Is approaching women considered beta?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Jrmz94, Jul 5, 2023.

  1. Jrmz94

    Jrmz94 Fapstronaut

    I've seen a few "red pill" or MGTOW YouTubers that think cold approaching women is considered beta or simping... thoughts?
  2. Leanmaxxing

    Leanmaxxing Fapstronaut

    I don’t believe in “beta”, whatever that means. You should approach a girl that gives you attention and makes it easy for you.

    For example, some girl that I use to work with would always say hi to me to get me to notice her. I would say hi back and after while I started to say hi first to her.

    Then she escalated by coming up to me randomly and asking me if she looked good that day or if I had a girlfriend. That’s when I knew she liked me so I made the approach and got her number with ease.
    ChocoLatte, Meshuga and VikingThor like this.
  3. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    "red pill" and MGTOW YouTubers are yet another silly thing the internet has given us.
  4. Leanmaxxing

    Leanmaxxing Fapstronaut

    Yep, it’s to profit from men who are lost or struggling in the dating scene.

    How did your father or your grandfather manage to get a wife? I’m almost certain there were no red pill gurus and theories that they follow to get her. They were most likely just being their natural self. Women are attracted to men as is, you don’t need to do anything extraordinary to get a woman. Especially not advice from some redpill or MGTOW YouTuber.
  5. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    Who cares what they think? Personally, I think cold approach is an alpha move. I don't think betas have the balls.
  6. Leanmaxxing

    Leanmaxxing Fapstronaut

    Your “alpha” if the girl is attracted to you and “beta” if she doesn’t and rejects you. It’s that simple. Every man is going to say he is an “alpha” that’s why these are dumb terms.
  7. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    That's not really what the terms mean and a lot of men accept that they're betas.
    SuperFan likes this.
  8. Onceagain2.0

    Onceagain2.0 Fapstronaut

    you dont try you dont get
  9. Ghost101

    Ghost101 Fapstronaut

    Approaching woman on the streets isn't worth it, unless your very attractive. Your better of on date sites. Not that it is any better but still.
    Jrmz94 likes this.
  10. En?gmatic

    En?gmatic Fapstronaut

    Yeah red pill is blue pill. Same shit. MGTOW is just a name they have invented to explain their failure.
    SuperFan and Meshuga like this.
  11. I agree.

    It's a waste of time to approach a woman who does show any interest. If you believe you have a chance to go out with her, then who are the red pill community online to judge? Who you choose to court is none of their business.

    I for one avoid YouTube as a whole, because (as you've proven), there's alot of hacks on the internet trying to tell guys like us how to be men, when in reality they're the ones who are unsure of themselves. All I'll say is make sure the person you approach is actually receptive, and that the venue allows for it, just so you don't get into trouble.

    Besides, this is Nofap. Maybe this is what you need to set you on the path of not need pmo in the future. If there's someone you have your eye on, let us know what happens! I'd love to hear how it went.
  12. Leanmaxxing

    Leanmaxxing Fapstronaut

    Yep, women put on makeup and wear outfits to make themselves hot in order to attract the guys that they like physically. They hate guys that they don’t like who approach them. She WILL notice the guy she finds attractive and WILL make an effort to flirt and show attention to the guy she picks. Then the guy should pick up on this (should be very obvious) and make an approach if he finds her attractive also.

    If a girl doesn’t display any signals to you then you are just another face in the crowd, she doesn’t want you to approach if she doesn’t give obvious signals.
    Meshuga and rheinpfalz like this.
  13. goldie

    goldie Fapstronaut

    Pre-marital sex in general is beta.
    SirQwerty likes this.
  14. Xander_

    Xander_ Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant

    Crazy how this redpill, alpha beta ideology is flip-flopping lately

    Before they encouraged dudes to cold approach women and whatnot, apparently now that's a beta move ?
    Crazy the irony of the redpill, mgtow and so on - Dudes claiming to be alphas and sigmas sitting in front of youtube or podcasts trying hard to live up to the expectations of the people they dont even know. What a frustrating way of living ...

    Cold approaching women is a waste of time. There's a certain amount of girls that don't like to be approached. They're aware what are you approaching them for, and most likely they'd be afraid to reject you because they'd be afraid of your reaction (some guys get real aggressive when a girl says no)
    ...So yeah, approaching random women you see on the street is a big no-no, save yourself up hassle and frustration.
    LostSon267, SirQwerty and Jrmz94 like this.
  15. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Talk to everyone, be friendly and curious, dont just try and talk your way into her pants. You'll learn a little about them and a lot about yourself.
    Jrmz94 likes this.
  16. Mob Barley

    Mob Barley Fapstronaut

    You should get off red pill YT, it's poisoning your mind. Those guys Fresh & Fit probably aren't like that off-camera but they kinda funny to watch. They say all kinds of ridiculousness for views. Don't date single moms, make at least 6 figures before you start dating, all women are gold diggers, etc.
    Approaching women isn't alpha or beta, it's just normal human behavior. We all got needs and there's a lot of lonely women out there so don't be afraid to approach and look like a fool sometimes.
  17. LostSon41

    LostSon41 Fapstronaut

    I took the red pill red pill. So glad I escaped.
  18. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    I followed many MGTOW guys years ago, but I stopped because I got into nofap and SR; back then they would make fun of the practice of nofap and would always recommend to "replace" women with masturbating to porn instead (they would also make fun of the pick up community, about being blue pilled women chasers). And that just seemed weird to me, cause on one breath they would preach going their own way, and not caring about women, and then on their next breath they would worship them in the most "beta" way imaginable—watching porn videos of women being fucked by other men while jerking off to it; I just couldn't wrap my mind around the idea that having "sex" with whole bunch of pixels and your own hand, like a dumb dog humping a soccer ball, while hiding in your room alone, was somehow supposed to be more "alpha" than having real sex with an actual woman, who you had balls to approach and go out with. I just saw massive cognitive dissonance there, so I stopped following that whole MGTOW thing, I saw it mainly because of learning the truth about damaging effects of porn and getting into nofap, which was not compatible with MGTOW philosophy back then. That was more than 10 years ago I think...

    I haven't heard about MGTOW for a long time since then. I think the whole movement kind of died off for the most part, and, funnily enough, what was left of it merged with the pick up community and evolved into what we now call the Red Pill. Weirdly enough nofap and SR now seem to be pretty popular now between some Red Pill guys also. But that's like the mainstream Red Pill though, but the other subset of MGTOW (the one that was made of pro porn "beta" guys) seem to have merged with the Incel community instead for the most part. But that type of Incel–MGTOW/Incel–Red Piller seems to be a niche minority, most of them seem to embrace the whole PUA thing, along with cold approaching.

    As far as the topic of this thread, if there even is such a thing as "alpha" and "beta", then I would personally think that cold approaching women is pretty fucking alpha thing to do. It's easy to sit back alone in your room and jerk off to porn, or hide behind the dating app where interaction is filtered through text. But cold approaching requires initiative to make that action and courage to put yourself out there, and face the fear of failure, which are supposed to be an alpha qualities as far as I understand.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2024
    Jrmz94 and SuperFan like this.
  19. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    I think the MGTOW movement is a total embarrassment. It's a faux-moral-high-ground so men who are already afraid to approach women can pretend to be superior by not approaching them.

    Do you know how much courage it takes to approach a super-attractive woman and get rejected to your face? A lot. There's nothing beta about that. It's a straight-up alpha move. What's even more alpha is if you can get rejected and walk away knowing that her reaction isn't a reflection of your value.

    In the past 5 years or so, I've had about 5-10 times where I've approached women "in the wild." I had several rejections, but I also got several dates, and one woman I dated off-and-on for almost two years and was some of the best sex in my life. But every single one of them--even the ones who rejected me--said, "props to you for even approaching me. Men just don't do that anymore." I even left a voicemail for a woman where I directly asked her out for the following weekend, with a restaurant suggestion and a time. She told me she played my voicemail for all her girlfriends, and they were all envious--there I was being decisive and direct, asking her out on a date, among a sea of men asking her to "hang out sometime."

    If you watch video compilations of women being asked "what are the top qualities you look for in a man," confidence is always near the very top, if not #1. Women LOVE a confident man, because generally speaking (I know there are exceptions, so calm down feminists), women enjoy being led, and they want to be led by someone who has conviction about who they are and the decisions they make. It's scary and unsettling to be led by someone who's timid and second-guessing themselves constantly. And the reality is that when you approach a woman in public, you're demonstrating confidence. Even if she wasn't interested in you at first, a display of confidence like that might cause her to think again.

    But don't approach timidly--that will backfire enormously. You have to buck up, say hello, be unapologetic, and don't act as if you're bothering her. You have a ton to offer, so carry yourself like it. Smile and be kind. If she's not interested, let it go and wish her a fantastic day.

    Trust me--you'll feel amazing even if she rejects you, because you'll walk away thinking, "yeah, I got rejected, but I just faced a major fear," and that feels pretty damn good.

    Ditch the red pill. You can go out, risk rejection, and maybe have amazing experiences with women, or you can sit at home and binge Andrew Tate videos.