Getting a girl to cheat on her bf of 3 years for me

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Golgo 13, May 11, 2016.


Which ways the best?

  1. Option 1

    1 vote(s)
  2. Option 2

    1 vote(s)
  3. Option 3

    2 vote(s)
  1. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    -Long Post-
    *WARNING* MAY CONTAIN TRIGGER MATERIAL {mature rebooters only!}
    You see, I'm seeing this girl in July. Just the sound of her name gets me turned on. I've had a crush on her ever since I was a kid (we've known each other for since we were kids). I only see her once a year at best. Shes 26 and im 20 so shes older than me. But last time I saw her she told me she wanted to sleep in the same room with me and was giving me these looks idk if it was my imagination or not.
    TL;DR Long story short this girl has a bf of 3 years and I want to get with this girl sooooooo bad like if I got her and died the next night I would be like my life was complete lol. But seriously, can't give enough complements to this girl. I was wondering if you guys could give me some advice on how I can't go about getting her to cheat on her bf for me. Her parent will be there as well.

    I have some ways already. I've put alot of thought into this fellas!!! Like a year of planning lol.
    Well ima flirt with her regardless idgaf if her bf sees it I can do it stealthy. I'll give her those looks were she just knows what I want. So ima just get her alone and straight up just kiss her. I've done this to other girls and they all loved it. Then I'll whisper in her ear "tonight I wanna kiss you some more" ooh shit you already know if I get that far then it's a wrap!
    I've become a real alpha male. I take what I want. I have the confidence, looks, social class to straight up get this girl I know she thinks I'm cute.
    But my concern is her goddamn cock blocking boyfriend. How do I get around him? I'm not sure if hell be there but how do I convince her to forget about him?

    I'm thinking about saying something like this. Asumming after I kiss her.
    1. "Fuck your bf, hell never know, it could be our little secret sweetie" (some will argue but I swear if you call a girl sweetie they'll just go insane)
    2. "I always had a crush on you, I saw the way you were looking at me last time. Lets just have fun tonight cutie"
    3. "Come on (her name) look at how hard you got me [put her hand on my thing] that's your fault. So what am I supposed to do? Jack off? Fuck that, I want you"
    Which do you think is the best way. This girl I would describe as a liberal, she's white girl, Jewish, has alota money, etc. Typical modern girl I guess not submissive but not dominant.
    Guys, there are some girls you simply have to have no matter what. This is one of them. She's my dream girl and I want her bad.

    I think if you just kiss a girl without warning it can go one of two ways
    1) They kiss you back
    2) They don't

    But I believe they'll know you got balls if you do. I mean it's worked every time before when I've done it. But damn this girls different, she's not some drunk girl I can just sweet talk easily. I can't beat around the bush either. So fuck it, either she wants me or not. Fuck her boyfriend. Lol just answered my own question but I'm curious about your guys thoughts and recommendations.
    Last edited: May 11, 2016
  2. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Triggers or not, there are some seriously rapey vibes on this thread. :eek: I think you should really question your morals if you're hell bent on making this girl cheat on her boyfriend just because you want to have sex with her. Why can't you just wait patiently like most people would, (and if she's happy with her boyfriend, you respect that and move on to someone else who'll give you the time of day)?
  3. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    I promise ID never rape this girl or any girl. But I can't describe how I feel for this girl. And I have been patient. I've waited years. I was always 5 year younger than her but now that we're both in out 20s I think she'll see me as a grown up. Sorry about the rapey vibes I ment no harm it just she so damn cute.
    Star Lord likes this.
  4. @Golgo 13 No. No advice. I'm with NoBrainer on this one. Making a girl cheat on her BF is not something I want to support. I really don't want to offend you, but really I gotta say this. You are acting like a selfish kid here. For the sake of her BF I'm hoping that she is more mature and responsible than that. Can't really wish you luck on this one.

    I would argue tho that for a man strong moral principles are way more important than being alpha or even having a working penis. That being said, I realize that not everybody is living by same laws of integrity. So I don't judge. Well, I kinda am. It's hard not to. But what I mean is that I am not seeing myself better than you. Even tho it is an asshole thing you are planning to do, in my opinion. Hope you will reconsider.
  5. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Golgo if you changed option 2 a little so that you explain your feelings but don't come on to strong in that you assume she is instantly going to fall for you, it might work. The other 2 options are are slightly creepy approach lol.
    One must never force a ladies hand yo. But you can at least express your feelings, see if you get the gold or get slammed lol.
    Is the bf a dick? Or is he fairly nice guy? 3 years is a long time see and you never know, being 26 she might be thinking of marriage.
    Golgo 13 likes this.

  6. So I read this entire thread. Here's my advice. Ready for it?


    Imagine if you were her boyfriend. Would you be okay with letting some young kid mess with your girlfriend? Also, even if this plan works out, it doesn't have a happy ending because you will feel shameful and you will want more but she will ignore you because she has to return to her "real" boyfriend. You will end up feeling used and the relationship doesn't really go any further. You will be left wanting more, but she will probably be done with you.

    I also hate to break it to you but you're not alpha or confident, I basically read this as being a desperate attempt to justify an action with no regard for what happens after. The mere act of saying that statement immediately showed the defense you have set up. I have the image in my mind that you are a desperate person in real life who pretends to be confident but stumbles most of the time because people who are actually confident approach you.

    Then again, do whatever you want, I'm just another rebooter with a lot of time on his hands. My advice for if you do go through with this plan--> don't over think it and for the love of god do not use line 3. Don't use the word sweetie or cutie either. What is this middle school?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2016
    Gamerwife85 and Zappy like this.
  7. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    Well I get the general consensus here is to not do it.
    But I mean what am I supposed to do? Just sit there and not talk to her? I wanted her for all my life.

    Surely you guys have had that one girl who you really liked.
    I'm sorry you feel that way but I assure you I am definitely more confident since I started rebooting. In life you hafta be the top dog not just in relationships, but in the work force, in your job, in a conversation, you gotta be first, you gotta be the best. Humanity didn't become the dominant species by being submissive.
    But I appreciate you comment and I may reconsider on how to word it better but I can't just be the shy submissive guy I use to be and expect her to respond.

    Girls these days (OK not all girls but a lot of young American girls) want a male with balls. I mean the girls around where I live act so aggressive hell, I'm just tryna keep up with them.
    I guess we just see things differently.
  8. Zappy

    Zappy Guest

    I'm also on the "DON'T" train

    You may think you have become "a real alpha male" and like @DonDraper said, no you are not an alpha male. An alpha male is someone who is respected and what you are doing is anything but respectful.
  9. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    Fine, I get it guys, you disapprove. But I'm telling you I'm going to peruse her. I never claimed I was a good person, in fact I have said repeatedly that I am not a good person.

    Word of advice: You don't get anywhere with a girl without letting her know you're attracted to her, and you gatta let her know it. How many beta males get some? Not many because the alphas already took them. This is the law of nature.
    Every girl I've said that too responded positively.
    I've never meet him. I only see this girl like once a year at best (haven't sceen her in 2 years). I don't believe in marriage in the 21st century. People cheat. All I believe in is having fun.
    I use to have strong moral principles. You know where that got me? Being a virgin, being a loser, being bullied, being depressed, feeling worthless, and PMOing to cope. That's where strong moral principles gets you. Girls these days in the US atleast clearly don't want strong moral principles. Trust me, they want a strong male that seems in control of his situation, I.e. the alpha. If you don't believe me come to America and visit any high school you'll see the girls there are not like the picture perfect image you may have.
    Also why should I not have her and her bf gets her? I wanted her long before she even meet this guy but I was too young. He doesn't deserve to have her.

    Sure I'll admit I'm obsessed with this girl, I've posted about it before

    Well I guess that's it. Thanks for the recommendations. I think this thread might have been a mistake..
  10. @Golgo 13 One does not follow moral principles because of girls. Or to gain respect or admiration in society. If that's what you think you are missing the point. When you look in a mirror do you see a man you respect? A man that you are proud of? A man that is inspiration for others? That others look up to and want to be like? Somebody you would want your future kid to resemble? If yes then I guess keep doing what you are doing. I can tell you I don't, when I look at myself in a mirror. So I try to shape him. So after 30 years of time when I do look in a mirror I am content with what I have become. Girls come and go. But we have to live with ourselves 24/7, until the day we die.

    Just a thought. Sorry if you did not get out of this threat what you wanted to. All the best to you mate!
    Shady1 likes this.
  11. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    "being the best" or "being alpha" doesn't necessarily mean having to sacrifice your morals in order to do so, being alpha and being selfish are two different things.
  12. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I assume you intend to pursue her (not peruse her). So, you had no intention of taking the recommendations of others on board. This thread was all about validation or permission from others to act disgracefully toward these two people. So, is this a black guy wins a trophy white woman scenario? Because I do not see any love for this woman in anything you said. I read this as mere infatuation on your part. The fact that you are going to ignore all this good advice above ^ is further evidence that, beyond horniness, you have no feelings toward this person whatsoever. You disappoint me greatly man! :(

  13. Yeah, all I'm getting is that you need constant validation and self-reassurance to believe that you're an alpha male. Stop pretending to be one and stop viewing women as in need of a man so they can be saved. The way I see it, and believe me, she's going to shove you away and say, "um...maybe we should get food or something, and probably avoid you for a grand amount of time. In fact, her and her boyfriend will probably laugh about this later on."

    If I'm wrong, and I really hope I'm wrong, reply to this thread and let us know how this goes. If I'm wrong, I take back everything I say. I mean you're still not alpha but you won't be pathetic in everyone's eyes.
    Gamerwife85 likes this.
  14. I think he's actually right. Girls don't want a man with strong moral principles. Women do.
  15. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    You just don't get it do you?
    I'm not going to debate with you and try to convince you I am.
    I was simply describing how she looks. She actually is very rich.
    Pretending? I'm not pretending to be one.
    You just don't get it do you?
    I think you're being overly insulting and rude. I think you are taking this way to far.
    I simply want to get with this girl, is that somehow unacceptable in your eyes? Would you rather me just go back to PMOing which I painstakingly quit 5 months ago in order to have a healthy sex life. Newsflash, a healthy sex life includes having sex. And I clearly like this girl. So she has a boyfriend, if she doesn't want anything to do with me then so be it but I don't think there is anything morally wrong with trying to get her to sleep with me just because she has a boyfriend.
    I've wanted this girl for years. Every time I went over to her house all I could think about was her. Now that I am older I think I got a shot.
    This will be my final question to you. Why should her bf have her when I've known her much longer than he?
    I don't distinguish between sex and love, they're the same to me. Sure I got feelings for her. She not some bar girl or whatever. I'm not good at describing my feelings in a blog post. But yea like I've known her forever of course I like her.

    Also love/sex is not black and white. Remember when I made that post about my cousin? I didn't love her in a sexual way, but I had sexual feelings for her, yet I also loved her as a family member. So it's complicated sometimes.
    OK thanks guys for your input. It's clear you disapprove but I still ask you, why should I stand back and just let this guy have her when I want her. Just because someone has the title of bf or husband, gf or wife doesn't mean they're immune to spending a night with someone else. Come on guys, I deserve this girl! She has shown interest before so I take that as an ok sign. And after waiting for YEARS to even be old enough to flirt with her I finally can. Does no one approve of what I'm doing? And I'm not asking for approval, just a little support in trying to persue a girl I really want and frankly deserve. Yea I know you guys don't wanna here that "deserve" stuff, but I do deserve her because I like her alot and it's just that time. Also I respect women but I am not a white knight.
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
  16. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    You know what forget it, I'm done. I know what's best for me. Sorry guys, but there are some girls you got to have no matter what. And if you guys think less of me then I'm sorry you feel that way.

    I will not be responding to anymore responses.
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
  17. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Well yeah. My advice was to move on and find a girl who wants to talk to you, wants to be with you, has the respect for you that you desire, instead of trying to find something that doesn't exist with this girl who's taken.

    It is up to you whether you want to reply to this or not, seeing as you have 'closed' this thread, but this kind of behavior isn't exactly what I think of the definition of an 'alpha male'.
    Yesodi likes this.
  18. Resetter

    Resetter Guest

    Hey bro. I understand how it must feel to get such a negative feedback. Well, you totally provoked it. It is not exactly about making a girl cheat for you, but it is all the other stuff that you write. Don't call yourself alpha male, because nobody does that. Anyway, I only want to comment on this thing with the girl:
    All my life I wasn't really the guy who took the chances to have sex with girls. So now I am just filled with regret to some degree. For already a year I see that my hair is getting thinner. It is like my body is trying to say: "Your best time is over. Go find yourself a peaceful life and don't even bother becoming an alpha male-ish person."
    I am in a relationship for over a year. And I am not satisfied with the here and now. I would totally cheat on my girl. Actually I did but only with a prostitute. I just try to fight my feelings of regret with primitive behaviour that I probably won't enjoy at the end. But sometimes it is better to do something than do nothing.

    Means, if I were you I wouldn't even bother asking this kind of question in this forum, because I would know from the start what most of the people would answer. But if you really get a chance to get closer to her, just put it in. But only if you know what consequences this might have for you and others.
  19. One of my heroes I found in my late teens was Greg Plitt. He was a word's top fitness model and athlete in wrestling. I wanted to have a body like his. And he got me motivated to work out. But I did not only idolized his body. I also was inspired by his character. A Navy SEAL. As fucking alpha as it can possibly get. I never had a father, he ran away when I was like 4 or something. And I didn't care about character and integrity for long time. Nobody to teach me that. Only in my late teens I kinda stumbled on that idea. And Greg was one of the catalysts for those practices. Nobody probably gives a crap but I'm just gonna link a quick video here of him talking about character anyways, in case somebody DO gives a crap:

    I do realize that people don't care about some guy they don't know and can't relate to rambling on vlog. We usually don't tend to care about opinion of those who are nothing to us. But I just wanted to take this opportunity to share what and who inspired me. Maybe you will find him inspiring too. Take it or leave it.

    Video I wanna link starts at 29:02, so just skip first 29 minutes. It's pretty damn low quality too. But it's about message an not pretty picture anyways. There are plenty of YouTube vids about this guy that are better quality.
    MJ93 and Lupo like this.