you so every time you are tempted to do the wrong thing you will be thinking about how wrong it is to the woman.

    The show is called: "Is Australia Sexist?"

    What can you do? I guess not much more than to remind yourself all the time that your behaviour is wrong and has to be avoided. I know this is harder than not clicking on a porn video, because we are all surrounded by women and would like to enjoy a peek.
  14. ryan23

    ryan23 Fapstronaut

    When you say, "reboot" from this habit, can you elaborate? Would you say that is continuing the NoFap journey and realize the behavior is wrong? When would you, "reset"?
  15. ryan23

    ryan23 Fapstronaut

    I think I am mixing up the words, "reboot" and "reset". That is my mistake. The purpose of "reboot" is to retrain the brain by being on NoFap, correct? I'm sort of new, at least to this website.
  16. ClaritySeeker

    ClaritySeeker Fapstronaut

    Reset means resetting your day counter if you did any P/M/O. Reboot means retraining your brain to become normal and not addicted to PMO. It may take multiple resets to achieve a reboot. Hope that helps
    ryan23 likes this.
  17. RightEffort

    RightEffort Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    hey bro -thanks for sharing about your journey and your courage for being so transparent.

    I like to put a positive spin on this - you were able to abstain from porn for 24 days and the same skills and mental control you used, can be applied to this new found challenge of the window watching.

    I don't think you should necessarily reset your counter (unless you feel you should) because you were not aware of the rules of the game - and you did follow what you had set to do which is avoiding porn, masturbation and orgasm.

    Now that you are aware of this behavior as porn like behavior, you can simply STOP it just like you did with PMO and make a decision that if you do not stop it you will have to reset your counter as well because then it is an act of self-indulgence while you are aware of its negative effect on your mind and possibility others.

    I also love to suggest - you increase your self control by becoming more conscious that you are not your thoughts and reading books such as Power of Now , or The New Earth by Eckhar Tolle - and taking on the discipline of meditation.

    The next time you felt an urge to do this, replace it with a positive action - Cold shower (win- hof method is an amazing course and its free online) or you can come to the forum and start helping others or ask for help.
  18. abreu

    abreu Fapstronaut

  19. abreu

    abreu Fapstronaut

    I many times spied on pissing women 40 years ago. 6 of them noticed me and were scared. I still feel very ashamed and guilty of the trauma I caused to them. I wish I could meet them and apologize to them but I have never seen them again, I don't know who they are.
  20. abreu

    abreu Fapstronaut

    It's very difficult to me to live with my past. I harassed women in the 80s. I inflicted a trauma on them what they can't cope. They had to carry of the burden of this harm for decades. Maybe it had an impact on their sexual life. And it was me who did this. I am not better than Kevin Spacey and others.