This is how to stop wet dreams...

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by AlltheRageBackHome, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. Pleb

    Pleb Fapstronaut


    I didn't thoroughly read through all other comments, but i'm hoping if you can answer a few questions of mine.

    1. What's your age? I think as men grow older, they don't replenish as fast as when they were young, hence longer period between NE.
    2. I think you or someone have mentioned, but not specifically. But did you get regular sex? and if yes, are you practicing some kind of kareeza? If you ejaculate during sex, that could also explains the long NE streak.
    3. How many times do you meditate in a day and how long does the session usually last for?
    4. How long before you sleep after you ate/drank at night?
    5. What's the weather/temperature in your country/room? Been told that the weather/temperature is another factor

    Thanks for sharing. Your post is gold.
  2. Create “The One”

    Create “The One” Fapstronaut

    1. How many days have you gone without wet dreams so far? What is your record?
    2. Have you actually tried uninterrupted physical exercise or are you just imagining that it wouldn't work?
    3. Meditation helps but the HAM-SAH and meditation are two entirely different exercises. The HAM-SAH works and can replace uninterrupted physical exercise but not every man can use it as it requires a concentration that is higher that what most men possess.
    4. To clarify, I teach men how to stop wet dreams completely, not reduce their frequency.
    5. In 1973, in Transformación Radical, Samael Aun Weor said: El Célibe debe mantenerse firme en Brahma Charya hasta que le llegue su esposa, tiene que establecerse con firmeza en el Brahma Charya y no es posible mantenerse en Brahma Charya cuando no se sabe transmutar la energía sexual.
    6. I am about to create a course to teach singles how to attract their soulmate. Would you or someone you know be interested in learning how? Because neither Samael nor Yogananda nor Beinsa Douno taught us the complete process, though I have all their formulas. Currently I am the only person in the world who possesses the soulmate formulas of Mozart, Jesus, Swedenborg, James Allen, Beinsa Douno, Yogananda, and others.
    7. Much of your reply is speculation. A monk said this, Samael said that. We have to discard speculation and discover what works! ;) My course works even if men suffer from excessive sexual thoughts. And it's the only course in the world on the matter.
  3. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    My experience with wet dreams was quite different. Before I knew about M or O, much less about P, I had a few wet dreams. I was disgusted by the girls that I chose and by how I treated them. I was so totally disgusted that I quit. I began waking myself up whenever a dream began. I don't know how many times I woke up and rolled over to end the friction with the mattress. It was later that I discovered how effective M was in preventing NE's.
  4. rodenig

    rodenig Fapstronaut

    I love to meditate by being an addict to open and masturbation I am continuing my graduation and doing great with my life.I have the confidence to move with friends and sisters in my class.Meditation is a process of knowing yourself and being still in mind.The manifestation of goals is the benefit of my guided meditation.The universe wants us to be positive to attract everything in life and to leave porn addiction.Many people say that rich people do meditation,but being rich and doing meditation does not relate in anyway.Anyone can meditate to have internal peace and happiness in life.Meditation is all about relaxing your body and relaxing your mind.This help to reduce the thoughts which eventually has numerous benefits for self improvement.
  5. Pleb

    Pleb Fapstronaut

    43 days. I managed to catch it every time when i'm about to have it. I'd automatically woken up from sleep. I'd attribute this kind of mindfulness to my daily meditation. But finally ended because of my own mistake of obsessive eating/drinking shortly before sleep. In comparison, it has been way better from 1 - 2 times wet dreams in a week when i first started.
    I did not say uninterrupted physical exercise wouldn't work. I simply said that working out would still do the job, it doesn't have to be uninterruped. It just has to be intensive and i would not prioritize it above meditation.
    Well, you can split hairs if you want. Still/awareness is meditation, mantra and visualization are also a form of meditation.
    The book Perfect Matrimony by Samael has many mentions of the use of meditation to prevent NE. You can also see an excerpt from here The mind works like a muscle, the more you train it, the stronger it becomes. Anyone can do this if they put in the effort, just like nofap.

    "During Meditation one needs to imagine the creative energy in action, making the energy rise to the brain in a rhythmic, natural way by means of vocalising the mantra HAM-SAH, not forgetting to synchronize the inhalations and exhalations of air in perfect concentration, harmony and rhythm." - Samael Aun Weor

    How long has your NE streak been?

    Thanks. Pero, no puedo leer en espanol muy bien.

    I'd always be interested to learn more. I have a pretty big collection of esoteric materials that has costed me a fortune. There have just been too many courses in the market, it has become saturated, albeit yours could be better than any of them. I would have to see more details about the course, and the price would probably be one of the biggest consideration. BTW, i would have bought your course about preventing NE out of curiosity if it was cheaper :)
    Wasn't speculating, was simply pointing out references to well-known/credible spiritual leaders' advices of meditation in regard to this matter. In Taoism, its teachings of semen retention have been well recorded over the centuries and they do advocate specific meditation technique to prevent NE. You can read from the book Daoist Alchemy Nei Gong & Wai Gong Training by Jerry Alan Johnson, Pg. 541 onwards. I can share the book if you couldn't find it. There are many more books about Taoism that talks about this, but not in english. The whole concept of taoism's semen retention in based on the equilibrium between Yin and Yang energy, something not very well accepted in the science community. But since you mentioned interdimentional beings, i think you'll take it well. Btw, everything starts from speculation, what's the difference between me realizing that meditation has helped me and classical music have helped you with NE? Zero difference, we both experienced it personally, we speculate and as we experimented with it through time, we see the empirical evidences.
  6. Mystical•Citra

    Mystical•Citra Fapstronaut

    I love this thread :)
    Nocturnal emissions has been my largest battle over the years, and I've learned so much from this battle. My friends have gone years, at least 5 without a NE. They are students of Samael Aun Weor.
    I consider Master Samael my guru.

    Personally, my largest problem is due to gluttony and diet. When I over eat in any given day, or eat too much meat too many days in a row, or eat too much salt, garlic, onion for example, I have a NE.
    The uninterrupted exercise theory is very interesting to me, because I do not get enough exercise. Not even close.. My gut has been telling me this same thing for years also, exercise more.
    Pranayama, particularly nadi soshumna has helped me a lot, and the added bandhas as well. Uddiyana bandha with neck lock and Moola bandha al on external breath retention is really powerful. I've done ham-sah for years and stopped a month ago, but feel a necessity to start again. It is really helpful in so many ways. has a great course called meditation essentials that helps with a lot of things like practices for improving concentration, making ham-sah more effective.

    Master Samael also suggested blending melon seeds and drinking before bed, and this is a really great remedy for nights where you feel threatened by a possible WD. I blend them with a banana and some raw goats milk, seems to really work.

    I wonder how much ham-sah pranayama it would take to equal the 2 hour uninterrupted walk. Im sure it's subjective to ones concentrative skill and efficiency, but if done well, maybe 1 hour daily is enough?

    One of my gnostic friends, who has been a student of Samael Aun Weor for decades told me that when transmutation or sublimation was performed correctly and effectively, we would have much less libido and desire for sensory pleasures. I found this to be very true based upon my own experience. When I perform my routine well, I feel this effect for more than a day even sometimes, which makes this path so much easier to succeed at.
    Love where this conversation is going, looking forward to hearing more from you all!
    Pleb likes this.
  7. Pleb

    Pleb Fapstronaut

    Interesting. Can you point to me where did Samael specifically suggested this remedy in his book?

    I'll keep that in mind as a way to appreciate flatlines.
  8. Mystical•Citra

    Mystical•Citra Fapstronaut

    Sure, here is a link to a video made my Glorian publishing. They publish many of Master Samael books into English, and the founder was a direct student of Master Samael. The website is

    It is in his book 'esoteric medicine and practical medicine', and as I read from it right now it says

    Nocturnal pollutions (wet dreams)-
    People who suffer from nocturnal pollutions or abundant overflowing of semen must daily run their genital parts with hot of chamomile oil daily, and before going to sleep they must place over their genitalia a patch of cabbage leaves with oil.
    This oil must also be applied over the shoulder blades and dorsal spine (spinal column).
    Another remedy that has been tested with astonishing results and that is not to be undervalued is the "orchata" (beverage) prepared with the seeds of melons. This beverage is sweetened with sugar must be drank at bedtime. The kidneys must also be rubbed with cooking oil. "
    Pleb likes this.
  9. Pleb

    Pleb Fapstronaut

    Mystical•Citra likes this.
  10. I'm-the-greatest

    I'm-the-greatest Fapstronaut

    how do i stop sexual dreams?

    I've trained my mind to wake up during a sexual dream, without orgasm.

    But i don't want to kiss or touch or rub my d against a woman's v during my dreams.

    Its strange but even the mere act of touching a woman in a sexual way (even with clothes on), draw me back and some symptoms start all over again
  11. Create “The One”

    Create “The One” Fapstronaut

    My website is still active. I am currently trying a free course model through Thinkific but this won't last much longer.
  12. Yosefischer

    Yosefischer Fapstronaut

    And where is your course?
  13. Yosefischer

    Yosefischer Fapstronaut

    Do you think I should go to a monk monastery for some time to do meditation? Because I'm into Semen Retention for about 8 months and feel very bad. Low energy, super brain fogged, etc... And I've been having wet dreams for the 8 months so I don't know what to do.
    Sapiens likes this.