What is best way to get smaller waist measurement?

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by Deleted Account, Jun 29, 2023.

  1. I just wanted to ask what is the best way to get a smaller waist size. I have some back problems so dont do situps or weights in the gym. I'm overweighted as well I think. Anyway I just wanted to know what you all think is best.
  2. andyl

    andyl Fapstronaut

    Running is a great way to lose weight!
    GrittyRunning likes this.
  3. Thanks!! I'm not great at running but could try that more.
  4. andyl

    andyl Fapstronaut

    I put a treadmill under my desk so I am walking when I'm working too lol
  5. Thanks again! I don't do much work at desk, but that sounds a great idea if I did.
    andyl likes this.
  6. Thanks for the suggestions Andyl
  7. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Just extend the tape measure with blank tape XD




    go look at my nutrition post below

    and also you must focus on strength training. Get stronger big muscle reduce fat! Also planks seem to help.

    most important strength and nutrition. Some cardio. But keep cardio moderate and increase it when you hit plateaus

    Nutrition advice of the ZenYogi

    I’m about a No SFRW mentality whenever I’m at home. No sweets fried red meat or white carbs. I’ll indulge a little when I eat out with people on occasions. Though I normally aim for the chicken or salmon salad with minimal dressing when I eat out with others.

    My focus is like on brown rice whole wheat bread and tortilla all no sugar or little sugar as possible. A little dark chocolate is ok with me like 1-2 squares a day = 3g sugar. It’s highest in antioxidants which is linked to longevity and good health plus it’s tasty!

    Also I aim for lots of water and 1-2% fat milk. My healthy snacks are the 0 sugar barebells protein bars. So good!!!

    Fruits veggies are always on the menu

    I meal prep like four days of meals:

    Chicken egg and cheese breakfast burritos whole wheat tortilla

    whole wheat Turkey sandwich and peanut butter and berry sandwiches

    and a huge tub of brown rice eggs vegetables and ground turkey or chicken. About four lbs or so.

    It totals about twelve meals

    So then I just eat a light breakfast of peanut butter and yogurt on Thursday with no breakfast Friday too fast. Then I’ll just make more sandwiches on Friday and I’m fine.

    yep . I basically only cook twice a week and that makes all my food. :)

    and it’s all healthy.

    the old me would run out of food and order pizza! Then lament the loss of lean gains. But no more! Healthy tasty food prep for the win. You can always freeze some if you make too much


    ps I know it’s a bit strict but it’s more flexible than most nutrition advice. If I’m feeling crazy I’ll just eat a peanut butter and fruit sandwich with some milk usually calms me down since it’s so comforting ^_^ and sugar free! Plus berries are a high source of antioxidants
  8. That's amazingly helpful, gives me lots of ideas!! Thanks so much for this.
    ZenYogi likes this.
  9. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    You’re welcome :)

    If you wanna get more hardcore you can do completely No SFRW some people even cut carbs entirely tho that’s too far for me.

    I’m getting good lean gains right now as I did an 18 hour fast on my rest day yesterday while trying to eat small amount. Also I’ve been not even eating my chocolate im just more hungry for the gains than the sweet my dude
  10. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Fast on rest days and eat small meals

    Always eat on training days but you can probably manage a 12-14 hour fast those days as well

    fasting after hard strength training and cardio is like climbing a high altitude mountain. It’ll take a lot
  11. Thanks again I will tell you how I get on with this!!
    ZenYogi likes this.
  12. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    The only way to lose the weight is to use CICO - calories in/calories out. You just have to burn more calories than you eat. To do this, eat foods that are less calorie dense and more filling, like meaty salads. Carbs are a huge source of calories so try and eat less of those as well as really fatty foods. Soda is a huge source of empty calories and doesn't fill you up so cut that out. Finally, light exercise like walking can help but don't go overboard. Too much cardio is just gonna make you hungrier.

    Good luck!
    ZenYogi likes this.
  13. That makes a lot of sense 3nigma, thanks for this. I'll remember that!!
    ZenYogi likes this.
  14. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Ya Saul be kind to yourself. Just to keep trying day by day is the goal. Progress not perfection. Going too hard isn’t good so take care of yourself. If you’re hungry eat especially if it’s healthy foods. I feel like it’ll even out over time.

    I was on a diet of eating minimal sweets and no deep fried food for like a year or two before I become more dedicated to it and managed to get the bodyfat lower. Two years of trying. Lol.

    I’m sure you’ll see some results soon I just think fitness and nutrition are a marathon is all. Not a sprint. Hanging in there is our main skill :p
  15. My waistline became slimmer after cutting down on carbs and walking 10000 steps daily. It took a while for the changes to take effect, but I think it was worth the effort and consistency
    boston08 likes this.
  16. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Agree 100% that cutting carbs down to 60 carbs a day and add in walking and the weight will fall of you. You need a carb counter app to really understand how many carbs you consume per day. It's shocking how easy it is to reach 60 carbs, many people have reached that number before they have had lunch.
    boston08 likes this.
  17. boston08

    boston08 Fapstronaut

    Does anyone have a calorie deficit calculator
  18. Hpy

    Hpy Fapstronaut

    Search for 'TDEE calculator' online to get an idea. Eat approximately 400-600kcal (or 20%) below your daily maintenance level. To help you in the beginning, you could use any app that counts your daily calory intake.
    boston08 likes this.
  19. boston08

    boston08 Fapstronaut

    Thank Hpy. That helps. I’m on it
  20. Prophet Harry

    Prophet Harry Fapstronaut

    Fasting is a great way to get a smaller waistline.