I feel a weight has lifted off of me

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by TheLoneWolf88, Jul 10, 2023.

  1. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    Two weeks ago, I finally confessed my virginity to my colleagues. It took an immense amount of courage for me to do that. With me being in my mid 30s, I was preparing to be joked about and bullied. One of them was persistent in asking if I was.

    Their reactions? Surprisingly positive. I was blown away.

    At least it can help explain my daily behavior. Non social, frequently irritated (especially in the morning), frequently depressed with no reason why, never engaging in sex topics.

    I have been subtly dropping hints that I need help. Either they caught onto it, or they didn't. I realized months ago that trying to get laid myself felt impossible.

    Now I feel somewhat accepted now that they're okay with my darkest secret
    amaranth, rheinpfalz and Jerry2Rick like this.
  2. Jerry2Rick

    Jerry2Rick Fapstronaut

    Takes a lot of courage to open up to your colleagues. Good on you.
  3. Dude, I'm going to say this bluntly: Your viriginity/sex life is none of your colleagues business. They have no right to ask you about that. Who who have sex with or whether or not you ever have is between you and your partner.

    They are nosy and rude to be asking that sort of stuff about you, and at work too. They have some nerve.

    While I'm glad that you aren't ashamed of your status, other people need to mind their own business and not persist in knowing your business.
  4. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    I am ashamed of it, but they've offered to help me numerous times. Getting laid myself is a pipe dream. I WANT to get some help
    rheinpfalz likes this.
  5. I completely agree with this statement. Talking about sex and your personal life are topics that should not be discussed at work. If these conversations were occurring in the office and you were uncomfortable with it, you should have told them to stop bringing it up or you would report them to HR. That's a sexual harrassment lawsuit waiting to happen. If you were hanging out with them after work at a bar for happy hour and the conversation came up that's a different scenario.
    rheinpfalz likes this.
  6. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    I work at a garage full of nothing but guys. The topic is unavoidable
  7. MusicIsLife

    MusicIsLife Fapstronaut

    thats good to hear, and a rare occasion from the part of them, they represent the minority when it comes to hearing a confession of a guy's virginity. Thats why I would never tell about it to anyone. Im soon gonna be 24, and losing my virginity is something I want so bad, but also just dont deserve as I am completely fucked in my mental health and life in general.

    I also agree with the general sentiment here that it is none of anyones business about your sexual history, except a partner.
  8. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    My mind is also very fucked up, and 17 years of heavy porn usage made it that way, but I still want to lose mine so badly.

    I have been keeping it a secret at my job, mostly for fear that I will be mocked for it. Sex topics are unavoidable at my job, and when they wouldn't stop asking, I gave up trying to hide it. My behavior and my actions already indicate it
  9. MusicIsLife

    MusicIsLife Fapstronaut

    As long as they weren't reacting badly to this confession, then its fine. I know I would never tell it to anyone I know, no matter what, even lie if I have to tbh.
    Im soon to be 24, and so much in my life is for the worse that I eventually refuse to even try, because I know nobody would want me, and one of the fixes is obviously stop watching porn, which fucks me up each time, but I lack the discipline to not watch it after a week or so...

    But Im glad it was possible for you not to be mocked for being a virgin by your colleagues, thats indeed rare.
    All the best.