Getting the jitters aka being bored along with studying

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Endgoals, May 1, 2016.

  1. Endgoals

    Endgoals Fapstronaut

    All this free time that you have now when you find yourself not looking at porn, you cant help but wonder what the hell to do with yourself now. I'm not sure about you guys but when my flat line ends, my brain will literally result in thinking up any kind of lazy task to make myself feel better. I haven't played video games in 3 years now and will never be able to again. My attention span just isn't what it used to be. I would rather do something else with my life. Growing up I never realized that playing video games was never a good hobby. When I'm bored and know that looking at porn is out of the question, My brain results to;
    1.) Eating more food (Hot Cheetos)
    2.) Browsing amazon
    3.) Watching tv

    I wish all this attention was devoted towards school. I am so serious about passing in school and it seems whenever I get down to try and study, my brain will wonder off and want to make itself feel better through an easy escape behavior such as watching porn. I find triggers to watch porn are partnered with trying to study.
    I must break this habit.

    Any tips family?

  2. diamondboi

    diamondboi Banned

    get a job?
  3. ColbertSteven12

    ColbertSteven12 Fapstronaut

    Hi Endgoals,

    If you used P as a coping mechanism before, you need to find a new way of relieving stress from school. Find a hobby that gives you a lot of excitement that is not school related. Set aside some time for that hobby every day and use it as a sort of "light at the end of the tunnel" for when you are studying, but don't let the hobby take up all of your time. Use it to your advantage.
  4. Endgoals

    Endgoals Fapstronaut

    I gotcha, I just recently got a basketball and enjoy schooting hoops. Maybe ill shoot some hoops