Zoomers turning against sexual content

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by UnholyConfessor, Oct 25, 2023.

  1. UnholyConfessor

    UnholyConfessor Fapstronaut

    So according to this, nearly half of Gen Z are against pointless sex scenes in movies and TV and would prefer a focus on platonic relationships and friendships.


    You could look at this in one of two ways I think. On one hand Gen Z are having less sex than their predecessors (how they can be having less sex than none is beyond me but whatever:() and many are even becoming sex-repulsed. This is obviously bad for reasons it would take a novel to explain.

    On the other hand I'm kinda glad about this. I remember when I first watched The Sopranos and the show kept hard cutting to Tony having sex with some chick, and it was gross every time. Love you James but you're not a guy I want to see with his shirt off. HBO seemed to kickstart this trend of excessive sex scenes and now every show does it. Comes across as juvenile.

    What do you think?
    Wolves of Wisdom and Panna like this.
  2. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    I agree with you. I would rather they replace the sex scenes in the Sopranos with some pictures of cannoli or some shit. I wondered the whole time, did Carmela not know that Tony's base of operations was a strip club?

    Though I will interject, UnholyConfessor, and say that Gen Z is probably having less sex than their predecessors because they're watching more pornography. Since they have that easy access, there's no need to get sexual stimuli from movies and other media.
  3. Quotidian

    Quotidian Fapstronaut

    I thought the fantasy sex scene in Oppenheimer was totally gratutious and unnecessary for the overall plot. That is the scene where Oppenheimer fantasises that his lover Jean Tatlock was straddling him nude while he's testifying in front of the board of enquiry. Other love scenes involving her character were completely on point, set up the characters and provided depth and context, but that particular scene verged on the pornographic for no apparent reason. Couldn't make sense of it, and made the film harder to classify in some countries (like India), I would have thought.
  4. SilentWolfSong

    SilentWolfSong Fapstronaut

    I think that access to sex is plentiful due to dating/hookup apps. Positions and sex in general is plastered everywhere.

    The young generations have finally had so much fake content, that they desire real, meaningful relationships. For all that I might view the younger generations as "getting things handed to them" (obviously a broad statement that doesn't truly show the work that many young people are doing), the way that society is apparently focusing on kindness and meaningfulness is really a breath of fresh air. Bad actors exist as well... but I mean, while there's certain aspects to "accept everyone's life" that are bad, I gotta like the good stuff too. Emotional intelligence is getting fairly high. You have to look in the right spots, but I'm pretty happy with it.
  5. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    I remember couple years ago I was watching a TV show called Sense8—it's an old Netflix show from 2015 and it's pretty good, sad it got cancelled—and I remember they had this big sex scene with a lot of people. I thought it was actually pretty artistic and I don't think any other show did something like that up to a that point, so props to them. But then they did it again... and again. And I remember thinking to myself "it was artistic at first, but what's the point of these scenes now, does the director responsible for this part has some kind of fetish that they are getting off of putting this in here" and I remember fast forwarding through it. It turned from artistic to vulgar pretty fast. It was just and unnecessary and overdone.

    I think in most of today's movies it is unnecessary and overdone. If you put a sex scene in for artistic reasons then it's fine, if you are putting it in to further the plot or create some type of emotional connection with and between characters then it's fine—all of these things contribute to the story and character development. But I feel these days most sex scenes are just meaningless box they need to check that contributes nothing to the story. Just to grab attention and appeal of younger people, cause that's what young people do, they have sex! At least that's what some out of touch Gen X or Boomer director would think. But the actual numbers show that newer generations are having less sex than the previous ones; millennials were having less sex than Gen X, Gen Z are having less sex than Gen Y. And I don't think this is by choice either! Popularity of Incel forums and Red Pill philosophies are rising. So when you add all this sex to movies and TV shows they don't think of it as cool and of characters who have a lot of sex as relatable, instead they think of all that sex that is being shewn in their face as an annoying reminded of what they can't get and of those characters as unrelatable. So it's only natural that they will want less of that on the screen.
  6. UnholyConfessor

    UnholyConfessor Fapstronaut

    The sex scenes in The Sopranos are like jumpscares. One minute it's a normal scene then it cuts to Tony with his pants round his ankles panting like a buffalo. Very disturbing stuff.

    And yeah porn definitely plays a part in why Gen Z has less sex. It's also true that men and women, but especially men, are being pushed into not approaching each other because they are afraid of what could happen, due to constant media scaremongering. Women assume every man is a sex pest, men assume every woman will assume they are a creep. Whether this is actually true or not is irrelevant because enough people believe it.
    SilentWolfSong and Cyan Flame like this.
  7. UnholyConfessor

    UnholyConfessor Fapstronaut

    It's the modern equivalent of how movies in the 80s' used to be pretty tame and then have one shock moment that goes way over the top for no reason. I don't inherently have a problem with sex scenes but they need to serve a purpose. You look at stuff like Game Of Thrones and how they used to have lesbians fooling around in the background of shots while the plot was happening and start to wonder at what point are you being treated like a horny dog and not a human with a human's attention span.
  8. UnholyConfessor

    UnholyConfessor Fapstronaut

    Access to sex is plentiful true, but less and less young people are actually having it. Look it up. I see what you mean with young people desiring meaningful content, part of the same study stated that the top thing young people want in media is "uplifting stories about people beating the odds."
    SilentWolfSong likes this.
  9. UnholyConfessor

    UnholyConfessor Fapstronaut

    Absolutely. After a certain point it becomes gratuitous. There's a fine line between erotic and pornographic and a lot of shows veer into the latter. Young people do seem to be displaying increasingly puritanical attitudes, it's rather interesting.
  10. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

  11. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    I think it's important that approaching women not be a social taboo. To work on this, I think men in general need to be tactful about how they approach women. Doing so in a public place where other people are hanging out like a dining hall or a skating rink makes sense. There's always a chance a women find its oppressive or creepy. That's never going away. I think a man should also have some go-to responses when a woman accuses him of being dangerous.

    Just be tactful and it'll work out is my opinion.
    SilentWolfSong likes this.
  12. Caffeine

    Caffeine Fapstronaut

    Sexuality in today's art is not an eruption of free spirit rebelling against suffocating norms. Rather, it is the exact opposite; vulgarity is the norm, the artist obeys in fear of being judged insufficiently sexy. The youth rebels and in this case the rebellion means more restraint.
    LostSon267 and silex_jedi like this.
  13. UnholyConfessor

    UnholyConfessor Fapstronaut

    At the rate western society is going, the generation after zoomers will rebel by forming the 4th Reich.
  14. En?gmatic

    En?gmatic Fapstronaut

    Bro I always think about that pic with the tribal statue with an insane phallus or the obese fertility woman statue, as I’ve also discovered is true that greek believed that having a small dick was a physical symptom of intelligence. And as we have seen hellas was able to forge high philosophy and art. It actually remind of our society in decay where you are judged by the size of your dick and where sexuality is more important than Wisdom (Philo-Sophia, love for Wisdom). As you also know the Freudian psychoanalysis is a brutal scam.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    That was mainly the upper class who also liked to perform sports completely nude, indulge in pederasty, excessive drinking, polygamy etc, even their work of arts mainly depict young naked men.
    More like the size of your wallet and your social status.
  16. En?gmatic

    En?gmatic Fapstronaut

    This is kinda a semplification, btw the plebeans were also alowed to join the Eleusian Mysteries, after that you die and get resurrected so I think If I had to do that I would rate to become Heraclitus or Epittetus.
    if you are judging them with a judeo christian mentality this does not have much sense, then you should also questionate the hellenic opinion of the slavery.


    About where I live isn’t always true the thing about the wallet weight or social status, many iliotas women I’ve meet, especially those that are sickness of materialism sometime they speak of their sexual experiences and make jokes about the size of the dick. As you can see many people with horse cock or similar they are often simple human animals that think only to reproduction and sexual pleasure. The degeneration of the modern pornificated industry, low attention, being unable to read a book, no critical thinking, kids that watch porn at 5 years old and stay passive and fuck their brain (why it is allowed to watch porn at 5 years old or do a vaginoplasty-Voluntarysterilization -passage rite of the New Religion- but you cannot drink a beer at 16 years old?), moms who give smartphone to 3-year-old son because they are unable to shush him, this because they are just ovens that respond to sexual instincts and do childrens just because they are animal and don’t really know what is involved in having a children.
    This show what happen when you put sex has the highest value, when you invert the colors of the rainbow and Red (sexual chakra) become the highest value.

    Btw after I’ve read Heraclitus I don’t need anymore art, soyence, I need WISDOM. I’m writing all this shit after I’ve wake up, why the hell I have to write this with 3/4 of the brain turned off lol
  17. Caffeine

    Caffeine Fapstronaut

    Some would say that the worship of fat women and penises is an expression of Dionysian spirit
    En?gmatic likes this.
  18. En?gmatic

    En?gmatic Fapstronaut

    Dionysian Spirit is reaching wisdom between madness, everything you do to reach it is secondary, he's the God that reunite the two opposites in one, this is one of the reason why Heraclitus told us that Hades and Zeus are the same God.
    Bingles likes this.
  19. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    Sex in general is gross to see publically. It's meant to be intimate not casually shown. Most Gen Z are quite conservative on sex but it's the vocal minority of sex-obsessed weirdos who think it's a legal obligation to have sexual content in every TV (regardless of setting, audience, or relevancy to the plot). I don't watch Netflix for this sole reason. Why tf does Big Mouth have six seasons?
    Cyan Flame and SilentWolfSong like this.