Celibacy Is The Only Way

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by (Basil), Oct 20, 2022.

  1. (Basil)

    (Basil) Fapstronaut

    Do I want to experience love? Absolutely.

    Do I want to share my life with an amazing woman? Absolutely.

    Do I want to have a beautiful woman in my arms every night? Absolutely.

    But I truly don’t think it’s feasible for me.


    Because orgasm and ejaculation make my life a living hell. I feel 100 times better, more confident and way happier when I’m retaining. Why would I get into a relationship and be forced to ejaculate and feel like trash? Celibacy is the only way for me. Orgasms destroy me mentally and physically, and I can’t live my life ejaculating around 3-5 times a week (about average in relationships).

    People will always say, “You can practice Karezza,” or “Just practice SR during sex.”

    It’s not that simple. First, the majority of women out there would feel extremely disappointed and rejected if you don’t have an orgasm. Ask any woman on this forum. Practicing semen retention in a relationship is just not feasible. The girl will not be happy that you’re practicing SR and will be miserable in the relationship. Second, good luck. The average time men take to finish during sex is 2 minutes. The majority of men have an extremely difficult time trying to control their ejaculations. It’s much easier said than done.

    Celibacy is the only way for me to experience true happiness, energy, motivation, success and confidence. Ejaculation and orgasms are the enemies to our well being.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2022
  2. stoikimojic

    stoikimojic Fapstronaut

    you are absolutely right
    Calm Warrior and (Basil) like this.
  3. stoikimojic

    stoikimojic Fapstronaut

    I don't even believe in love between a man and a woman anymore, a man is capable of sincerely loving a woman but unfortunately, it's not the same the other way around, I can't imagine my life being with a woman feeling drained all the time, a woman will suck to the last drop of energy from you, they don't lose their energy as fast as we do and they are sexually demanding in order to reach an orgasm.
    and you will feel like it's your duty to satisfy her by being the man, which will lead you to make more efforts to attain more orgasms which will leave you more drained and in a state of anxiety and low vibe mood which she will blame you for because she will get the feeling that you don't care about her ( you don't love her as much ) even if it is not the case...
    becomingreat and (Basil) like this.
  4. (Basil)

    (Basil) Fapstronaut

    To me it’s pretty simple. The positives of semen retention far outweigh the positives of getting into a relationship. The cons of semen retention are less severe than the cons of modern relationships.

    So why would I take the worse deal?
    SV47, Ajar, Adnilgo and 3 others like this.
  5. (Basil)

    (Basil) Fapstronaut

  6. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    A real woman would not be disappointed if you didn’t ejaculate. Find yourself a real woman.
  7. (Basil)

    (Basil) Fapstronaut

    I don’t think there’s anything wrong for a women to want her husband to cum. In fact, I think highly of women who want to see their husbands cumming. Because that means they want their man to experience pleasure.

    How would you feel if your woman told you she never wants to orgasm with you in bed? I would be pissed as well. I want to see my woman screaming, shaking with pleasure, eyes rolling back, and going nuts in bed. Thats hot.

    So I don’t blame women for this, I don’t blame anyone. It’s just that relationships require men and women to orgasm for their partners sake.

    The real problem is that relationships will make us suffer because cumming causes us nothing but suffering.
    Cactus61 likes this.
  8. The Pennsylvanian

    The Pennsylvanian Fapstronaut

    I too suffer from an ejaculation no matter how it came about. You can be in a relationship that works well with Karezza. I am, my wife is 100 percent on board with it. She was not very enthusiastic at first but now understands and encourages it. Yes there will be the occasional slip. I had a slip a couple days ago. But that is not the norm, and I am still learning. You don’t have to last a mere two minutes, I can’t remember ever lasting only two minutes even when first married… (you take a break and calm down..) LOL. You can last as long as you want. I have read a book on Karezza as well as still listening to podcasts with episodes on the topic. It’s something which involves learning and focused discipline. Still a student but the results are enormous. I gain so much from that close physical relationship without the dreaded letdown of an orgasm.

    On a sidenote, I try to use accidental or purposeful releases as data to compose my strategy to eliminate them and not get emotional about it. You’ve got to be in the driver seat on this one. Another thing is that at least for me there is a difference in recovery in an orgasm from sex vs one from MO. I know there was a study done showing huge chemical release differences between the two.
    Redemptionisrequired and (Basil) like this.
  9. (Basil)

    (Basil) Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing man, but I can promise you your wife would be much happier if she saw you ejaculate. Even though she’s in board with karezza, she will be much more satisfied if you didn’t practice it. I’m going to guess she’s going to get fed up sometime down the line and maybe resent you a little for not giving her what she wants and loves (your semen).

    Do you recover faster after a sex orgasm vs masturbation orgasm? Do you see a difference in how you feel?
  10. The Pennsylvanian

    The Pennsylvanian Fapstronaut

    Hahaha I don’t know that she wants my semen…it’s true that she likes when I feel the pleasure of an orgasm and vice versa but it’s just such a small part of the experience and it’s not as though we never allow it…as far as semen goes I don’t really think it does anything for the woman, what they want is to be touched and loved in such a way as makes them happy.
    I do recover maybe twice as fast from a marriage release: my guess is that it’s because that is a very natural thing and there’s lots of satisfactory snuggling and loving along with it which leads to a feeling of fulfillment.
  11. (Basil)

    (Basil) Fapstronaut

    That makes a lot of sense. I heard the reason for this is because being with someone releases oxytocin which makes us feel good.
  12. Legacy of Lost Soul

    Legacy of Lost Soul Fapstronaut

    In my experience, women bring mysery in my life, when Im on a long streak. There was 1 exception, a girl who understood my retention and supported it. But she was insane anyway, just more drama in my life.

    I believe, if men were not horny, they would not find any reason, to even talk to a female.

    Yes, life is better in retention.

    But good luck with that after one year. The urge to have sex, is strong. It starts to occupy my brain. Its possible to prevent that, but thats about 100% focus and zero errors for years.

    I have not found any solution to that.

    Problem is, in relationship, there is the most learning about ourselves... and that is needed.

    So the way for me is, to just follow the path and believe in the process. Whatever happens, is good. There will be retention, there will be a female ruining it maybe, there will ve learning from that. There might be masturbation. Man.. I do this since 2017. Goals transform. Reasons I started with it are not valid anymore. Its a process. Only person who really knows what is good for you, is you.
  13. (Basil)

    (Basil) Fapstronaut

    I agree my man. I think life with semen retention is much better than life with a woman. I know science says ejaculation negatively affects you for only two weeks but that has not been the case for me at all. When I ejaculate I feel MISERABLE for close to a month before I start feeling A LITTLE BIT better. Sometimes it takes around 60 days to feel amazing. Imagine being forced to ejaculate on a weekly basis sometimes everyday for years. I’d become suicidal!!!
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2022
  14. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    It’s possible to enjoy sex without ejaculating, without orgasms, without lusting.
  15. Legacy of Lost Soul

    Legacy of Lost Soul Fapstronaut

    I think this is only temporary. I think Im doing better now, after 5 years. Its not normal to feel suicidal after orgasm, I was there as well, I know exactly what u mean. Ive made some revelations recently, but Im not sharing it here, ppl are way too closeminded
    becomingreat and (Basil) like this.
  16. Legacy of Lost Soul

    Legacy of Lost Soul Fapstronaut

    Its also possible to live on prana, not eating anything. Its possible to levitate. Its possible to become invisible. It is. So what? Did you acomplish any of that? No. So why do you even speak about it, like its a viable option.

    I was in a non ejaculation relationship for one year. It solves nothing. And its 100% NOT without lusting. How long is your experience. Tell us all about it.

    Also, how does this differe from edging really. You have sex, and u end before u finish.
    Adnilgo, Conqueror_J47 and (Basil) like this.
  17. mv8652

    mv8652 Fapstronaut

    Humans are more adaptable than most folks would ever think. It even possible to enjoy life without any sex, ejaculation, or orgasm whatsoever. I do, and I love it. It wasn't always so. I used to be totally addicted to masturbation and orgasm.
  18. mv8652

    mv8652 Fapstronaut

    As for enjoying sex without orgasm or ejaculation, there are whole Eastern sexual philosophies built around the elimination of orgasm and/or ejaculation from marital sex except for procreation, and they've existed for millennia. Such philosophies see it as peculiar Western notions that climax is essential, necessary for enjoyment, or even desirable most of the time. Yes, there's a learning curve, but after that, it's fine.
  19. Legacy of Lost Soul

    Legacy of Lost Soul Fapstronaut

    Good. How long is your experience with non ejaculation sex - in one streak. And why it ended?
  20. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    I have experienced making love without lusting. Whether you believe that or not is your opinion. This experience happened several times a long time ago. Gradually ( due to ignorance) lust made its way into the situation and soured it. I am working on resolving this issue. Will it solve everything? Of course not. That is why I also meditate, work on mindfulness, negative emotion transmutation etc. every day. We can only truly find out who we are by being in relationship with others, especially in a long term relationship with a woman. It tests us to the limit. Every single person in NoFap is struggling with lust, pride, resentment etc. The question is why? And how to go about resolving this? As I’m sure you are finding out it takes a lot of work, maybe a lifetime.