Any tips for stopping being on the phone when I wake up?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by MusicIsLife, Jun 9, 2023.

  1. MusicIsLife

    MusicIsLife Fapstronaut

    As the title says, I start to notice that even before I go to brish my teeth, I just instantly go on my phone to check for messages from people, and scroll through youtube mindlessly, which feels like a lot of waste of time, and makes me feel less awake then I wouls want to.
    Any ways to deal this problem?
    ZenYogi and Escaping the matrix like this.
  2. freedom is coming

    freedom is coming Fapstronaut

    I got a dumbphone in January, and this really helped me be mindful of when I was "needing" to use my phone and build better habits around it. I also use Net Nanny to keep the internet off until 7am on my phone (earlier on my laptop as I need to work).

    I'm reintroducing it in my life as I've just got a Garmin which also is a smartwatch, and it's helping me have my phone out of sight, but allow me to see important messages that come through.
  3. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Yeah keep your phone on airplane mode when you go to sleep and keep it on airplane mode all morning. No internet means all you can do is journal in it which is productive anyways

    if you try and fail at that. Then put your phone off in a closet in a locked box with the key on the other side of the house. And get an alarm clock to wake yourself up. You can go to further lengths like removing the battery or putting a heavy weight on the box lid or putting the box on the hardest to reach shelf or under the couch or whatever

    It’s all about barriers to entry > successful moderation > reduce barriers to entry > and you’re a paragon of moderation hooray goal accomplished
    Infinity8 and freedom is coming like this.
  4. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Echo buying an alarm clock - i cant believe how many years i used to set the alarm on my phone and then end up fiddling with it for hours. Then reach for my phone to turn the alarm off and end up fiddling with it some more.
    Put the phone in a different room before you start your bedtime routine. If you cant sleep or are restless in the night, have a book by your bed to read (nothing too heavy, something relaxing). You'll crave your phone at first but very soon you will adjust.

    Once you are used to this, start to challenge yourself how long before you look at your phone in the morning. If you keep it in the kitchen, can it wait until breakfast time? Maybe after you have done a workout, washed and dressed. How about after you've finished breakfast too? Or after youve written a to do list for the day? Etc.

    Its tempting to think that you have to check phone multiple times an hour, but its not necessarily the case. I have a friend whose wattsapp status says he checks his phone only twice a day at set times, and he's more reliable than anyone else at replying because he has a set time for it. Needless to say he is also jacked, on top of his careers and studies, great dad to his two kids etc. Whatever your situation there's always better things you could be doing than wasting time on the phone.
  5. maxwelfree04

    maxwelfree04 Fapstronaut

    Everyone is different. After almost four years of practicing nofap monkey mode, I find it much easier to break habits compared to before. For example, I simply say to myself, 'Tomorrow, I am not going to engage in that habit,' and I stop.

    If your willpower is not strong enough, you can take more extreme measures, such as putting your phone in another room. Alternatively, you could take an even more drastic step by temporarily giving your phone to a trusted friend or family member until you completely break the habit.
  6. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    I think it’s important to define the goal and track progress towards it.

    is the goal to use your phone only one hour a day for activities including: social media, reading . What else if any?

    then track in your journal. 2 hours on 7/4/23. 1 hour 7/7/23. Goal achieved. Now maintain this goal and learn the next one.

    That’s how winning is done.
  7. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    My goal right now is just to sleep through the night. It’ll be easy. I’ll get my blackout curtains up and probably catch up on sleep this weekend. I’ll take brief showers at night if I’m sweaty and cool my body down while reading in bed with a sheet.

    I’m gonna figure out how to drop off my car for repairs. Probably tomorrow morning at the shop downt be street, I’ll try to call a dentist too. See if someone here can take my insurance.

    how do I get my dental ins no. Tho?

    why’s the back and neck sore? Maybe needs foam rolling. Reading manga is good. Not sure what to like keep reading so I’ll find one that looks good on my phone

    most important: I’ve achieved the thing I was working in for two years or more; to have a simple full body workout that I do regularly. No more chopping and changing. Just slow steady progress. Long term. It’s very simple and easy. Even if it’s tough and lasts a while sometimes it’s very reasonable.

    In achievement especially achievement of long term goals. I feel a great stagnation. A dust settling upon my bones. What now? I’m just sitting around on this hill that I built and climbed. I need a new hill to climb or the dust will accumulate. I’ll get bored. I’ll feel like I’m doing nothing for too long. My career mountain climbing is at a summit as well. So two things I’ve been grinding at for years I’ve basically made it at. Now I’ll maintain them.

    But where do I go from here?

    I’m going to finish he big three shonen manga, make a few good friends in the area. Get my dentist and car stuff done.

    ill get to 20 pull-ups and save $X and read ten books this year.

    I need more to work on. I’m not like hustling anymore. Life’s become maybe a little to easy sometimes or something. Idk how to put it right. I love easy life coasting it’s my MO. But I need to be striving for something. Striving for excellence is what gives purpose to my life.

    it’s like James and the giant peach. He harnesses seagulls to a giant peach to make it fly and he and his friends ride in the peach through the sky. Each of those seagulls is one of my goals. Once I harness the goodness of that goal I tie it to my life. That’s maintaining the goal. Then it helps me feel lighter as I fly through life like the peach through afternoon sky.

    I just want more seagulls lol.

    or some friends to hang in the peach with me.

    It’s that mountain I need to climb and build. Etcetera. So the mountain. It’s it should be drawing I think. Or writing or learning Japanese. I wish I could put up a poll heh.

    Should I do
    1 Japanese
    2 drawing
    3 writing
    4 just try to finish lots of manga series

    cast your votes by replying to this

    I think I’m going with number four . Let’s finish the big three manga then we’ll choose a new hill to climb
  8. lln_hnsn

    lln_hnsn Fapstronaut

    You need to stop letting your phone control you man. You are saying it yourself your almost simultaneously browsing and doing real life stuff.
    Im gonna try and go you through some of the things that i have done to lessen my use of my phone.
    Turn of all notifications for all your apps. It can be done in the apps settings commonly under personal settings.
    if you are browsing videos too do you finish them?. i can sometimes get irritated with myself for watching a bunch of videos that im not really invested in and sometimes dont finish and thats because i suffer from the same chronic checking like al of us. A good practice can be before you open a video on youtube to ask yourself what am i gonna watch these video for? Try to have a specific goal. Like i want to know more about the neck length of a giraffe. I know insane suggestion. But the idea is to focus in more on the necesity of video watching.
    Try to limit yourself to a set amount of videos. Like only 10 a day. Try to make a challenge to not break that amount. To try it its needed that your keep track of the number of videos you watch to limit yourself.
    Try to make fun of it and laugh if maybe someday you watch 50 times that number. And then reward yourself for staying under it.
  9. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Get an old school alarm clock and put the phone in another room.

    get a dumb phone.