
Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Jun 7, 2016.

  1. I just calculated from the day I know I quit PMO for good (shut off my counter after 365), and see that it has been 437 days. Anyway, I have an interesting experience to share.

    Lately every time I meditate, I experience intense feelings of sudden openness centering in the pelvic area, penis, and balls, but emanating from there down through my thighs and up to my heart and back inward. I often get the sensation of an out of body experience where I am just energy shooting at this entire region, basically the middle 2/3 of my body height-wise.

    It's fucking awesome, usually accompanied part time by a raging boner, and I feel like I'm stoned for awhile afterwards. There are no fantasies, visual or otherwise associated with this, it's purely metaphysical. I find also that afterwards I have this unusual allure, I turn heads and stuff like that.

    Moral of the story: quit masturbating, start meditating! If anyone wants, I'll post another thread somewhere sharing my particular meditation technique, as I made it up.
  2. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Please do! Meditation is awesome because the changes and transformations from within is very powerful and inspiring. Even just 10 to 15 minutes a day does wonders.

    Thank you for sharing this!
    gokul249, bauer and Awakening123 like this.
  3. CountryDude

    CountryDude Fapstronaut

    I would be in interested in n hearing about this technique.
  4. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    Please share! I'm looking for ways to speed up my recovery, too. Do you have any sex related benefits from your meditation?
  5. LookinUp

    LookinUp Fapstronaut

    I agree that meditation is useful for many things. I plan on using it to overcome addiction. Below is a meditation video for beginners from a secular, scientific point of view. Research has proven it has many benefits!

    youngweef and mountain-boy like this.
  6. Awakening123

    Awakening123 Fapstronaut

    I like the counting breaths meditation. I count from 100 to 1. Whenever I lose the count, I got lost in thoughts, then I simply start over. It's all about consistency and tons of patience.
    Exonyte likes this.
  7. acr007

    acr007 Fapstronaut

    i have found meditation to be soothing and it helps clear my mind, i need to stay consistent with it including prayer, this is going to be a pro-active summer!
  8. Ahddub

    Ahddub Guest

    I got the calm app on my phone and paid a years subscription. Even if you dont pay you get alot of there features anyway I would highly recommend using it
  9. Hey guys, I dropped off the NoFap map there for awhile, sorry for the delay. I'm going to share three techniques I use, the first two I do in succession and daily. Sometimes I do the third one at night on weekend evenings to set myself up for the next week.

    Technique 1: Energy Transforming

    This technique is based on the chakra system, and its purpose is to take the different forms of energy we have in these different areas of the body and re-align them from pursuing unhealthy/misguided goals to healthy goals. IMPORTANT: the goal of these is to think them rather than verbalize them, so only say them or move your mouth if you absolutely have to in order to start the ideas. Ultimately you should try not to, instead just keep it all in, make it yours.

    1. Focus on the very bottom of the spine, the "root chakra", also at times on your balls if you feel energy there. Think the following thought repeatedly: Attraction above Pursuit. The idea is that you're cultivating an energy that attracts others and vibrates within you whenever you want it to, rather than flinging your energy out desperately at whatever you think you want and then getting upset at the results of something you can't control.

    2. Focus on the pelvic area from where the penis is up to below your belly button, the "sacral chakra". Think the following thought repeatedly: Relaxation above Arousal. The idea with this one is to change your mindset when something attracts you socially on any level, from curiosity to sexual arousal. Instead of expecting arousal, worrying if it doesn't go how you want it to (PIED for example), getting nervous (a form of arousal), you will train yourself to relax when stimulated.

    3. Focus on the area from the lower stomach to the solar plexus (right between the biggest ribs and below your chest), the "solar plexus chakra". Think the following thought repeatedly: Freedom above Confidence. Especially after struggling with something like PMO that affects our social lives, our outward vibe, what we give and get from the world of other people... we can often find ourselves lacking confidence and think we need to inflate our ego and throw it around a bunch. This can lead to a lot of unhealthy ideas, competitive/aggressive behavior, not very socially helpful concepts and easy ones to lead back to insecurity. Really we all want to connect, right? We have the freedom to connect. So freedom above confidence.

    4. Focus on the heart/chest. Think the following thought repeatedly: Love above Fear. When we're trying to engage with others on any level (we particularly talk about the most intimate levels here), and it doesn't go well a few times, we learn fears. Then we realize the problem and start to get determined to "overcome our fears". This step helps re-align thoughts to what we really want, love. When a situation arises, send it love rather than trying to fight the fear. Fighting something that the situation shouldn't inherently cause, something that's in our own head, just disengages us from the situation and causes us to not do our best at it, which gives us logical reason to come up with more fears. Nah, let's not do that. Love above fear.

    5. Focus on the throat. Think the following thought repeatedly: Empathy above Identity. This one is about communication. So far we've been dealing with inner dialogue kind of stuff. When we engage with others, especially if we have past insecurities, which we all do... we're often actually too focused on ourselves even though the person is right there and we think we're talking to them. How much more are you talking to yourself about your insecurities and how to best present the identity you hope to show off? So this mantra re-centers the goal. Instead of communicating to express who you are and convince a person of your worth, focus on them and what they want out of the interaction. If you do that to them and they do it to you, you'll both have a great time.

    6. Focus on the "third eye". Think the following thought repeatedly: Presence above Prediction. When interacting with the rest of the world, we often are threat vigilant, guessing what might happen in the near future if we do this or that. Our guesses are based on memorable experiences from the past, probably when things didn't go perfectly because we don't want that to happen again. So we are not in the moment, and by not being in the moment we are making the moment less likely to go as well as it could. Rumination can be helpful in private, but when you're there in a moment, be there. This is not my original idea, who cares though. The mantra was one I came up with, presence above prediction. Be present for best results, rather than intellectualizing and predicting what might happen as though you're trying to fight someone and you need to know which bad thing to block next.

    7. (Technique 2 if you stick with it for a long time) Focus first on the top of the head, and over time on the whole boundary of your body and what's outside it. Let your consciousness expand outside the limitation of your physical body. Think the following thought repeatedly: Integration above all. When you start to feel all the interesting feelings, meditate on the fact that you are a beginning to everything else, and an end of everything else. Everything is connected and your energy gives to your surroundings and you take energy from your surroundings. Let go of everything and just effortlessly give and receive like the ebb and flow of a tide. You'll get what you need if you stop striving for it self-consciously.

    Technique 2: Integration / Release of Ego

    Start with step 7 above if you're already feeling aligned within yourself, or after you go through the whole sequence and get to that point. Let go of the energy you're holding onto and stop reacting to, blocking, and judging the energy that you feel trying to come in. Just open yourself and allow everything to flow, repeating: I am a part of everything else. Everything else is a part of me.

    Technique 3: Goal Visualization

    This is another one that has come from various flavors of the same idea that I have read about, with some of my own insights added.

    Keep in mind the following familiar ideas before beginning the technique:

    1. The five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch.
    2. Thought ==> Feeling ==> Action (circle)
    3. Third person perspective: you are observing yourself.

    Do the following:

    1. Imagine something you want: whatever you want... career, social status, financial status, romantic relationship, sexual prowess, skill of some sort, appearance, whatever... think deeply about it.

    2. Imagine that it is the case, imagine that you are already there.

    3. Engage further and further into the idea with each of the five senses. Naturally you will have started out with one of them, sight is most common I think.

    4. Imagine the others involved, go through their sensory experiences simultaneously with your own. Imagine how you are perceived, how your interactions go as this new person that you are, what others think/say about you.

    NOTE: Favor ideas and examples over lengthy concrete visualizations. For example, imagine yourself having a loving relationship where you have satisfying sex regularly, rather than fantasizing about one sexual encounter start to finish (we don't want to fantasize).


    Whoa, this is a long post. But yeah, those are three techniques that have made me lose all interest in PMO and have spearheaded my personal development. Nowadays I am getting lots of work doing what I want to do, I'm more confident than ever, able to make extended eye contact... and I've recently started dating someone only to discover that two other women are pissed off that it might mean they don't get their chance with me. Wow. Not what I would have thought 400 and some days ago when I was finishing up my most recent wank. This is a testament to one other thing though, it's not all about quitting PMO. It's about reconfiguring your mind so that you're ready to give and receive awesomeness.
  10. Exonyte

    Exonyte Fapstronaut

    Simply amazing. Thank you for that detailed post brother. I've been meditating on and off for a year or so now, but it will now be 10x more effective with the knowledge you've provided here.

    Golden post.
  11. grffn

    grffn Fapstronaut

    Meditation has been one of the most useful tools for me as well.
  12. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much. I can imagine this is one powerful technique. I will try it out.
  13. Has anyone tried it yet? I'm curious about other people's results. I figure some techniques are very personal and specific and others are helpful to a wider population.
  14. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    I have done it a few times.
    The first time was like a trip: the feelings in my stomach were very intense. One time I achieved an erection during the first and second step.
    I feel very refreshed and I also reflect on the trasformation steps. For example: attraction above pursuit. When I think back I often tried to get something aggressively even when the odds weren't on my side. This step helped me realize there is giving and recieving, I cannot make someone or something give or recieve. Often I should have stayed back and face situations with less ego and accept a loss when the signs started appearing.
    More observations to come when I have done it more often!
  15. Gelandewagen

    Gelandewagen Fapstronaut

    I have been practicing meditation every day for 2 months now (along with nofap 2 months already), 30 minutes first thing in the morning. It is amazing how it starts working from day one. It gives you a subtle feeling of contentment and clarity that slowly settles in your deep unconscious.
    I think the essential 3 key elements to change your behavior re masturbation, porn and life in general would be:
    -Exercise at least 1 hr every single day.
    -Meditation at least 30 mins every single day.
    -NoFap ever again.
  16. Geladenwagen, I still need to discipline myself about the exercise part.

    Overclocked, did your revelations happen after you meditated with my technique? That happens to me fairly often, one stage of it will be particularly strong and moving and then afterwards I'll have a lot of new ideas that are relevant to whatever that part was. One time after "relaxation above arousal" I noticed that until then I didn't even remember what it felt liked for my body to be relaxed from the lower stomach down. Lately after "empathy above identity" I feel like I'm about to ejaculate, yet I don't.
  17. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    It's hard to describe. It's like I removed blockages and in certain situations I remember the mantras (sometimes the words but sometimes just the idea) and it influences my decisions and reactions in a positive way.
    Sometimes during meditation I have the feeling that I should better move to the next point.
    I have the best bodily reactions to 1 and 2 (erections happen in 1 and are held throughout 2 , onward the feelings are not as strong but has to do with practice. I see a lot of potential in your methods. Later I will meditate again.
    I have an ecstatic feeling in the points I focus on. Sometimes erections but yet no orgasmic or ejaculation like feelings.
  18. HornyChang

    HornyChang Fapstronaut

    How long do you meditate a day? And is there any interesting stories when you made people turn their heads?
  19. DonSphinx

    DonSphinx Fapstronaut

    Meditation is amazing for anxiety or depression
  20. BlackKnight

    BlackKnight Fapstronaut

    I meditated for 10 mins yesterday and it felt good