Occult fellows from here

A group for members of all religions, or no religion at all, to talk about religion

  1. AlexRoIs

    AlexRoIs Fapstronaut

    Hey, so the question is: how many of you from here are into occult?
  2. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Not many. At least openly that is. This isn't a very good enviroment for one to talk about anything that a fundamentalist christian could view as being satanic. I personally have my own views and practises, but have come to the conclusion that talking about it tends to end up in mockery at best.
    AlexRoIs likes this.
  3. Depends on what do you mean with occultism. Of course Occultism is just a title used and seen by christians for say everything outside their doctrine is satanic.h
    Everything different from the modern Christian Pharisee doctrine is satanic.
    Belive that Easter is just a massive collective of poor animals sacrifice is satanic?
    Of course i don't want to make my friends angry, but when you say that the objective of the human is the yearning of good (Stop to kill (kill everything), help everyone, ecc..) and they say you are satanic because it does not coincide with Christian Pharisee doctrine you get really confuse.
    Stay away from Theosophy, New Age (But not from Antroposophy),David Icke and Sitchin, that want you just confuse.
    i will continue to repeat it on this site, it seem that is not necessary to enter in esoteric confusion, Tolstoj (After anna Karenina Book) and Steiner already provided to write what Humans need to do for understand the life.
    aricking and AlexRoIs like this.
  4. AlexRoIs

    AlexRoIs Fapstronaut

    Just logged in and saw that you just left the comment now. ;)
    En?gma likes this.
  5. AlexRoIs

    AlexRoIs Fapstronaut

    There is a thing called psionics, you may know about it or you find it now. Do you consider psionics being antroposophy?
  6. AlexRoIs

    AlexRoIs Fapstronaut

    Also I refer to occultism occultism by its actually meaning which is "hidden knowledge"
  7. Never eard about them.
    Hope you will follow a sure path anyway. As some think, Occultism esoterism or gnosticism are no people that make circles with a star with blood and sell,their soul to the devil for money, ecc...did you know who purge the gnostics because they had another opinion in southern france? Christian didn't killed just muslims during the crusade (Same rooth religion, abramitic) they also killed themself, Lutherian, Orthodox, Chatolic, anglican, ecc.... About Chatolic, this theatre now is inside the Chatolic church itself, with an half that belive Pope Francesco is the true pope, and other that think Ratzinger is the real pope and spread division. So this is what Christianity is become and they want to teach "Luc 10:25:37"? In New Textament you can learn a lot of things, and i said that the only one that really understand that books (Without astrological codification of course) ethic is Tolstoj , and honestly there is not a single esoteric book that was able hit me like Tolstoj did with is books and diaries.

    Who research the truth need to leave egoic things like money, success, is something that corrupt the soul, not heal. So i don't think who read Corpus Hermeticum will start to make sacrifices to devil. Instead they will take consciousness of their soul. This is my opinion anyway and is not even complete, just a small text, i don't want to be confused for a guru that pretend to know the truth, i don't think i wil talk more here, thanks for had the courage to post it because it could triggered a lot of people so I think i'm happy to came here before of them.

    About Gnosticism and Esoterism, just go and read their etimology.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2021
  8. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    Risky question to ask in this forum. There's a number of religious fanatics here.
  9. AlexRoIs

    AlexRoIs Fapstronaut

    Nah, it's just funny
  10. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    I sense heresy here ! Burn the Heretic! Kill the Heathen ! Purge the Unclean
    SickSicko likes this.
  11. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    No knowledge is hidden, know thyself.
  12. Tried my hand at it.
    Nothing happened.
    It's all fairy tales to me now, and if they aren't, then the amount of effort they require is well past my level of curiosity or general concern.
  13. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    What did you try? If you don't mind me asking.
  14. 1. Attempted to Summon demons from the Lesser Key of Solomon, on two separate occasions; once alone and once with company whose souls I intended to use as bait.
    One was some crow headed one and the other was something similar I can't remember.
    Absolutely nothing happened.

    2. Touched a cursed object (some coconut with a weird doll of cloth inside) that was rumored to cause grave misfortune to whoever touched it. That was about 2 (EDIT: 4) years ago. Nothing "grave" happened, and if it did, I didn't bat an eye at it.

    Anything more than this is way beyond my level of interest. I spent weeks studying Goetias but evidently it either requires more dedication or the demons in hell just don't want to communicate with me. Too bad for them, I say. I'm a living demon for many.
  15. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Uhm I see, well, I can only say that your approach to it was completely misguided for what I'm able to tell, as in, those things doesn't work remotely as one may think they work.

    Is not like "demons" as in, entities, or what people understand as entities, are going to communicate with you in a simple traditional sense, hahaha, although I can relate to what you were trying to do. Sadly, it really has nothing to do with any of that, and therefore it won't work.
    BlackSerpent and AlexRoIs like this.
  16. You know what; I'll take your word for it. I'm sure you know more than I do.
  17. Hero76

    Hero76 Fapstronaut

    Have you ever evoked or made contact with a spirit, be it a demon, angel, god etc? Do you have open astral senses?
  18. Bro why do you resurrected this post now us, LARPER occultists, esoterists, paranormalists, theosophists, antroposophists, gnosticists, Baal-ists, Cabalists, Molochists, Swedenborgians, Rosacrucians, Neo-Platonists, Krishnanists, Reptilianists, ecc.. will restart to talk and dialogate like tards for the next life.

    Anyway take care if you want to evocate them because you risk to get possessed througt your anus. But you have to remember that you are costantly Plundered by minor entities.
  19. Hero76

    Hero76 Fapstronaut

    Well if you're not interested in dialoguing "like a tard" then what are you doing here in this occult thread?

    Possessed through your anus? What do you mean? That sounds very Hollywood.
    En?gma likes this.
  20. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    I chuckled like a retard to that not going to lie.
    En?gma likes this.