Intro: A Christian Minister brave enough to get better

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Prov2416, Dec 16, 2018.

  1. Prov2416

    Prov2416 Fapstronaut

    Greetings fellow Fapstronauts,

    Just wanted to introduce myself to the forums.

    I am 42 years old and have struggled with PMO since the age of 9. While I grew up in a Chrsitian family, I was able to find XXX content through the Satellite-Dish installed at our house. That channel became my Sex-Ed and to this day I still have powerful memories of the porn stars I was exposed to.

    I did not know what M was but figured it out through self-discovery while watching P. M was so great because it helped me feel good when I was down, depressed, or felt rejected (particularly by girls).

    As I mentioned in my thread, I am a Christian and have believed that sex outside of marriage was wrong. I decided to use PMO as a means of being a "fornication-loophole". I became a minister and still used this. I attempted to stop PMO off and on for years, but eventually I would succumb to my urges. There would be times I would stay up to late hours of the night engaging in PMO and losing sleep

    Well, I met my wife and got married at the age of 34, and felt good about the fact that I had kept my virginity before marriage. Little did I know how much damage that was going to bring to my future relationships.

    Before going further I want to encourage all young people/teenagers to not be fooled into thinking that M or P helps you. It destroys intimacy. You become desensitized to sexual stimulation and often compare the fantasies of P to what we experience in actual contact.

    Often after having sex with my wife, I would go off and still feel compelled to M. Sometimes to reach orgasm, I would fill my head with different types of P. It would just continue to escalate. My sexual appetite GREATLY overshadowed my wife, and rather than being open and honest with my wife and communicating, I would take matters "into my own hands". Frustration at work, no sex from wife, stress or problem just fap.......and use porn to help you hit O more quickly.

    The reason I joined NoFap is because I want to encourage young people on this journey to not think that you will one day get married and all of these problems go away. Don't bring it I to your future. Trust me. You will be better for it.....

    And for the Christian's here, I wanted them to not feel alone because leaders suffer from this as well.

    What I am encouraged about though, is that we are honest enough to call this stuff what it is, and I am taking back all the intimacy God has for me between me and my wife.

    Also, while I am a Chrsitian I want to encourage everyone (regardless of Worldview or belief-system) and not preach to people on this forum.

    We all have this monster in common and I want to be light and hope to everyone. So men, women, atheist, queer,etc feel free to communicate with me.

    May we all grow and be the best versions of ourselves by leaving/fighting against the destructive nature of PMO in this hyper sexualized society that we live in.
  2. Jefe Rojo

    Jefe Rojo Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant

    Welcome Prov2416! Thanks for sharing your story. Welcome to a community that is actively working to destroy PMO and to keep it out of our lives. We are all stronger when we work together. The addiction spares no one, not a Christian minister, not me (also a Christian who is believed to be almost perfect by outside spectators). The struggle is real but we will come out victorious! I just joined last Tuesday and the support and fellowship I have found here has been a miracle to me. It has lifted my spirits and has injected hope and confidence in my soul. The road is long and hard, but you no longer have to do it alone. We will support each other (We need your support just as much!). Welcome brother! :) Your journey starts today!
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2018
  3. Delirious 1 2018

    Delirious 1 2018 Fapstronaut

    Welcome, and good luck---this site will be great for your journey. I am also praying for your success and healing.
    Never Again ‘89 and Grandpa61 like this.
  4. Welcome brother. I appreciate your boldness. We have a Christian group. Will PM you as well.
  5. Grandpa61

    Grandpa61 Fapstronaut

    Welcome my friend. I joined this forum just a few weeks ago. I also encourage you to join the Christisn group @MusicMan123 mentioned. Start a journal in the age appropriate category and share your story as well as your journey. I will pray that God does a healing work in your life.
    Never Again ‘89 likes this.
  6. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    No worries. Unfortunately that's a sad truth many don't know, that theres many Christian Ministers/Pastors who are regular users of pornography and/or prostitution.
    Never Again ‘89 and Grandpa61 like this.
  7. I’m not a believer but you have my full respect. To admit that you are both a porn addict and a minister has to be tough and I can’t imagine how painful that has been for you. You are also completely correct when you say we’re all fighting the same monster. Whether you’re a Christian, a Muslim, an Atheist or anything else it doesn’t matter because this addiction can and will destroy you and everything you care about.
    Grandpa61 likes this.
  8. Never Again ‘89

    Never Again ‘89 Fapstronaut

    Welcome! Thanks for sharing your story. I hope we can follow one another’s success through this website.
    Grandpa61 likes this.
  9. Romans 6 23

    Romans 6 23 Fapstronaut

    Glad to have you here. My pastor (who's a younger guy, bout 30) has been open about his past addiction to pmo. Lile some of the other guys mentioned we have a christian group on here. we even have a thread going where we are reading through the book of proverbs. I think you're here for a reason. Gonna go look up proverbs 24 16 now ;)
    Grandpa61 likes this.