Relapsed to porn today :(

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by TFidelton, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. TFidelton

    TFidelton Fapstronaut

    I gave in today guys and the sad thing is I felt like complete shit afterwards. I don't understand why I do this to myself because I know I am just going to feel like complete shit afterwards I PMO.

    I'm going to try again tomorrow and want to stop viewing porn throughout the rest of summer.
  2. perusan

    perusan Fapstronaut

    Well done for coming back. Make sure you keep coming back. You know how shit PMO is. You know you want to quit it. This is the right place to do it. You are in the middle of the process of giving up PMO. Keep going.

    Learn from your relapses. What was your trigger? Can you do anything about it?

    Have you thought about installing the Panic button on your phone?

    Good luck!
  3. TFidelton

    TFidelton Fapstronaut

    No I haven't! My triggers are just when I'm home alone and bored, but I have no reason to be bored because I always have a ton of homework to be doing and I need my computer for it. I feel like I can't get any of my homework done unless I go ahead and PMO (which is sad). I'm going to start posting to these forums from now on whenever I begin to have urges. Thanks for the support though man!
  4. perusan

    perusan Fapstronaut

    I would suggest moving your computer into a a more public space. You can tell your family it is to help you concentrate on your homework. Not only will you get respect and praise for being studious, but it will also help prevent you from relapsing.

    Keep going! You are doing well!
  5. Normi

    Normi Fapstronaut

    Don't give up !

    You have the power to face it. You can control your brain and your acts.

    Perusan's advice seems to be good =)
  6. Speshal_K_1997

    Speshal_K_1997 Fapstronaut

    most likely the reason you gave in is because you didn't want to quit the habit bad enough, you jus thought "fuk it" and proceeded to fap away, but to quit the habit you got 2 really want to quit the habit lol, next time u feel like fapping jus read the benefits of not fapping and that should get you motivated to continue not fapping again, or jus picture that goal bar in your head and think 2 urself "I cant quit now"

    to get 1 of those goal bar things jus click on my 1 while ur logged in & it should say "Create ur own timer"
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2015
  7. LiveAnAwesomeLife

    LiveAnAwesomeLife Fapstronaut

    * Sorry to be HARSH *

    Dont be a lil pussy whose craving for sympathy.

    You post : I feel like shit after PMO

    People say : Do it again, don't give up , we all go through this .. . bla bla bla!

    If you keep playing this game, keep posting after relapsing nothing will change my friend!
    Be a REAL MAN!

    You just don't PMO unknowingly!

    You TURN ON *PORN* , YOU WATCH IT, Your dopamine gets affected then you fap and thats how it goes! IF you have a strong will power! SAY NO to your brain who always tricks you into watching PORN!


    BE A REAL MAN! Not A LIL BITCH .. who tries and keeps FAILING OVER!

    Mr.NoFapster likes this.
  8. The 1000 Water Fists

    The 1000 Water Fists Fapstronaut

    Move on from your relapse,write down what caused you to relapse,put tools in place to stop it and enjoy your life.
    Good luck!!!
  9. TFidelton

    TFidelton Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the support guys! I appreciate it!
  10. Speshal_K_1997

    Speshal_K_1997 Fapstronaut

  11. Mr.NoFapster

    Mr.NoFapster Fapstronaut

    I relapsed today too. I'm in the same boat as you. (hey, that rhymed lol)
    We just need to get our shit together and don't let our guard down...
  12. TFidelton

    TFidelton Fapstronaut

    Yeah man we do!
    Mr.NoFapster likes this.
  13. immanuel.iitd

    immanuel.iitd Fapstronaut

    you will win