How long to withold sex while rebooting?

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by jacky78, Nov 23, 2023.

  1. jacky78

    jacky78 New Fapstronaut

    This is my second reboot. First one lasted 90-ish days back in 2020 - I was single back then, and I guess I didn't know as much as I now know about porn.

    I'm completely convinced now that I want to ditch porn for the rest of my life, masturbation too actually.

    This time, I am 18 days in and holding strong. I have no doubt I will continue on this streak, and my goal is not 90 or 100 days - my goal is long term!

    However, I do have a girlfriend, and we used to have sex almost daily. She found out about the P which made me start rebooting, and she's supporting me through it which is great. I told her it would help me reboot faster if we stopped having sex, and reluctantly she's agreed to stop for 50 days.

    The more I read on the topic, the more I feel like I should withhold sex for at least 90 days... but most rebooters are not in a sexually active relationship so it's also hard to find convincing data. I will keep searching this forum though.

    How do I know if it's a mistake having sex after "just" 50 days?
  2. I am with you there! That is the reason why I am here: to completely ditch P and M for the rest of my life.

    That is fantastic! Sounds like she is a keeper! I am married myself, and my wife is doing her best to support me on this. We haven't been intimate in years, so what's another few more weeks?

    I don't think there is a hard-set time frame. I believe it would be between how you feel and how she feels. For me personally, I left my goal of 30/31 days of no PMO and then I have plans to ease off and just abstain from PM and be open to having intimacy with my wife again. For me, this is going to be driven by how she feels and us rebuilding our relationship and the family. I am not going to be pushing for intimacy on her and I would like for her to let me know when she's ready. In my case, I have hidden my addiction for years and she didn't know about it going into the relationship and I only confessed to it a couple of weeks ago; she'll need time to process this and to heal from it. In your situation, I am assuming here, your girlfriend already knows about it and is willing to help you through your journey; that makes things a lot easier.

    If you want to aim for 50 days and she is OK with that, then go for it! However, I want to say that you should be flexible about it.
    Hyperlord, SilentWolfSong and Damo_c1 like this.
  3. Damo_c1

    Damo_c1 Fapstronaut

    Hey man,

    Something similar happened to me, daily sometimes twice a day was the usual before my girlfriend found out about my addiction. I’ve found a way to separate both PMO from sex and although I’m not 100% sure how I did it it’s all about mindset. In my case I didn’t want to see my girlfriend like I see people online, during some experiences at the start of our relationship I thought of other people which was a good example of not what you want at all, it brings guilt and frustration into your head on why you even had to think that to get off when the perfect girl is right in front of you.

    Timing is key. If you have had a rough week or day and you think you’re horny but for other reasons than her it’s not the time. Genuine connection makes sex good, better than anything PMO can give you, she loves you and you love her, so when you feel that genuine connection I say go for it!

    You just have to keep in mind the triggers involved of course, if your mind wanders look into her eyes and stay in the moment, it’s you and her, a connection.

    I completely understand your thought process with holding back from sex for a while and I agree that there is no set time you can or can’t wait. It’s up to you two having a conversation about this and letting her know if you need to stop because your mind is wandering, she wants you to get better as much as you do maybe even more.

    if you got all the way down here hope your going well man, you got this!
  4. jacky78

    jacky78 New Fapstronaut

    I can really relate to this. My brain is playing tricks with me all the time and I see "flashes" in my head sometimes, so I redirect my attention to the present moment when that happens. It's tough and I hope that goes away after a while.

    If the same is true about sex with my girlfriend, then there is hope!
    Wuugazi32 and Damo_c1 like this.
  5. Damo_c1

    Damo_c1 Fapstronaut

    Glad it’s not just me in this, do you feel guilty when it happens? I feel almost sick when it happens sometimes like I don’t want to bring that into my relationship any more than it already has been, even if she doesn’t know. It sucks man it truly does, but I’ve been feeling a lot better lately
    Wuugazi32 and Yozhikova like this.
  6. Wuugazi32

    Wuugazi32 Fapstronaut

    I have been told it's a minimum of 90 days..but impossible for me as I'm married and recently my wife has been discovering her sex drive again, so we have sex most nights again now.

    I think the key is just to rewire to sex, don't overdo it and just stay as far away from PMO as you can.
  7. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    We didn't stop sex at all (though we have sex less frequently than you two @Jacky198). It is too important a part of our intimacy. The tricky consequence (as you know) was the chaser effect, but at least I knew when that was coming.

    I'm just a data point though, your way out of this addiction may be different from mine.

    But I guess what I am saying is that at some point you will need to start having sex again for the sake of your relationship. At that point you will have to learn to deal with the chaser effect. But you will know it's coming. And after 50 or 90 days of success you will have needed working techniques in place, and you'll need them!
    Warfman and Wuugazi32 like this.