Tips that helped me to start my reboot

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by fercho29, Sep 7, 2015.

  1. AsharKiller

    AsharKiller Fapstronaut

    thanks it helps
    fercho29 likes this.
  2. fercho29

    fercho29 Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Good to know @Superman64 , let me know if you need anything else
    AsharKiller likes this.
  3. AsharKiller

    AsharKiller Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your support Mr fercho.I know you have posted some amazing tips.But I want to discuss a serious problem.There are days which are easy to pass.But there are days once in week or 2 or once in month which are extremely difficult to pass.The urge starts in the morning and it continuously attacks me till evening or night with a gap of 1 or 2 hours.And the urge is nearly uncontrollable as it starts in the morning so my brain is refreshed and a sort of reprogrammed which I guess.And it tells me to do it.You will lose.If you succeed today tomorrow is failure.It makes me unable to do anything makes me nearly impossible to escape it.The precautions which I would take prove too hard and useless.For eg. I listen music to change my mind ok my mind changes but again when I have stopped listening music and headed back to study the urge again hunts me.Its sometimes painful.And taking bath during the encounter day is impossible.So if you say cold showers could help.

    1.I will try your cold showers method and will let you know if it helps.Or maybe not taking bath is more good.Pls suggest me some tips.You are beast dude.You have earned one more fan.
    fercho29 likes this.
  4. fercho29

    fercho29 Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Hi @Superman64
    Have you tried to understand what is going on in your life or how are you feeling when you start feeling those strong urges?
    In my case, I have urges when I feel stressed for some reason ( job, family, etc). F you can understand why, you will be able to work on yhis and the urges may disappear.
    Also, I strongly recommend you to subscribe to NoFap Academy, they will give you the tools to cope with those urges in a very organized manner, how to respond to the urges and use the energy for full filling disciplines instead of fapping and feeling bad later.
    They have videos and once a week two video conferences where you can ask Mark and @alexander ( the creator of this site) everything you need.
    You need to start thinking with your brain instead of you penis, man.
    My favorite sentence, the one that saved me so many times says:" if you want to know if something is good or bad for you, ask yourself two questions before doing it: where this will lead you? And how it will leave you?" . Ask yourself this every time you have an urge, and you will realize that PMO is destructive and not worth it
    Keep on fighting
  5. John Msun

    John Msun Fapstronaut

    Thanks Mr Fercho for writing in my thread and I find the tips helpful and I'm glad to be here
    fercho29 likes this.
  6. jobbyj

    jobbyj Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Great tips
  7. YorkGO

    YorkGO Fapstronaut

    thank you for your help, you have done a great job!
  8. Amazing tips for all of us out here !! Thank you @fercho29 !! You're awesome!! Stay strong & keep inspiring !! ✌
    fercho29 likes this.
  9. honicthesedgehog

    honicthesedgehog New Fapstronaut

    25 years old, just finishing Undergrad this semester. Still living at home, only a few grand in the bank. have an amazing girlfriend, but she is much more on top of her shit than I am. I'm not a total failure or anything, im a waiter, make decent money, only started to save recently as before i had no self control and would spend it on food, clothes, ALCOHOL, and drugs, cigarettes too. often times i feel like a loser, like i could have been done school by now, and done well. university was a rough go, i failed two years in a row when i was 17, 18, right after highschool, was put on probation, came back when i was 21. this will be my fifth year, and i have dropped many classes along the way and handed in majority of my assignments late, still got decent grades, considering everything was always last minute and late. i've been told im a smart guy by many, not just friends and family. i used to be in pretty great shape, worked out 5 days a week. now im pretty overweight and just feel like a huge loser, even though im graduating in a few weeks and will be looking for a full time job to save up for a house in a couple years.
    ever since grade 9 i would watch porn first thing when i got home from school, i would even jack off when at friends houses (in the bathroom), especially when i would smoke weed. having a foot fetish, i feel like the horniness is a little more intense than your average guy. just my opinion. i never thought about how bad porn could be for someone mentally and physically until i started losing my hair at 21, and looked up causes for it. my family mainly has good, thick, full heads of hair, and i had a giant thick jew-fro. my hair is still pretty good, the hairline is a little high at the corners and the top is thinning a bit, but it still looks full. some of my friends who have noticable hairloss comment on my hair with jealousy sometimes, so i know its not in my head. but its still thinning. anyways, as i was saying, i stumbled onto nofap when i was researching about hairloss at a young age, i realize of course that some people just lose their hair, usually beginning at 21. but when i read about porn and what it can do to your body, i was like holy shit that could be it.
    then i remembered a few months before this discovery, i wrote a paper about the problems of pornography for university. i distinctly remember feeling amazing for some reason soon after that assignment, i wouldnt need as much sleep, i had more energy, and all around i felt more positive. it wasnt until discovering nofap that it dawned on me that during that period after my assignemnt, about 2-3 weeks, i mustve been subconciously turned off by porn because of all the negative research i was finding.
    anyways, since then, ive had maybe 5 streaks lasting from 5 days to 10 days. pathetic i know, but i still remember feeling more balanced and less anxious (anxiety is something ive dealt with for a long time, had to see therapists for years). but the craving would come and i would always relapse, i know im weak.
    anyways after reading all the forums here i thought i would add my story to anyone who might be in the same boat, and i feel like actually taking part in the community would help me. i feel like a big part of why im not reaching my full potential is my porn problem. i feel like it really fucks with your brain and motivation, and if i make it like 3 months on nofap, ill look back on my habit and be like wtf were you thinking?
    also if anyone would like to discuss hairloss and nofap with me i welcome it, i found on my streaks, although short, by the 5th or 6th day my hair fall would lessen. of course it was too soon to get "thicker hair", but i would be amazed at how soon my shedding would decrease.
    Sante364 and claymen like this.