Comments on Profile Post by BoiledEggplant

  1. Whackless
    Well I know we're not alone here I can at least tell ya that much! I became a vegetarian over a decade ago as someone encouraged me to do it for having higher energy levels while training martial arts. As I learned more about the lifestyle of plant-based people, not being a vegan simply does not make any sense it is downright illogical. The animal agriculture industry is the number one destroyer of this planet.
    Apr 6, 2017
    vibemaker and BoiledEggplant like this.
  2. Whackless
    Plus vegan superpowers put NoFap's 'superpowers' to shame...I don't really believe in superpowers outside of what is inherent to all living beings waiting for them to realize anyways.
    Apr 6, 2017
    vibemaker and BoiledEggplant like this.
  3. Whackless
    Even some of my friends still cannot go vegan. They eat cheese and some other stuff with dairy and maybe a cookie with eggs sometimes. Rich Roll is one influence that made me determined to go vegan and stay that way, But these days it's just the most sensible thing to do.
    Apr 6, 2017
    vibemaker likes this.
  4. BoiledEggplant
    Hahahaha! "Plus vegan superpowers put NoFap's 'superpowers' to shame" I cannot agree more. I made the switch a month ago, but this time with more advanced nutritional understanding. I am both ethically and health motivated by my decision and will never support the cruel animal and dairy industries.
    Apr 6, 2017
    vibemaker likes this.
  5. BoiledEggplant
    My skin problem nearly vanished when I made the switch, and through 60% of my previous caloric intake I have twice as much energy and mental clarity. It's indeed the most logical path to take. Ancient societies have been starch based since time immemorial, and far easterners barely ate meat until Buddhism emerged which banned meat altogether.
    Apr 6, 2017
    vibemaker likes this.
  6. tiredofbeingtired
    NoFap and Veganism went hand in hand for me as I'm sure they did with a lot of people. It's all the same no matter how you look at it. Exploitation is exploitation.
    Apr 6, 2017
    vibemaker likes this.
  7. tiredofbeingtired
    Going down both journeys has completely opened up my eyes to how I contribute to the world. Whether we like it or not, for the vast majority of us, the only power we will ever wield that's really capable of influencing the world on a global scale, is our role as consumers. We have all the power, we just don't like to think it.
    Apr 6, 2017
    vibemaker and BoiledEggplant like this.