Blood pressure issues.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by BKSN, Oct 21, 2023.

  1. BKSN

    BKSN Fapstronaut

    Before anyone attacks me, I’m not saying PMO causes High blood pressure (HBP) but blood pressure can be damaged if you strain and stress your body nonstop for years. PMO does just that.

    I was diagnosed with high blood pressure when I was like 29 years. Doctors couldn’t figure out why because I seemed like a very strong young man with everything working fine. But, I had not been sleeping at night, I was watching porn all night most of the days in the week and masturbating till like 5 am. I slept for only about 2 hours and got ready for a strenuous work in a toxic office environment, so, I knew the hypertension must have been caused by that lifestyle which I had lived for so many years. I have refused to pay attention to the condition convincing myself I was going to end this addiction to get things right which I have failed since 2016. I have had only 2 full month streaks in the entire time. I do it almost every week since 2016.

    I can feel my health deteriorating. I need advice. I need people to share their experience, I want to know if anyone hear got his blood pressure checked after quitting PMO. I want to go to the hospital this December and I’m now ready to take the high blood pressure lowering pills if the doctors put me on it. I want to quit now and hopefully don’t relapse and check the levels before. Abstaining always makes me feel better. Chest pains stop, I feel stronger and heart rate slows.

    I would be very happy to get information, advice, suggestions etc from anyone here.
  2. UnholyConfessor

    UnholyConfessor Fapstronaut

    Excess PMO puts your body and mind under a lot of stress, which can lead to high blood pressure. The lack of sleep is also extremely dangerous, probably the worst thing you can do to yourself beside develop a hard drug habit. My blood pressure was normal last time I checked but during some relapses my heart starts beating insanely fast, it really scared me the first time it happened. If there's no other reason doctors can find as to why you have this problem, it's probably either PMO or anxiety/stress causing it.
  3. Caffeine

    Caffeine Fapstronaut

    I've been fapping like crazy for years and I'm not in shape but my resting blood pressure was healthy 120/80 when measured a few days ago.
  4. Onceagain2.0

    Onceagain2.0 Fapstronaut

    high blood pressure is terrible for sexual function. probably the primary demographic for little blue pill . because we all tend to eat like shit drink more beer and exercise less as we age

    i have bad relationship with food

    when im lean i wake up every morning fresh alert and good morning wood

    when i overeat i tend to swell and hold alot of water . blood pressure probably very high terrible for sex drive .

    i bought a bp monitor and check my bp now and again stage one hypertension but i can get my bp to athlete level simply by losing weight and doing cardio

    low and behold my dick is a full and hard as ever.

    BP and excess fat

    definitely no go

    i like eating i like food and beer but ultimately you feel 10x better in every sense with a healthy bodyweight and blood pressure.

    im getting back into it next month going to pick up a fairly decent mountain bike hybrid and going to get two hours of cardio in every morning 5-6am.starts

    high blood pressure is and excess bodyfat is a road to all sorts of health issues down the road diabetes heart disease and can cause impotence

    once i get my shit together I will be going back out cold mornings to knock my pan in

    pmo puts stress on the body lack of sleep spikes cortisol and blood pressure