Hi, can you help me please....

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Rea_per, Jan 22, 2019.

  1. Rea_per

    Rea_per Fapstronaut

    yeah i learned from them but i had to take a shower anyway so i just went took a cold shower,im a bajan or barbadian you pick just locals say we're bajan
  2. Clean Willy

    Clean Willy Fapstronaut

    Go easy there @Aware. @Rea_per is a new member and he did well. The urge was bad and his countermeasure worked. You cannot say to him, in effect, listen to me and not to any other advice you find among this community. He needs to do what we all need to do - first, inform ourselves and then decide what we will do. So it is not about listening to just one person - you, for example.
    PowerfulSRE likes this.
  3. Clean Willy

    Clean Willy Fapstronaut

    I imagine a cold shower to a Bajan boy must be quite refreshing! :cool: It is good for the skin and the hair, too, apparently. It is nice to see your desire to break free from this horrible addiction to porn and masturbation. You will thank yourself later.
    PowerfulSRE likes this.
  4. Aware

    Aware Fapstronaut

    good point, and I totally agree. sry Rea for being so assertive.

    I am passionate about looking at this from different perspective that I dont see talked about much on this forum...

    1 ) fully understand the biochemistry in your brain

    2) practice how to talk to yourself, and use this internal voice to analyze the urge, break it down, understand it, get yourself to understand its not the porn you want (... the bell to pavlovs dogs) . porn is just pixels on a screen. Is it logical that you really want or need pixels on a screen?

    maybe this only works for me but this is what I do when urges start.

    1) take a deep (4sec) breath in. hold for 4 secs, let it out for 4 secs. repeat

    2) Step outside your own body and look back at the urge as something separate from you. It is not you. Its just a little bit of "electricity" sparking around your brain, trying to fool you into thinking you want porn when in fact brain actually wants something else.

    3) take a deep (4sec) breath in. hold for 4 secs, let it for 4 secs. repeat

    4) Think deeply about something non sexual. For example I use something romantic with a woman (in my case my wife). NOT ANYTHING SEXUAL. just something fun I like to do with her. Something I could do for her that lets her know you love her. This can be a girlfriend or even a girl you just like. If you have hard time with this part (or really any of these steps) maybe learn about very basic meditation, and practice that daily (10 mins a day is all it takes). You can replace a what I think about with anything you want that has nothing to with sex. This step is the one I am still playing around so YMMV, but above seems to working and had the side benefit of enhancing the the relationship with wife (go figure). others steps though are rock solid and helpful as written.

    5) take a deep (4sec) breath in. hold for 4 secs, let it for 4 secs. repeat

    YMMV but I've found this quite effective. when I get to step 4 or 5 I realize the urge is gone and I've expended very little energy and it involved no stress or anxiety. it was actually quite calming. I PMO'd pretty much daily for 1+ years until about 6 days ago. Zero P since. tried to M once but couldnt O.... go figure :) At this stage I am just not thinking about porn much, But I am thinking alot more about my wife and how much I love her.

    From what I understand about this, it is rewiring the neural network in my brain that falsely tells me I need pixels on a screen. Great thing about the brain. It is extremely malleable. Ironic that I am ending my addiction to porn, using the exact same bio-chemistry / science that the porn industry used to get me addicted to it.

    They can go to hell.
  5. Clean Willy

    Clean Willy Fapstronaut

    No worries. We can all let our passion get the best of us - in more ways than one. ;)
  6. Rea_per

    Rea_per Fapstronaut

    thanks for the advise @Aware and @Clean Willy i'm trying to use my meditation breathing i use for my martial arts to help me also. i would also try the meditation activity you give me there thanks alot man really appreciate it.
    @Clean Willy not really bajans hate cold water, you would think since we in the tropics a cold bath would be good but were used to the normal heat things change wen the dry session hits tho but some don't mind the tho like me i grew up with out a heater so i'm used to it.:)
  7. Rea_per

    Rea_per Fapstronaut

    I also have a question.
    I don't know if materbaiting is the cause of this maybe u guys can help me out here, when I started masterbaiting I can pin point when it started but I started to Trimble like my hands would vibrate and depending on how I position my arm it shake more like when I'm holding something and stretch out my arm this when sometimes it shakes bad. It's getting ever embracing when people are ask why your shake when your give them a pencil or showing them something on your phone and as you show them and stretch my arm out it begins to shake.
    This become really embarrassing cause I don't know myself and I can't answer them....i haven't taken no blows in my back or neck area to say that on my disk in my back is pinching a nerve. I also realize my right hand does it more than my left.
  8. Aware

    Aware Fapstronaut

    perfect. You are lucky that you already know breathing techniques

    I just reread my steps above ( which I type pretty quickly) and forgot a very important aspect for step #4. So forget what I suggested there and instead during step #4 THINK ONLY ABOUT

    How does the urge make your body feel? Does your heart rate go up? Do you feel a tension in your stomach? Observe all parts of your body that feel different with urges/cravings. Focus on what the change is and where.

    Continue the breathing routine in the other steps for several minutes.

    When I open my eyes, I find that the urge is gone or not very powerful.

    Now that you have started to re-program the wires in your brain to stop telling you that you need porn, your brain will search for other things. At this moment after your last breathing out from the steps about is when you want to think about positive things you want to do more of in your life. For me it was all about my wife (this is why I brought that up). But it can absolutely anything you want.

    please keep us posted.

    p.s. I dont know how to respond to your question below about masturbation. you should maybe stop doing that while you cure your addiction to porn.
  9. Clean Willy

    Clean Willy Fapstronaut

    Lol, :D well in that case, that was a good sacrifice you made to get you out of a tricky situation. :)

    I am not sure your tremor is related to masturbation because i have not hears anyone else mention it. I don't know the situation on Barbados about seeing a doctor - is it expensive? If you can, ask a doctor about it and see what he suggests.

    I recommend stopping masturbation until you are fully recovered from your porn addiction. Even then, you might decide not to do it again in case it leads you back towards porn. For some, like me, the association between the two is too close.
  10. Rea_per

    Rea_per Fapstronaut

    yeah its kinda expensive everything is in bim it ridiculous to be honest.
  11. Rea_per

    Rea_per Fapstronaut

    @Aware i had a pretty bad urge today so i got away from any electronic and i observe it almost like a third person observe changes i went through an like a wave i watch it build and just like a wave i watch it turn to nothing when it crash on the shore.
  12. Aware

    Aware Fapstronaut

    That is so awesome. Congratulations on your practice. Isn't it amazing how peaceful and stress free this method is vs sitting there and struggling with it for hours. Not to mention it works.

    Many days of focus and breathing ahead but you will succeed.

    What are you most looking forward to once Porn is no longer part of your life.

    Heres a game you can play. Try to notice the urge faster and faster. Im at the point where I catch it an about 3 seconds when it starts.

    The final step (we can try in a few days) is that the end of each practice, you spend a few more minutes (keep breathing) to calmly think about positive things in your life that you are grateful for.

    Breathe !
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2019
  13. Rea_per

    Rea_per Fapstronaut

    What am I looking forward to after.......haven't really thought of it. Maybe my mental health and work on me I know masterbaiting can cause depression
  14. Sajatulalam

    Sajatulalam Fapstronaut

    Google Corey Wayne and Jordan Peterson and watch thier videos!!!!
  15. Aware

    Aware Fapstronaut

    very nice great suggestion

    Just previewed several of Corey's. I'll assume Jordan as just as good and relevant.

    Once the urges can be peacefully managed in a calm way, turning ones thoughts to a better understanding of dating and romance and how woman work I believe has so many benefits not the least of which is you will be better at dating (its a skill and you can always learn more)

    In addition, I believe it will help rewire some of the neural pathways in your brain, and perhaps the same ones that used to fire off and create the urge to watch porn. These things just have to be closely related in brain.

    So basically rewire your brain to make it crave/urge for something very positive (loving relationship with woman) instead of craving urge for something that will ruin your life (pixels on a screen organized in a way to look like humans have sex)

    Best part is you can decide which one to tell your brain to crave. Choose wisely :)
    Sajatulalam likes this.
  16. Sajatulalam

    Sajatulalam Fapstronaut

    Yes sir! You’re On the money!!!
  17. Rea_per

    Rea_per Fapstronaut

    thanks, i would go and look them up. :)
  18. Exact same situation with me man, Best of luck too you. Lets do this
  19. niccolo

    niccolo New Fapstronaut

    Don't worry and good luck to you!
  20. Aware

    Aware Fapstronaut

    My suggestion for the very very very first step (there are more but must master this first.
    Next you feel the beginning of an urge/craving

    Close your eyes. Take a deep 4 second breath in through your nose

    Hold for 4 secs

    Let out through your nose for 4 seconds

    While starting the third breath, try to envision you steppping outside your body and look back down at the urge. focus on the what you feel different in your body. Heart rate increase? Tension in some part of your body? Dont try to fight these just become of aware of them and observe.

    Lets call this your practice.

    The urge is not you. You are not the urge. Its just a chemical storm triggering around your brain.