Is there no end to this? I wish we could erase all porn in one click. And now my son.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by drsim, Nov 23, 2013.

  1. drsim

    drsim Fapstronaut

    There are some amazing people here. I am very impressed indeed.
    My best is no PMO/MO for 29 days, but it was summer stress.

    After seeing YBOP, I was able to leave MO..almost completely...but the porn..

    Now, I barely get a few days is just too
    exciting, too uplifting...I hate it..and love it.

    When I think about the people that run these sites...I wish I could just hack in an destroy their whole operation...I am not a mean spirited person, but when I noticed my son the other day looking at it (still quite innocently), it broke my heart...
    savage_redemption likes this.
  2. am92

    am92 Fapstronaut

    I get what you mean man, its pervasive its everywhere, every turn every click every corner.. The arguments for porn are so weak and so pseudo its quite sad that our societies allow such trash to be accessible to our children at the click of a mouse.. I started out as a kid and what an effect it has had on my youth i wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy.. I read in this book called "The drug of the new millennium" by Mark B. Kastleman, (btw its a good read) that pornographers/investors can invest 30-40k and earn 1-2 million or more from a porn website. Their main motive is money! I wish there were sticker regulations, where if one so desperately wanted to view such material they would be required to fill out forms anything to restrict children to being exposed anything to defend children's innocence from this disease! Considering some countries ban all porn all of us suffering from PMO, can see why.. N.Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, when i think of it these nations have more morality than the western world does.. And whats a nation without a moral code, its an animal kingdom i say! - A.M.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2013
  3. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Someone said "there is no zealot like a convert". I am a convert, so to speak. For a long time I did not believe in porn addiction. I knew I liked P, knew I used it too much, tried to quit a few times, couldn't, thought it was not an especially big deal. I wasn't hurting anyone--you get the idea, you know the rationalizations. But now that I have become educated on the problem I think it's an epidemic. I think more people are addicted to porn than to drugs. I will say I had your problem for a while, being able to stop or seriously reduce the MO, but kept compulsively watching the P. But then I changed my approach in two ways. First, I began to consciously attempt to stop for my wife. I began trying to stop for someone other than me. For me this helped, I think because I had esteem issues, so helping myself was never a great motivator, but helping my wife, quitting for her, to help her self esteem, that motivated me. Second, I used all the tools I could, such as blockers, which I can always get around, but which stop me for a second and remind me why I want to stop. You might try those. You might try quitting for your son, that might be your motivation, and in the process, get those blockers on his/your computer. If nothing else, even if they can be gotten around, they are a reminder that porn is bad (I am not judging morally, when I say "bad" I mean bad for you). Understand that porn has rewired your brain chemicals, and if you want to get back to normal you are going to have to consciously rewire them back to normal. The problem is, the brain likes its new self because the chemicals porn causes to be released are 10 times more powerful, in the pleasure center, than those released with actual sex. I don't know how old your kid is, but many of us give our kids "the talk" around 12-13. I have a kid myself. I predict that in the future, "the talk" will have to include the dangers of internet pornography. I don't mean in a moral way, or a "sex is bad" way, but in a scientific way. Just like we need to explain to kids that cigarettes have chemicals that cause changes in brain chemistry that can create an addiction, we need to let our kids know that porn imagery can do exactly the same thing, and to be cautious of that. If your kid is too young for that talk, all the better; get some great porn blockers on the computer now so that later you will only be explaining about the dangers of internet porn rather than the ways to beat the addiction and how frustrating and hard it is. Good luck to you and thank you for posting. Reading posts and responding is one the tools I use to fight this thing.
  4. hope2013

    hope2013 Fapstronaut

    You need to realize that we live in a democracy and government is for the governed. Do you wish to live in North Korea and other areas you listed where the basic human rights are not allowed but everything is decided for you on grounds that it is "good for you". Love is the same, you love others and act out in love not for selfish gain but for the noble and good intentions to make the world that you live in a better place. Love does not force itself upon others, love seeks peace of mind, heart, soul, and body. Without getting into the politics of the porn industry, you need to realize your own self is what you can change and control, you can not control what other people choose to do nor should you seek to control what others do if love is what your heart has.
  5. drsim

    drsim Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much. Can you recommend any good blockers?
  6. drsim

    drsim Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your kind thoughts. It is a crazy world live in..,
  7. Discipline

    Discipline Fapstronaut

    It's the little steps that we take that make it so important. We make progress, we fail, we make progress, we fail. But we always make it a little bit further. Do not feel bad that you failed, but feel good that you withheld yourself from P for quite some time.


    Remember that during the winter our challenge just becomes a bit harder. We stay inside more, the stress of deadlines that need to be met before newyear are upon us. Stay strong mate! Just keep yourself busy, maybe find a good hobby to do during the winter!
  8. marcosharko

    marcosharko Fapstronaut

    great post, william. I agree with you 100%. Keep posting encouraging posts - by helping others you help yourself. Good for you.
  9. drsim

    drsim Fapstronaut

    You are right...Thank you for your reply.
  10. William

    William Fapstronaut

    I run Mozilla Firefox. I suggest you download it and use it as your browser. There is a good pornblocker for it. Just google "Mozilla Firefox pornblocker" and you will find it. It is an "add on". Also, on google, which I suggest you use as your search engine, you can enable the "safe search" feature. This will not stop you from being able to access the problem, but will slow you down and give you a few seconds to ask whether you want to really access it. I am a believer in using tools outside of mere willpower because I have found they help; translation: mere willpower is not enough. Good luck.