Comments on Profile Post by Deleted Account

  1. Fomo Sapiens
    Fomo Sapiens
    Aww, thank YOU too, CC! You're an institution :) Hope there is plenty of sunshine where you are.
    Apr 15, 2020
  2. Deleted Account
    Deleted Account
    Thank you I have always wanted to be an institution :b
    Naw you guys rly inspire me :)
    Thanks there is more sunshine than before recently :) How is it for you?
    Apr 15, 2020
  3. Fomo Sapiens
    Fomo Sapiens
    Oh the weather has been insanely nice here in southern England. We're not used to being spoilt - we have a reputation for crap weather to keep up :p
    Apr 15, 2020
  4. Deleted Account
    Deleted Account
    Lol that’s crummy. *sends you a but of sunshine*
    Apr 15, 2020
  5. Fomo Sapiens
    Fomo Sapiens
    Dawww that's sweet. Thanks :)))
    Apr 16, 2020