What to Do with Large Porn Collections

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by bill5437, Jul 12, 2016.

  1. feo1966

    feo1966 Fapstronaut

    My friend....that is like an alcoholic thinking he can go back to drinking socially. It will never happen. There is a reason they say "Don't take that 1st drink"

    I have come to the conclusion that I can't even watch a regular movie with sexual content, or it will escalate. Just watching Ex Machina a couple of weeks ago started to create some escalation. I was able to calm it back down, but I did end up watching some sexy ASMR videos on Youtube.

    So my new goal is .... "No Fake Arousal.....ever". Unless my penis can actually enter a vagina, it's not real or natural, so I don't want any sexual arousal.
  2. Rip off that bandaid and delete the collection. The sooner the better, just get it in your head it needs to go...what is it doing for you...you're not gonna make money off it, its not gonna spice up your sex life, its gonna be a bad habit lurking to attack again. You may not have the strength now to delete it, but just keep reminding yourself it needs to go to lock the idea in your head...then next relapse when youre disappointed and ready to make another attempt destroy it in the heat of the moment.
  3. Jinx

    Jinx Fapstronaut

    Just as not all who take a break from beer are alcholics, not all who want to do a PMO reset are addicted to PMO.

    I don't know the OP's backstory or yours, so I don't know the level of addiction there.

    I am just sharing what I have done.

    Also, I forgot to mention it in my original post in this thread, but I have a self-imposed penalty for accessing the collection. Any time a reset happens, I have to delete some of it.

    You guys might just be quicker learners than me, though... :)
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
  4. rorh18

    rorh18 Fapstronaut

    Delete it. Deleting it for me was the start of NoFap.
  5. feo1966

    feo1966 Fapstronaut

    The difference is how easy it is to stop. If one stops drinking, but has no urges, they were not addicted.

    For example, the last time I touched alcohol was Jan 2015, when we were in Dominican on vacation. I had 6 or 7 "Coco Loco's" per day for a week. But it was super easy for me to stop. My subconscious does not create urges for alcohol. I see a bottle of rum and it means nothing to me.

    If you can't easily stop looking at porn.... forever, you are addicted. If you have thoughts or ruminate about porn, you are addicted. If you long for the feeling of fake arousal from digitized sex ... you are addicted.

    It is good that you have a punishment system. But the fact that you need a punishment system means you know you are addicted. The fact that you hold onto a collection means you are fairly addicted. It's just a matter of how much you let it ruin your life.

    Your brain is trying to convince you otherwise.... just so it can keep getting it's hit.
  6. feo1966

    feo1966 Fapstronaut

    You just haven't hit rock bottom yet.

    Seriously? What path will lead to a life off suffering, misery, loneliness ?
  7. seadoo54

    seadoo54 Fapstronaut

    i had tow large banker boxes of porn dvd & vhs ,like you keep office files in , put duct tape around it threw it in an anonymous dumpster drove away never looked back
  8. bill5437

    bill5437 Fapstronaut

    Fuck, you guys are hard core.
    Dizzy Lotus and Jinx like this.
  9. Why are you here if you still have a porn collection? Doesn't sound like you came prepared. You're not ready to get clean. Why hold onto that fucking garbage?

    Get rid of it.

    Just destroy it all in a big fire FFS.
    GSarosi and feo1966 like this.
  10. An honorable heirloom to leave for future generations?

    What is normal porn btw? P is P.
    six likes this.
  11. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Reason why many like myself are "hardcore" is because when there are times you come face to face to have a chance to experience something amazing lo and behold porn rear its ugly head and fucks things up to no end. This is not because you suck as a person because we all have that greatness that we don't realize and get to express and unleash. Porn gets in the way of that by suppressing that greatness we have. Porn also makes sure you never get to realize that greatness by giving you quick hits of instant gratification so you self isolate and you never get to create, build and discover.

    The worst part is that you don't realize the evil bullshit that has been taking place for so long that has overtaken you from the inside out. By the time you realize it it is most likely years of wasted time. It is your own personal form of prison.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2016
    six, feo1966 and GoneIncognito like this.
  12. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    @bill5437 : did you delete them yet? i think i don't recommend to delete everything at this time. instead you can send them to me, i can help you keep them :D
    Jinx likes this.
  13. dugong89

    dugong89 Fapstronaut

    I am new to this website and this community. I had a very bad month where I watched a lot of extreme porn and indulged in sexual chatting. That was not good. I lost so much of my time. I was staying in a beautiful city for a month and I was not able to enjoy it. Today, it was so bad, I went to the peoplesproblems website, and someone suggested this to me. I am so glad I reached out.

    I am new to the reboot idea, didn't realize that it needed to be that long. I have had times when I deleted my porn collection and then spend hours and hours obsessively trying to download it all back. I think it is a good idea to set realistic goals first and go slowly. I have deleted my extreme porn videos (I realized that I actually used to fast forward them and keep them on mute. If you do end up keeping some of the porn, just pay attention to the dialogue and the sounds, it will definitely put you off). I have kept some where I genuinely find the girl attractive or the amateur made videos. I have also kept the photos of models and actresses that I had downloaded over the years. Mind you, it took me three rounds to get rid the collection to this size. I know myself, and I know that I will probably not be able to abstain for so long, at least not at this point. So I have kept somethings which are not extreme and completely unnatural. I know that if I do relapse soon, I will at least not spend hours and hours on the internet again to find the perfect clip to jack off to, which obviously doesn't exist. Slowly I'll start getting rid of the other stuff as well.
  14. Machin

    Machin Fapstronaut

    Are you aware that you are emotionally attached to something that screws up your life and your sexuality ?
    Would you like to stay "friend" with a bully who spent years ruining your life and used you as a punching ball on a daily basis ?

    You don't want to do it because of the emotional attachment.
    The real question, if you're committed to NoFap, is what could you do to get a more real emotional attachment that would make your porn collection worthless ?
    What is your plan to make your life brighter ?
  15. bill5437

    bill5437 Fapstronaut

    I’ve stopped looking at it. On a 10 day streak. The longest of my life. I just can't bear the thought of deleting it. I’m pretty high functioning with it so maybe I can one day use it in moderation again. Maybe.
  16. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Bill -- you clearly don't want to delete it, so maybe my advice is wasted. But for the sake of others...

    If you don't want to go back to it, then you must get rid of it. Whether you want to or not . . . if you want to be free of porn, burn the boat. Make it that much harder to go back. Lots of people have told you this, and I suspect you know it's true, but as you say, you just don't want to, because, as you say, "maybe I can one day use it in moderation again. Maybe." I don't believe that, but I can't argue with it.
    GoneIncognito likes this.
  17. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    Delete it. No brainer.
  18. bill5437

    bill5437 Fapstronaut

    Yeah. I know you're right. I will. I’m just not there yet. Thank you.
  19. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Let's start making bets on how long before bill starts crying for help in the relapse section. LOL.
  20. rorh18

    rorh18 Fapstronaut

    Honestly, I used to have a collection and after every PMO, I would think that I need to stop this. I thought after I've been through every video, I'll be done with porn. I never managed to finish that collection. I'm happy to say I deleted it 2-3 weeks ago and haven't PMO'd since. You should get rid of the temptation being as it's so easily accessible.
    wake_up and Jay Oko like this.