Why do women wear tight leggings ?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Mar 10, 2018.

  1. SaltedPeter

    SaltedPeter Fapstronaut

    In in Africa some countries have communities they wear nothing at times there are a few thousand nudist beaches and none are a place of sexual display. We are actually as humans supposed to be attracted to the person not the body. A easy way to secure that thought. Is blind people can not see anyone yet have sexual relationships with a S/O and fall in love. It all has to do with rewiring what we thought or think is true. Its a pretty hard cold fact we are taught sexual dysfunction in many ways none of what occur naturally.
  2. I would argue it depends on the situation. If you are in a technical, financial, or business merting for example, you better be damn focused. If you are walking down the street, or in a casual setting, then there is nothing wrong with looking to see women around you.

    Those "unconscious habits" are your nature. You are made to seek out mates at all times. If you want to eliminate that desire to improve focus more power to ya. I would say getting it under control is a better option.
    SaltedPeter likes this.
  3. I am a woman and I have no plan or interest in visiting such sexist and discriminatory countries, I don't see what that disturbing physical danger has to do with say a woman in a first world country that dresses in tight/revealing clothing. Unless we're going back to the old "rape culture" again I'm not sure what you're getting at with the bottom part.

    I've never had a problem with what I wear here especially in my yoga pants, maybe people in the Middle East or other countries have deep issues around that but it's literally just clothes, and if all it takes is what that person is wearing for someone to commit rape, assault or any other thing/crime, then they're already extremely messed up to begin with and that's something else entirely.
    sev94, Jennica and Rancid Tove like this.
  4. that is not the point the point of my question is, lets say you had to.. it would be pretty foolish to not wear a head scarf. You would probably do so because you realized the practicality of doing so and that you would get harassed, possibly groped because you would be advertising yourself as 'loose'. To call it sexist is to complain about the leopard's spots.

    Agreed, but we're talking about men being aroused and/or approaching women or cat calling.. or looking excessively...
    it isn't 'literally' just clothes we all dress for meaning -and to assume we are not being judged by other people by what we are wearing again, is complaining about human nature.
    It is in the basic nature of any healthy man to be deeply attracted to a woman who looks 'fertile' -hips, rear end, healthy face, etc. Again it is completely unrealistic to think that men aren't going to be attracted to women's bodies...
  5. yes and they are also still in the stone age and never developed writing, metallurgy or much of anything else. What is your point?
  6. No what I'm calling sexist is countries like that in general, I'm not talking about their fashion or dress code but how they treat women in their society. That's why I said I wouldn't visit one of those countries, especially the Middle East.

    Except I never stated I had a problem with any of those, and I'm not saying any of those are acceptable but of course you'll get more of the less 'desirable' types of folk doing that stuff. It's our choice to wear stuff like that but if we choose to then we also have to be aware of the possibility of those things happening regardless of it being wrong in the first place.

    I've already had guys checking me out for various reasons and ogling, but unlike women that complain from staring I ignore it because I chose to wear something I guess guys find more 'revealing' even though that's not my intent and I only do it for myself and my own comfort.
    Rancid Tove and Immature like this.
  7. Immature

    Immature Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    This thread is growing faster than I can keep up.

    If women want to wear things that really show off their bodies, they can.

    But they should be prepared for men to look, and for some men to stare. It may or may not be the men here, it doesn't have to be porn addicts, but it will be some men. It's going to happen, and blaming men is useless.

    And yes, for some men, who are delusional or psychopathic, the woman may make herself a target. Saying this is not the same as saying she asked for it.
  8. SaltedPeter

    SaltedPeter Fapstronaut

    I disagree... Having studied Cultural Anthropology, most cultures do not look at women like we do here in the US.
    You took a quote out of context of what I said. I 100% stand behind my statement!
  9. SaltedPeter

    SaltedPeter Fapstronaut

    I made the point very clear, this is a cultural thing not just biological only.
    I 100% stand behind what I said.
  10. Anthropology has been politicized for a long time. Are you telling me that men don't naturally, instinctively look at a woman's hourglass shape and other signs of fertility and that these don't arouse us sexually?!
  11. SaltedPeter

    SaltedPeter Fapstronaut

    First things to remember is some will tell you its biological, and why that is true with a healthy mind.
    If you are an addict of anything, you have rewired the brain. Most men do not look at women thinking they want to
    have a baby. Instinctively that may be inside of us but that over shadowed by unhealthy growth we create with adult materials no matter what they are help us create a false trigger. Secondly, being attracted does not equal being turned on or aroused
    our brains simply do not work that way. But Adult materials introduced do create a situation where attracted and aroused
    are blurred and creates a instant gratification with no effort. Having a relationship with someone whom you find attractive takes time to build a relationship where simply being attracted is only part of it. You introduce Adult materials and even when stopped our reactions are now different and take along time to rewire. And then all we see is women as part of that instant gratification. It is why a huge part of people that are addicted to porn have a real sexual addiction with real people as well and the lines get more blurred that is why seeing women in certain clothing can effect us, its not them at all, its how we have rewired our brains to a brand new system of instant gratification. Once we realize how we view women is only feeding the trigger one begins to see the light at the end of the tunnel, it really plays havoc with how we think, eat, work across the board. The first part is realizing one has a problem and seems you have that in your thoughts. The key now is to lok at what is a healthy relationship for you. Not whats normal there is no such thing its a goal no one can reach. But Healthy is attainable were life and living it becomes a huge priority.
    Phadreous likes this.
  12. SaltedPeter

    SaltedPeter Fapstronaut

    I am done responding to your posts @ivanhoe , I am new here. Not new to addictions, or the studies of humans.
    I have stated clear what I meant. And again 100% disagree with your thoughts on Anthropology, this site enters into all realms of Anthropology, its cultures and sexual differences are all the human condition 1000's of years old. What you want is a quick simple answer to a complex one. I explained once to you, and you were rude. Now you will have to find the answers yourself. Wow I am a member one day and already had to use the sites ignore member love Xenforo software makes this a nice site.

    So OP there are answers reading thru this site it seems an accountability partner section might help you
  13. LilD

    LilD Fapstronaut

    I can't blame women for wearing tight clothes because if I had big biceps/triceps, I would wear short sleeves whenever possible, and I would do so exactly because I want to look attractive to women. I don't have big muscles, it's only for a sake of comparison, but what I mean is that I don't blame anyone for trying to look sexually attractive, pretty, or just fashionable.

    Some of my male friends often blame women for dressing "too sexy", but I think they are just trying to deny their own responsibility for their own behavior. Of course, it's tempting when you see an attractive woman wearing tight or revealing clothes, but it's your choice to stare or not. I glance over ladies without staring and I don't feel any urges about it. At least for now it works.
  14. In a way I also find it kind of sad that men think they shouldn't glance or even stare a little, at women they find attractive/sexy. I think naturally we're all sexual beings and I don't mean just standing there objectifying that gender while ogling and being creepy if you know what I mean.

    I admire men and women by glancing and occasional quick staring but try not to objectify them. I don't know if that applies to you but that's what I think anyways.
    Immature and Rancid Tove like this.
  15. LilD

    LilD Fapstronaut

    @Sarah Walker, I am too asocial to stare (I can look people in the eyes when I talk to them, but I avoid eye contact with strangers), but I still feel creepy because of my habit of objectifying people in my mind while being too shy to stare at them even when I feel nobody would notice. I am being creepy in my mind, but not in my actions. :oops:
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. PornFreeMe

    PornFreeMe Fapstronaut

    To sexually harass us men. It's our #metoo, moment, too. Show as much as possible. It's sexual harassment, I tell you!
    Immature likes this.
  17. Every girl and guy is different in what they perceive, but I think it's cute and flattering when somebody checks me out no matter the age as long as they're not being full on creepy. I'm sorry you feel that way, I hope you're able to push past that and admire people's beauty and form in a respectful way, because by nature humans are sexy and beautiful creatures. :)
    LilD and Rancid Tove like this.
  18. LilD

    LilD Fapstronaut

    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Rancid Tove

    Rancid Tove Fapstronaut

    A show I hear on satellite radio “Family Life Today’ talks about sexual integrity for christians. Among other things they talk about sexual and porn addiction.
    They say a male brain is wired to automatically notice a woman, especially an attractive one. Before the will has time to intervene the brain has already taken a look.
    They say this is natural. But it is the man’s responsibility to then not to continue to stare and lust. Men ( and us women too) are instructed to thank God for the beauty of the other person and then move on training the eyes to look away after that initial notice.
    I assume, they, being doctoral level therapists and all, it has been demonstrated that men do have the capability to notice and move on without lusting or pulling it out and wanking on the spot.
    For the addicted it might be more difficult but those of you here should be on the motivated journey to change.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2018