90 day challenge hard mode starts today

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by hiroshima, Feb 7, 2017.

  1. hiroshima

    hiroshima Fapstronaut

    Hey, guys.
    Here is my intro: https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/hello-everyone-29-years-old-newbie.90051/
    I'm kinda already 9 days in the hard mode, but that doesn't count, cause I told myself that the challenge starts when I post this thread here.
    So, here it goes.
    90 day hard mode (PMO) challenge starts today!
    Will be happy to communicate with anyone. I'm very excited about all this stuff and I was very depressed before, so I would be glad to talk to other people, support each other and so on.
    Let us all be strong and have energy to live our lives in a beautiful way!
  2. Sam Mo

    Sam Mo Fapstronaut

    Hey i will join you for the 90 days!
    i haven't watched P for almost like over 3 weeks but i been M'ng every 5 to 6 days.

    Today is my day 3 than i have been clean!
    lets help each other and conquer our worst enemy!!
    hiroshima likes this.
  3. hiroshima

    hiroshima Fapstronaut

    Wow, great! I will be happy to!
  4. Abhijit

    Abhijit Fapstronaut

    I am on day 3.. let's defeat it together..
  5. Fapstronaught_54

    Fapstronaught_54 Fapstronaut

    I am with you guys. I started nofap in january but have had relapses when I get depressed or frustrated with school. I want to start 90 days no pmo now. I'm ready, let's do this.
  6. hiroshima

    hiroshima Fapstronaut

    Yeah, let's do it!
    Great to see more people joining! Good luck!
  7. Sam Mo

    Sam Mo Fapstronaut

    Day 4 me
    yesterday went work, gym. had few strong urges but the porn-blockers are doing wonders for me.
  8. hiroshima

    hiroshima Fapstronaut

    Great to hear that!
    Day 2 here. Got a bit sick yesterday. Flu. Today went to work, then was walking around the city, rode a bike. Was thinking about having sex a couple times, but just for a couple seconds. No urges so far.
  9. Roger That

    Roger That Guest

    I'll join. Today is Day 1. Think it would be good to do this reboot with others and have a place to reach out to when tempted.
  10. hiroshima

    hiroshima Fapstronaut

    Morning of the day 4. Everything is cool so far. Don't know what to write here, honestly. Just normal days. Sometimes feel really good, but that's also cause I started meditating every day. How are you doing, guys?
    Nice! Good luck!
  11. Johnny Rambo

    Johnny Rambo New Fapstronaut

    I'm in, day 2. Let's kick some butts!!
  12. Nikunj Lad

    Nikunj Lad Fapstronaut

    I am a newbie. Today is the last time I did whatever I can of PMO. Tomorrow my reboot day starts. I can't do it without you guys. I will make it a point to drop in a message here everyday if possible starting tomorrow as to how I stayed put in my journey. All I expect is you guys to watch my back. Happy rebooting!!
  13. Johnny Rambo

    Johnny Rambo New Fapstronaut

    Day 6, still clean
  14. hiroshima

    hiroshima Fapstronaut

    Great, let's do it!
    Hey, nice to see you here! Happy rebooting to you, too, and good luck!
    Awesome, lets keep going!

    I'm on my day 8 myself. Hasn't have any urges yet. Have thought about M once while I was on a bus, though. Everything is OK, but kinda feeling down last two-three days. Don't know why. Other than that replacing my old habits with new habits seems to work just fine.
  15. kfnf

    kfnf Fapstronaut

    What's this? A thread for people just starting the 90-day challenge? Count me in!
  16. hiroshima

    hiroshima Fapstronaut

    Cool! Happy to see more people!

    Day 14 here. Everything is just normal. Didn't have any urges. Trying to avoid thinking about sex etc. Some thoughts are Ok I think. They will come eventually. Just trying to stop myself if it's too long.
    Everyone else still on?
  17. hiroshima

    hiroshima Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone. Day 22. No urges, meditation really helps. Going strong. No more depression so far. Hope to continue everything that way. I'm kinda failing with establishing a habit to wake up at 6.30 every day. But that's ok, still made a huge positive change in my sleeping hours. How's everyone else?
  18. Unni

    Unni Fapstronaut

    Day 3 with no pmo
  19. hiroshima

    hiroshima Fapstronaut

    Great to see new people. Is anyone still on though?

    Day 37 here. Don't even know what to report, cause... Just normal life without PMO. No urges or anything like that.
  20. Resolved Oregonian

    Resolved Oregonian Fapstronaut

    Great job Hiroshima, godspeed on the 90 day challenge! You can do this! You will do this! And do it successfully! We all need each other in the NoFap community if we are going to be successful, because we are like-minded, and similarly focused on the same goal. So "LET'S" do this together!!