Am I being lead on or should I give this person the benefit of the doubt?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by StayClean&Proactive, Feb 20, 2024.

  1. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    I met this girl on hinge that I’ve been talking to for a month. Her profile said that she’s looking for a good friend AND a good partner. We messaged backed and forth consistently on hinge for two weeks. We then FaceTimed each other for the first time after two weeks of talking to each other. We FaceTimed for two hours and we exchanged numbers. She was okay with responding back and forth but then ended up not contacting me for almost a day. I expressed this by telling her that she needs to be better at communicating with me and that I almost moved on because I assumed she ghosted me. She then said she’s glad I said that since that lets her know that I’m serious. She then added me to her pinned contacts on her phone and has been good withresponding ever since. We originally planned to meet up in March but after a few days of texting we really began to vibe and ended up moving the date to two weeks after we first FaceTimed which was yesterday.

    We met up at the mall and went to the arcade, there were a bunch of kids in there so we could barely hear each other. She seemed to be far more nervous in person as opposed to over text. When we ate dinner, which wasat the Cheesecake Factory, she beganto become more comfortable and herenergy began to match somewhat how it was over FaceTime and overtext. Her mother had picked her up and the date had ended. The datelasted four hours.

    She texted me the next morning saying that we were moving too fast and that we skipped the friendship phase after she had sat down and spoke to her mom about the date. Her mom is a traditional Jamaican woman.

    I am scared that she may have been turned off by my quirky behavior that was caused by me having autism and which causes me to lack the sex appeal required to attract black women.

    I met this guy in group therapy and he was able to get into a relationship with a girl he met with in a week and he was far worse looking than me. I think Asperger’s causes me to lack the social skills needed to attract women.

    I also fear that we may just end up being just friends and it won’t lead to anywhere.
    HealingBodyandMind likes this.
  2. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    Well, nice job at least going out on the date with her..

    I’m not sure what to think about this.. do you like her after meeting her in person?

    I’d say just remain calm no matter what. Also, just talk to her more and see if you can both meet up again in the future, even if it’s just as friends

    idk I’m really not good at giving advice on this. I also kinda feel like if she really liked you a lot, she wouldn’t have said this “friendship phase” thing to you

    Not sure what to think about this OP. Only time will tell what her actual reasons are for saying this
  3. EdricKr

    EdricKr Distinguished Fapstronaut

    This is a very good sign. If she wasn't interested, she would have found a way to end the date long before four hours.

    She has a lot at stake too. She might be worried you won't like her.

    Key thing is is "spoke to her mom". Mom is probably alarmed about how excited she was after the date, and is putting on the brakes. Overall, a good sign.

    Women are less likely to be concerned about looks than men are. If you make sure your teeth are clean, you've had a reasonably recent shower, and - this is key (which I learned long after it was relevant to me) - wear stylish shoes that are kept in good condition. And not just trainers. Dress shoes. This alone puts you ahead of the thundering herd.

    As a non-muscular white guy with a funny walk who is married to a black woman, I can assure you that sex appeal is in the eye of the beholder. You don't have to be attractive to all black women, or even most of them. You only need to be attractive to one of them.

    Yes, it will be disappointing if it turns out that way, mostly because all of the terrible things you will be telling yourself it means. "I'm not attractive, I'll never find anyone, it's hopeless, etc".

    So if I could go waaay back in time and coach my younger self, I would encourage him to learn to work with the mind through meditation, preferably with people connected to a lineage like Zen or vipassana (insight) meditation. If you can dial down the the self-talk and learn to take it less seriously, then it becomes possible to take the risk getting friend-zoned for the reward of finding a mutual attraction.

    It's easy to give advice. I couldn't do it when I was young. I went ten years between relationships. Looking back, I can see how many women were interested in me; I simply couldn't recognize it. So I totally get it. Do her a favor and give her a chance to get to know you. You might like what happens.

    KevinesKay and hope4healing like this.
  4. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    I don’t want to have a friendship that has an ulterior motive. All of my female friends I never had romantic feelings for to begin with. If this doesn’t escalate further than a friendship I think it’s best to move on, it isn’t fair to me and it won’t be fair to her.

    Because I have Asperger’s, it’s gonna be a very very very long time before I find someone else who will accept me for who I am.

    Society has much lower expectations for non black men. Black men are usually expected to be as sharp as a bowing knife. You wouldn’t be so lucky if you weren’t white.

    Yes, it’ll reinforce my beliefs of the blackpill and having Asperger’s causing women to find my personality to be repulsive.

    Yeah. I’ve kept most of our conversations surface level to play it safe since I’ve pushed people away by being too deep too soon. I guess that’s why she felt as though I moved too quickly when we had the date.

    My grandpa’s advice was to go a few days without contacting her unless she contacts me first. He said he’s done that as a test to see whether or not a woman is just as interested in him just as much as he’s interested in them.
    EdricKr likes this.
  5. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    Her mother seems far too much involved in her life for my liking. Maybe it's a cultural thing but why on earth would you have your parent to pick you up from a date?
  6. NJF

    NJF Fapstronaut

    I am not a woman, but I do know that women have to date more careful than men. She didn't know him really, and she probably wanted the safety net of knowing her mother would be there to pick her up if she got uncomfortable or felt unsafe. He seems like a nice person, but if he wasn't her mother would know pretty quick to call the police if she came up to pick up her daughter and she never showed up. I think as men, we don't need to think about safety as much.
    Psalm27:1my light likes this.
  7. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    This! All of my kids(all adults) keep location on their phone so I can see where they are at any time. Same with my husband and I. Having worked law enforcement our entire careers, people kill people for literally no reason and every single day. People get in single car accidents and no one knows. Having lived rurally, people get injured or lost. Each of my kids text me and tells me when they are going on a date and where. Including my son. My daughters and son have been taught self defense and gun safety/control.