Low libido/erection

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by ElevatingEagerly, Jan 15, 2024.

  1. ElevatingEagerly

    ElevatingEagerly Fapstronaut

    Today is Day 16 of abstinence from everything sexual.

    For the past week or so I have had about 3 erections, all semis. When I was in the cycle of PMO and sexting or even on other abstinence streaks from October/November last year, I would get feel the urges, rock hard erections etc. But now, no erections or even urges really.

    Any tips or guidance you guys can offer?
  2. JC8833

    JC8833 Fapstronaut

    Totally normal it’s the flatline that you can Google and find a ton of results into it. Basically your brain wants the huge stimulus from porn to get horny and turned on so when you quit it your brain doesn’t get the cue to get horny..why you have to quit porn so your brain gets horny for real life people! Day 155 for me and am still flatlining still really low libido pretty much non existent gotta be patient. If you started watching at young age it unfortunately will take a good amount of time to reverse the damage from porn
  3. ElevatingEagerly

    ElevatingEagerly Fapstronaut

    Thanks man I appreciate it.

    I have experienced versions of the flatline in the past, but the lack of erections has never gone on for this long.

    I started watching almost 11 years ago, and I’m almost 23 so yeah started watching when I was super young.

    155 days in and you’re still flatlining sounds pretty damn scary.

    Do you have any estimates for how long it’ll take to overcome this stuff?

    I heard 90 days is often enough time to reboot but ofc there’s other circumstances that can dictate this.
    yngmoney likes this.
  4. JC8833

    JC8833 Fapstronaut

    I’m hoping it’s about over! Lol I’ve heard if you started young it can take 6+ months so I’m definitely being patient.
  5. Experiment1996

    Experiment1996 Fapstronaut

    I agree.
    JC8833 likes this.
  6. JC8833

    JC8833 Fapstronaut

    Phenomenal video I stumbled upon about the flatline
    ElevatingEagerly and Anonymous86 like this.
  7. tsukuyomi16

    tsukuyomi16 Fapstronaut

    If you are abstaining there is no necessity for an erection.
  8. ElevatingEagerly

    ElevatingEagerly Fapstronaut

    Thanks a bunch for linking this. It's a great video indeed! Very insightful!