Fighting Back against DDOS (and porn)

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by fiddler, Aug 28, 2019.

  1. fiddler

    fiddler Fapstronaut

    I'm a web developer and long time programmer, and I can't imagine I'm the only one. Most of us are here because (a) we have at one time or another spent lots of time on computers and (b) we're up for a battle. And it should really piss us off (if it hasn't already) that someone is trying to attack NoFap, literally maybe the most positive site in the world.

    What are the chances of us members being able to fight back actively against whoever is trying to take down our site? Could members help with any of this defense work on a volunteer basis, or maybe even go on the attack? What could be better than hacking against the evil forces of porn, saving valuable noFap time, money, and energy for other things like improving and promoting the site?

    I want to start an army. (a) Is this possible and (b) are others with me?

    What better place to put our energy during a reboot than in a literal battle with evil.

    @Alexander how can we help?
    hardowner likes this.
  2. path_finder

    path_finder Fapstronaut

    If WE could Just know who did it and why.

    I will Help by telling that porn is sin from hell and those people need to purify their Soul to find another Job altogether!

    I think a counter attack Hack is Not allowed.
  3. These types of attacks happen, it's annoying, but that's it.

    Protecting the site? Cool!
    Attacking other sites? Not cool!

    Think of how the media would report such an incident and if that kind of coverage would benefit NoFap.
    My guess is: It's not gonna make things better.
    onceaking and WalkingForward like this.
  4. path_finder

    path_finder Fapstronaut

    They File lawsuits. But we got to find Out who was it so we can Talk about the evil- doers Out There in Interviews in magazines! Who Tries to Sabotage the non fappers These days?
  5. fiddler

    fiddler Fapstronaut

    Yes, by go on the attack I'm not calling for illegal activity. But maybe there's more we can do than simply wait for them and then try to prevent. We should go on the offensive! Take steps to figure out who it is, expose them, do whatever we can to hit back within the law.
  6. Haddock

    Haddock Fapstronaut

    You are not ;)

    It pissed me off when I learned it, but actually it was to be expected. Obviously NoFap gets bigger and bigger and it is not good for the P industry. It's not about rebooters themselves since we may not be that many. However, we may be enough to make the people know we exist and that P is bad (like really bad like a drug !). Then, it's nott good for P industry.

    Unfortunately, it's complicated to prove that the P industry is responsible for the attack. If some owner of some P site (I won't give names !) wants to DDOS NoFap, then he probably won't use directly his IP otherwise it could be proved he did the attack. Even if you have proof, then good luck for the trial ! We are talking about powerful companies ! In my opinion the only thing that can be done is to improve the servers so that they handle better the attack. Some protection can be offered by companies and I'm sure the administrator already use some. Basically, a really powerful infrastructure act like a big shield to filter the traffic. There is no best way to handle DDOS and this is far from being perfect...

    Now about hacking P sites, it's an idea. It's illegal (of course...). It's probably not easy and it even if you hack 100 of them it won't really change the fact that finding P on the web is too easy. By the way, DDOS'in a P site is pointless since they can already handle million of concurrent connexions :mad:

    Try to prove those companies are responsible for the attack and expose them. It's the best attack I can think about. But as I said, finding such proof is not easy if not impossible. In any case, only the administrators of the servers can do something since it requires to read the log of the web server :cool:
    fiddler likes this.
  7. fiddler

    fiddler Fapstronaut

    That's what I'm wondering - is there anything at all that we could be given access to to see if we could make some headway? I hear what you're saying about it being hard but we've also got a lot of smart motivated guys here who aren't fapping and need something to do. Any way we can take some of the work off the admin's hands?
  8. Haddock

    Haddock Fapstronaut

    Not sure there are allowed to make the log public but if they can we can definitely have a look at it. Maybe the P industry is not that clever and we could expose them ;)
    fiddler likes this.
  9. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    But do you actually know for a fact that it was the porn industry? Do you have proof? Maybe it was Russian hackers? People start threads on here about how great Trump is and that causes a lot fights among members and maybe such people are Russians trying to cause divisions among members. Not saying wasn't the porn industry but we should be more open minded. Prove that it wasn't Russian and we can throw this idea out.
  10. Most positive aren't the words i would use to describe this site